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Good thing they staggered it.......


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Well hopefully the 65 year old panzy who is running this show get's his ball's together.


Serious, if they stagger so much that december pre oders aren't getting in till the 19th someone is smoking crack at EA/BW.


Everyone, I mean everone should be in by tomorrow night. If I see another it's "2pm guys, we're going home for the night" I'm going to cancel. Truth is this game is mediocre at best. We all know it.


I have a Steam account with 180 games many of which I've never touched till GW2 comes out.

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It's not about when you preordered or how many days of access you'll get that upsets me. It's as I just pointed out:



I'm watching a live stream right now from some people playing. It's about midnight my time (PST).


There's 17 people on the planet of Balmorra. There aren't different shards of multiple Balmorras. Just 17 people total on the planet. 17............. :jawa_confused:


I mean really?? You couldn't fit more people on the server??

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I have to say the "All done for the day!" is really *********** irritating.


I can't even fathom being the leader of this company and telling my teams to go home. They would work all night long period and they would get some time off after launch.


Isn't this the way most mmo's are launched? You have your teams involved with the launch process work all night insuring a successful launch? Why wouldn't you at least have people working till 11 pm?


The servers haven't even been closed to stressed. They could have at least sent out 3 more waves till 9 or 10 pm.


Anyways hopefully they get some balls for tomorrow and get the player base in game by tomorrow night.


I hate to say this cause he/she complimented the evil known as GW2 as a alternative (its really not) but the bolded redded part is right!


Ive never worked a MMORP launch but Ive worked multiple grand openings in the cust service buss and you are not working 8-10-12 hours shifts, your not on call either.




Cause about 3 days prior to the opening and the opening itself YOU LIVE THERE.


And thats for a few thousand customers hopefully over a 6-10 hour period!


This is millions of customers over a 24 hour period basically!


What you do right carries forward through word of mouth

What you do wrong also carries forward through word of mouth


and you give the preception your going home at 3:30 pm est on launch day?


Yeah I really dont get that mind set either.

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Analogy fail. You buy a lawnmower but it's not fully intact and all the parts should ship by the 20th. If you order early enough the parts should get there sooner the earlier you order. You can't complain that the guy who orders the parts earlier than you gets them earlier than you (or I guess you can complain , hence the main topic of debate for the forums).



But this is not a lawnmower, but a MMO game that is supposed to be able to handle all the people anyway. To avoid quest camps at low levels with so many people in? Well Aion handled this by adding higher respawn rates, as well as lower the popcap on servers (queues would start with fewer people logged in than it would normaly). And i do not recall EU server crashes.


And let me tell you, i was MUCH more happy with my early access/pre-order in there, while sitting in the queue and knowing i will be able to login after X hours when i'm past the queue.


Now i'm sitting here, being punished i didn't know there was pre-order available untill last week, with no warnings of staggering EGA (no! Origin store just says in their banner that "pre order now and get early access" that's all it does, for my language). And not even knowing will i get 5 hours or 5 days or what of my so called EGA, which in my case will become late access, because of my late pre-order...


Most likely my last game purchase with EA stamp on it, and if i decide to stick with SWTOR after 20th, will very likely leave the instant GW2 gets out... this is just plain stupid way of handling launch, and does not treat everyone as a equal (and i'm fedd up with that, as EU player, it's usually the EU players that get treated as second-end customers, with many MMOs)

Edited by Viikuna
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It really IS a good thing they staggered it. I'm very glad.


I'm glad they did it and that they warned us 5 months in advance how to get in the first day.


What about those that didn't even remember for the past 2 years that the whole game is existing, and only noticed the add in origin store at december? And there are no warnings in origin store for my language when it comes to EGA and staggering, the add is just saying "buy now and play early" ...

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But this is not a lawnmower, but a MMO game that is supposed to be able to handle all the people anyway. To avoid quest camps at low levels with so many people in? Well Aion handled this by adding higher respawn rates, as well as lower the popcap on servers (queues would start with fewer people logged in than it would normaly). And i do not recall EU server crashes.


And let me tell you, i was MUCH more happy frustrated with my early access/pre-order in there, while sitting in the queue and knowing i will be able to login after X hours when i'm past the queue.


Now i'm sitting here, being punished i didn't know there was pre-order available untill last week, with no warnings of staggering EGA (no! Origin store just says in their banner that "pre order now and get early access" that's all it does, for my language). And not even knowing will i get 5 hours or 5 days or what of my so called EGA, which in my case will become late access, because of my late pre-order...


Most likely my last game purchase with EA stamp on it, and if i decide to stick with SWTOR after 20th, will very likely leave the instant GW2 gets out... this is just plain stupid way of handling launch, and does not treat everyone as a equal (and i'm fedd up with that, as EU player, it's usually the EU players that get treated as second-end customers, with many MMOs)


Supposed to handle and can handle are two different things. Again 1.5 million pre orders is a lot to handle at once.


BW/EA gave almost 5 months warning of staggering access. Your own fault there. Read the FAQs


GW2 is launching as F2P, barely any content has been released so far, and they are already targeting a niche market like GW1. You can leave for it if you want but don't put them on a pedestal saying they will treat you better. You will be disappointed.

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Supposed to handle and can handle are two different things. Again 1.5 million pre orders is a lot to handle at once.


BW/EA gave almost 5 months warning of staggering access. Your own fault there. Read the FAQs


GW2 is launching as F2P, barely any content has been released so far, and they are already targeting a niche market like GW1. You can leave for it if you want but don't put them on a pedestal saying they will treat you better. You will be disappointed.



Now i'm sitting here, being punished i didn't know there was pre-order available untill last week, with no warnings of staggering EGA (no! Origin store just says in their banner that "pre order now and get early access" that's all it does, for my language). And not even knowing will i get 5 hours or 5 days or what of my so called EGA, which in my case will become late access, because of my late pre-order...



And I was buying from their "official" store, Origin. They cannot expect me to go read FAQs on their games homepage (not my fault they are different), before i order from their store! It should note such a things on the game info there!


There was NO warnings of staggering EGA AT ALL, in my language, in Origin shop when i did my purchase. Between clicking their banner that says "buy now, get early access" (direct translate from my language) and the purchase button. I just double checked it.


Ps. I've had GW since factions release, and been playing on and off every now and then. And know how and what they offer for their customers.

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You guys know it's between midnight and 3 am right?


if i had Early access id be playing. anyone who is not is a poser and took my spot



then they stopped the waves at my date 7/28 because gamestop ran out of pre orders. Ive been sitting here since the last wave, hitting my refresh on my email and launcher.



I know i need a gf


U dont need to point that out


yes.... i have a job. but i took 7 days off

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if i had Early access id be playing. anyone who is not is a poser and took my spot



then they stopped the waves at my date 7/28 because gamestop ran out of pre orders. Ive been sitting here since the last wave, hitting my refresh on my email and launcher.



I know i need a gf


U dont need to point that out


yes.... i have a job. but i took 7 days off


28th of July? You'll be getting in on first wave tomorrow. Go get some sleep for six hours. Hopefully I'll be seeing you when I get in later that night :)


GF's are overrated ;) Just don't tell mine :p

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hope the idiots who called the shots for early access die in their sleep tonight


no cause they might postpone early access till they find another person to take over!



In all honesty, that would be bad. you should never wish death on anyone. except that guy who was banging my ex when i was at work

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BW/EA gave almost 5 months warning of staggering access. Your own fault there. Read the FAQs


Just wanted to point out that having to go dig into the FAQs to find information is kind of an underhanded move and shady. Historically speaking, Early Access has always meant you get to play x amount of days early... along with everyone else that pre-ordered. To add to that, not even the retailers selling the game know about the whole staggered bit. If you were to call Amazon customer service today, for instance, you would be told early access means you get access today cause that's when it started.


I'm not angry. I'm gonna wait in line for my access like a good peon, but I do understand some people's anger.

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Supposed to handle and can handle are two different things. Again 1.5 million pre orders is a lot to handle at once.


BW/EA gave almost 5 months warning of staggering access. Your own fault there. Read the FAQs


GW2 is launching as F2P, barely any content has been released so far, and they are already targeting a niche market like GW1. You can leave for it if you want but don't put them on a pedestal saying they will treat you better. You will be disappointed.


Barely any content release so far? Are you joking GW2 has had the most info released of any mmo ever in history of mmo's. There is far more info on GW2 currently than any other mmo has released at this stage of their development.


GW2 has shown tons of pvp content, shown tons of dynamic event content and released all their classes as of yesterday. Swtors didnt have half as much info 6 months before their launch as Arenanet has given over the last year.

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Just wanted to point out that having to go dig into the FAQs to find information is kind of an underhanded move and shady. Historically speaking, Early Access has always meant you get to play x amount of days early... along with everyone else that pre-ordered. To add to that, not even the retailers selling the game know about the whole staggered bit. If you were to call Amazon customer service today, for instance, you would be told early access means you get access today cause that's when it started.


I'm not angry. I'm gonna wait in line for my access like a good peon, but I do understand some people's anger.


for instance, if you look at preorder offer on this site, you know the official one, it says "up to"


maybe they dont know english

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Just wanted to point out that having to go dig into the FAQs to find information is kind of an underhanded move and shady. Historically speaking, Early Access has always meant you get to play x amount of days early... along with everyone else that pre-ordered. To add to that, not even the retailers selling the game know about the whole staggered bit. If you were to call Amazon customer service today, for instance, you would be told early access means you get access today cause that's when it started.


I'm not angry. I'm gonna wait in line for my access like a good peon, but I do understand some people's anger.


FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions. If you were looking for more information on pre orders why not start there... Ignorance isn't always bliss friend.


Amazon CS reps are... to put politely...full of morons.

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lol i knew when i preorderd a couple weeks ago that I was screwed and looking at a couple days, at best of early game time. However, I also knew that there were going to be a ton of people complaining becasue they didnt pay attention to the "up to 5 days" part or becasue they felt entitled to play when everyone else starts. I would have pre ordered earlier, but I never heard of this first come first serve thing before. On the brightside, I figure i have an outside chance of getting in friday becasue they moved it to 7 days.
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The fact that the servers are not full or full is irrelevant, they will be by the end of the week.


Bioware never said, we will invite people into early access until servers are full.


They said it was based on the date you redeem your code and you may get up to 5 days, 7 days now.


This server argument is irrelevant.

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