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pre order in december


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U promise at list 5 days of pre oder now u said only about 1 or max 2 days...

it's not fair...seems to me when i enter game in 19 or 18 there will be a lot of 50 lvls... we all pay u same mone, why they playing and lvling and we should sit here? Bad launch idea rly...

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You do know that early acces is just that ? It is a bonus for preordering as early as possible, and thus you are getting in later than those preordered this summer..

Not really unfair considering they garantee that you get access to the game before the LAUNCH date..


Have a nive day :)

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The specific language from the advertisements is:


"Up to 5 days"


The announcement says:


"depending on when you redeem your Pre-Order Code, you will gain Early Game Access up to five days before the official game launch date."


The key words being "up to". Meaning anywhere from 0 to 5 days early access.

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U promise at list 5 days of pre oder now u said only about 1 or max 2 days...

it's not fair...seems to me when i enter game in 19 or 18 there will be a lot of 50 lvls... we all pay u same mone, why they playing and lvling and we should sit here? Bad launch idea rly...


If you had read it properly, it said "UP to 5 days early access". The only people who who will get the full amount of days of early access are those people that bought the pre-order and redeemed their pre-order code right away. The official launch date is Dec. 20.

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Huh--when did they promise "at least" 5 days? I have seen nothing at any point indicating anything other than "up to" 5 days. It was really quite clear.


Given your preference that everyone be allowed to punch in at the exact same moment, I think, the logical assertion would be that they should have skipped the whole "early access" thing altogether--everybody gets in on the 20th. You and I (I preordered on November 30) don't get our one or two days; the people who preordered in July don't get their seven days. In fact, one might say the onus was on us not to preorder at all, since by preordering we took part in this clearly game-ruining arrangement that gives us such a terrible advantage over the people who have to start a few days after we do! God, what terrible people we are!


Seriously: I realize that you're frustrated, and I'm sorry to be sarcastic. It's just . . . people, myself included, get incredibly worked up about truly trivial issues in MMOs. A lot of the time, we act like angry teenagers arguing with our parents about how some minor inconvenience is a life-destroying tyrranical assault on human dignity. Which is really a shame, because I'd like to think that we're all basically capable of being chill about this fun thing we're meant to be doing together.

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U promise at list 5 days of pre oder now u said only about 1 or max 2 days...

it's not fair...seems to me when i enter game in 19 or 18 there will be a lot of 50 lvls... we all pay u same mone, why they playing and lvling and we should sit here? Bad launch idea rly...


UP TO 5 days not AT LEAST


Also, 7 days wont make much difference, i doubt anyone can hit 50 in a week, and if they can well then you wouldnt have beaten them to it anyway so theres no change really

Edited by Mattalix
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…And you’ll be level 50 1 to 5 days later then them, depending on when you get in.


So what’s your gripe?


You're going to play the game for a lot longer then 5 days I assume, so what difference does it make if they get there a few days ahead of you?

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Why are people to stubborn at times.. We are lucky to even get early Access to the game.. This is a gift to us from BW/EA.. Heck they could have said no EGA at all and all of us could have joined on he 20th... So Stop complaining and be happy that you could get 7 or less days to play before anybody else... Think about this way.. While they are in there it will be less people in the starting area to deal with which means more kills for quest completion.. DEAL WITH IT.. I Might not get EGA at all.. I even pre-ordered July 28th and re-deemed it the same day.. I don't care at all.. I be happy to play it when the game is released...
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1/5 from game price


If you paid anything more than $5/$20(ce) you were gipped...and that money is 100 percent refundable



From the origin faq http://www.swtor.com/info/faq/game#q399961

At the time of pre-order purchase:

$5/€5/£5 (for Standard Edition or Digital Deluxe Edition) or $20/€20/£15 (for Collector’s Edition) at the time of pre-order, for which you will receive the Pre-Order Code that entitles you to the pre-order offers, including Early Game Access and an exclusive pre-order in-game Color Stone.


At the time the full purchase of your official Game is fulfilled:

The price for the edition of Star Wars: The Old Republic you had pre-ordered, minus the $5/€5/£5 or $20/€20/£15 already charged at the time of pre-order.

Remember that in order to play Star Wars: The Old Republic you will require a recurring subscription or the redemption of a Pre-Paid Game Time Code. Recurring subscriptions will be available for purchase at http://www.StarWarsTheOldRepublic.com. Pre-paid Game Time Codes can also be purchased at some retailers or through Origin.com.

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1/5 from game price


You did not pay that for the game itself, not even for early access. You paid that to some retailer to "reserve" a game copy for you on release.


For example, i#ve paid bsolutely nothing (0.00) for my preorder, yet got the preorder code.


To prove this, you can cancel your preorder (even though you've used the preorder code), you'll get whatever money you paid for reservation back.


And, although you have cancelled and got your money back, you can still play in early access.


So it costs nothing.

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