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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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XCore's whole thing is a stealth attempt to change the game design to the way he wants it to play, under a thin veil of altruism. His quest for absolutely instantaneous responsiveness to keypresses looks, for all the world, like nothing more than the monomania of a hyper-competitive player. Yes, responsiveness is important, but it's not important, in a game that's as much story-based as combat-based, for it to be of the type that he (and a few other hardcore players) wants: instant responsiveness to keypresses, overriding any sense that your character is a living being deriving from coherent animations.



No, the game is not as much story-based as combat-based, since every single story line involves more combat than story. Often hours of combat. If anything the lack of responsiveness breaks immersion its so jarring. Even if end game content is story driven, which is to say the story is why people play at end game, it isn't going to be made enjoyable through hours of cutscenes, but hours of combat. PvP is solely combat based, the story stops when you enter the warzone, and the unresponsive UI/ability/whatever makes the game so jerky to play that the problem is even more glaringly apparent. This isn't a small issue that only a 'vocal minority' is griping about, its a major one and it isn't even a bug, its a design flaw that needs to be dealt with for this game to have any staying power.

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No, it's not irrelevant. That's what you don't realize (that's the problem Cranberries has on all his threads). If you treat people nice, fair, and with respect, people will see how reasonable you act and will be more ready to support your cause.


You've already alienated a person who may have been convinced to support you, back you up on your posts (me) because I can see where you're coming from. You state things based in logic, and at the very least, even if you are wrong, your heart is somewhat in the right place. But by the way you treated me, now you've pretty much made it so I can only see you as a jerk, therefore making it so I really can't bring myself to support you.


Bottom line, it hurts your cause to treat people unfairly, just be civil and it will make the case you're trying to make a lot easier to get behind. The better you treat people, the more people will support you and the more likely it will be that this gets fixed. Surely you can see that it only benefits you to be civil and fair.


Apologies, after arguing with people telling me its my system, isp or 0.0 fixes it or the worst offenders "there is no problem"... I suppose I am not as calm as I used to be 4000+ replies ago.


Still, I am willing to do my best to see this through until fixed... if it means being loved or hated, I accept either.

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No, it's not irrelevant. That's what you don't realize (that's the problem Cranberries has on all his threads). If you treat people nice, fair, and with respect, people will see how reasonable you act and will be more ready to support your cause.


You've already alienated a person who may have been convinced to support you, back you up on your posts (me) because I can see where you're coming from. You state things based in logic, and at the very least, even if you are wrong, your heart is somewhat in the right place. But by the way you treated me, now you've pretty much made it so I can only see you as a jerk, therefore making it so I really can't bring myself to support you.


Bottom line, it hurts your cause to treat people unfairly, just be civil and it will make the case you're trying to make a lot easier to get behind. The better you treat people, the more people will support you and the more likely it will be that this gets fixed. Surely you can see that it only benefits you to be civil and fair.


Ok, morality-speech of the day.

Can we get back on topic please?

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And frankly, the only thing that breaks immersiveness for me more than the game straight-up breaking the fourth wall?


Control problems which disrupt the connection between me and my character. The more fluid the controls, the more immersed I am.


Works for me too...right up until the animations get horribly broken to give them false 'responsiveness'. Soon as I see my character twitching between animations like a hummingbird on speed, any sense of immersion is gone.


The game is so focused on actually being immersive that deliberately breaking it like that is a surer way to drive most of the playerbase off than anything you could do.


It seems that either the people complaining that it isn't responsive are going to leave, or the people that think it already is responsive and don't want the animations wrecked are going to leave.


Either way, a significant chunk of people leave (I still think the 'it's fine' people outnumber the 'it sucks!' people, however).


No matter how it turns out, it's going to be destructive.

Edited by Tiron_Raptor
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Apologies, after arguing with people telling me its my system, isp or 0.0 fixes it or the worst offenders "there is no problem"... I suppose I am not as calm as I used to be 4000+ replies ago.


Still, I am willing to do my best to see this through until fixed... if it means being loved or hated, I accept either.


It's perfectly understandable. I'm sure I'd be the same way if I'd dealt with as many idiots as you had. Best of luck with your goals though, I don't know if this will help but trying doesn't hurt I suppose.


To people out there who don't have this problem, or it doesn't affect you, no one cares. If you don't have this problem you don't care either way right? So let the many of us who do have this problem voice our opinions to hope that Bioware gets it fixed, there's no harm in them fixing a problem for some of us, as long as it doesn't hurt the rest more than it helps.

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Ive seen some videos and ive seen people that actually dont really have the delay. I do have it and hate it with a passion, still i think any experienced and competitive player should know that gameplay > animations. Even a single second is crucial in pvp. I hope Bioware is working on this like they said they were on the post that said that they will be working this month to fix some combat stuff. Although ive seen some people that dont have it, me and obviously many many more people do have it and should be fixed.
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It's perfectly understandable. I'm sure I'd be the same way if I'd dealt with as many idiots as you had. Best of luck with your goals though, I don't know if this will help but trying doesn't hurt I suppose.


To people out there who don't have this problem, or it doesn't affect you, no one cares. If you don't have this problem you don't care either way right? So let the many of us who do have this problem voice our opinions to hope that Bioware gets it fixed, there's no harm in them fixing a problem for some of us, as long as it doesn't hurt the rest more than it helps.


That's exactly the problem: a fair few of the 'fixes' being proposed WILL hurt other people. More than it helps, I can't say, because I obviously have no data to base it on.


If the animations get clipped because certain people won't be satisfied unless they are, *I* won't be satisfied, I can tell you that right now.

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Ok, morality-speech of the day.

Can we get back on topic please?


It is on topic, and it wasn't directed at you. Ignore it if you want to, but I was trying to help someone realize that being civil helps their case, which that person does realize, he's just been having to deal with too many idiots to think about it.

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XCore's whole thing is a stealth attempt to change the game design to the way he wants it to play, under a thin veil of altruism. His quest for absolutely instantaneous responsiveness to keypresses looks, for all the world, like nothing more than the monomania of a hyper-competitive player. Yes, responsiveness is important, but it's not important, in a game that's as much story-based as combat-based, for it to be of the type that he (and a few other hardcore players) wants: instant responsiveness to keypresses, overriding any sense that your character is a living being deriving from coherent animations.




Green: 100% Accurate.... my plan has been uncovered, I am afraid the wheels are set in motion however, and there is nothing you can do to stop it!



muahahahahahaah muahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahahahahha


SOON, there shall be nothing but hardcore players, everyone MUST Raid OR DIE! If you are unable to get the best gear, you will be camped and one shot, everywhere... at all times.


This game will be nothing but a domination of Hardcore MetaGamers over the RPer, the casual.... the over 30s crowd.... DUN DUN DAAAA



And since you have unveiled my true intentions, I will share with you my NEXT step!


ADDONS! and MACROS! to further confuse and dominate the "casual" the "RPer". Soon, you shall BOW beneath the dominion of Hardcore!







Sorry... have to end post here, mom is home and I didn't clean up my basement...


... hope she bought some pizza pockets an mountain dew, got a Dragon Soul raid tonight...

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Having the game respond immediately to the commands you give it is a win for everyone. It's a win for you.


Not if it means that this game is going to turn into another game like WoW with crappy, lightweight, constantly interrupted animations that give no sense that one's character is a living being who has mass and is making physical effort.


I am putting my f*****g foot down about this.


There are enough games weighted towards achievers and player-killers out there, let's have a game weighted towards immersioneers and socializers for a change.


Of course an MMO is a game, and has to have some element of competitiveness and achievement, but MMOs are also virtual worlds, places to dream and roleplay, to imagine you are living someone else's life. To go totally down the animation-clipping route would diminish that.


And it's not necesary even for achievers if everyone's in the same boat and the system is working consistenly as it should, with a sense not that you are pressing a key and some "schtick" instantly happens, but rather that you are pressing a key and living through a moment of effort of a physical-feeling avatar on the screen.

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That's exactly the problem: a fair few of the 'fixes' being proposed WILL hurt other people. More than it helps, I can't say, because I obviously have no data to base it on.


If the animations get clipped because certain people won't be satisfied unless they are, *I* won't be satisfied, I can tell you that right now.


I propose then, that we wait and see if fixing this issue does have the negative consequences you believe it may. We don't know how Bioware is going to go about it, so I recommend patience, we can judge it more accurately once we've seen their solution.

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Works for me too...right up until the animations get horribly broken to give them false 'responsiveness'. Soon as I see my character twitching between animations like a hummingbird on speed, any sense of immersion is gone.


The game is so focused on actually being immersive that deliberately breaking it like that is a surer way to drive most of the playerbase off than anything you could do.


It seems that either the people complaining that it isn't responsive are going to leave, or the people that think it already is responsive and don't want the animations wrecked are going to leave.


Either way, a significant chunk of people leave (I still think the 'it's fine' people outnumber the 'it sucks!' people, however).


No matter how it turns out, it's going to be destructive.


The its fine people will stay, because it'll still be fine... its still Star Wars... tatooine still has sand... etc.


The "its sucks" people, will leave, no matter what. Just like they left every other MMO since WoW.

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Having the game respond immediately to the commands you give it is a win for everyone. It's a win for you. It's a win for me. It's a win for casuals. It's a win for hardcore players. It's a win for WoW Lovers. It's a win for WoW Haters. It's a win for Star Wars fanatics. It's a win for people who want to see their character twirl a lightsaber in a dramatic fashion. It's a win for achievers. It's a win for explorers. It's a win for killers. It's a win for socializers. It's a win for people who just love the story. It's a win for the developers. It's a win for the shareholders. It's a win for the players. It's a win for literally every single person who ever logs in. There are no tradeoffs. There are no drawbacks.


but but but my casual super friendly RP exploration will be ruined!!


What I got out of that quote was mostly a super casual who is immensly afraid of this game having any type of competitive environment. He simply thinks that if the controls become responsive enough that us hardcore gamers will take over and be mean to them or something... These "casuals" (I hate that term, I think the term "bads" is more appropriate here) think they have found a safe haven from many of the core aspects of what drive an MMO - they want an an entire game based on Goldshire, to be specific. I really have a hard time understanding this. Why people would want an artifically low skillcap, an easy game that anybody can be good because everybody is equally bad, is really beyond me.

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Hello SWTOR!!

This post is about how hard SQA (Software Quality Assurance) can be.. followed by what the DEV NEED to reproduce consistently... so they can fix it


Developers don't find the bugs.. they fix what the SQA finds. Once the issue is fixed or attempted to be fixed by the DEV they will give it back to the SQA to validate. If its not fixed the SQA will update their steps and the dev will attempt to fix it again.


I work for Quality Assurance for a living in software development. I have read on the internet that BW's QA team is mainly in Russia? If that is true.. then its truly a bummer...


I bring this up because finding this major issue wouldn't be found from casual game testers. This is found be the elite raiders and crazy pvp players (not saying casuals can't see it). This issue is very hard to verbalize and the OP did a amazing job with it... even still once I read his topic I needed to see the videos/screenshots to completely understand.


Game testers play the "Functionality" over and over and over...


Can you drag items to screen and destroy?


Acquire an item

Press I

click and drag the item to the background

-- Does destroy command appear?

click yes

did item destroy?


You can run this scenario of a test for hours and hours checking to see if you can dupe items. THIS IS JUST ONE TEST.


Second test... Mail system.. can you dupe items?

Trading.. can you dupe items? etc etc


ADD a QA team for testing only quest... does each choice you lead actually finish the quest?

Do you remember playing KOTOR 1 and 2?

That game was bugged.. if you chose the wrong option in the wrong order.. you can bug your game and have to reload a old save... multiple choice quests are very hard to QA... lots and lots of documentation.


Testing is easy... the hard part is translating to the developer what you're seeing VIA bug tracking tool (bugzilla).

Once the developer spends an hour trying toreproduce your issue they will "attempt to fix it" then they send your bugzilla ticket back to you.. and you attempt to break it again. This process is time consuming and often takes a few tries to fix the bugs...


Notice the 3 patches this week :)


My point?

Having the QA over seas speaking another language and translating it to English is going to confuse everyone. Imagine playing the game as a casual tester.. you're hardly going to see this.. and if you do see it.. are you completely going to understand? IMO NO The tester is going to look at it and think... hey the animation isn't finished yet... not a bug... but IT IS A HUGE SHOWSTOPPING BUG.. IMO .

In QA Terms this is called a PRI-0 (AKA SHOWSTOPPER) if this was a known issue and found in development they would not have released the game.

Pri-0 show stopper

pri-1 = major issues (crashing)

pri-2 major issues pri-0-1 fixed first

pri-3 usually isn't fixed

trivial.. misaligned text etc.


So... lets wrap this up...


You've found this bug because you're very experienced MMO players coming from very polished games (wow raiding pvp arena). (Even non-polished don't have this issue.. R.I.F.T) You've noticed something was strange and you felt disconnected from your Avatar.. Maybe a slight handicap.... Great we know the issue.







Please, If you can reproduce this issue consistently we need you to create a video with reproducible steps.... Slow the video down edit in your steps.. write your steps visually...

This topic has so many bugs in the 5,000 posts we need to have them bundled up into reproducible steps so the developers can pint point them out so they can squash them. If the developer can reproduce quickly.. they can fix it quickly...


Write out the bugs in a easy to follow format.


Such as..

Steps to Reproduce:

Play a Sith Warrior

Move "Spell X" to key binding 2 (the actual spell name)

Move "Spell Y" to key binding 3

Attack mob "A" with key binding 2

Attack Mob "B" with key binding 3 "Spell "Y" with in .01 seconds of casting/finishing spell "X"

Expected Result:

The spells are off the GCD and should cast instantly.


Actual Result:

The spell "X" doesn't cast for .08 seconds waiting for the animation of spell "Y" to finish.



Another Scenario...

Steps to reproduce:

Play a sith warrior

Move spell "X" (instant cast not effected by the GCD) to key binding 2

Move spell "Y" to keybinding 3

Attack mobs until spell "X" is triggered making sure spell "Y" was the last spell used before "X" was triggered

once "X" is triggered spam key binding "2" until the the spell successfully finishes.

Expected Result:

If spell "Y" was cast before spell "X" was triggered then spell "X" will instantly cast once pressed.


Actual Results:

Spell "X" will not cast, and repeated button spamming of spell "X" will make the animation of the character start but never finished repeatedly.

Start but never finishing meaning.. if a bounty hunter pulls out his side arm and you continue spamming the effect then the spell does not cast and instead each button press he will continuously keep pulling out his side arm (very glitchy)

FYI.. Button spammer = meat hammering :)


Why is my topic named... the above??


I keep seeing people say they don't see this happen... Just because you don't see it happen doesn't mean its not there.

I believe there are 3 points why you don't see it...

1: You're not looking for it

2: You're not a expert mmo player (wow arena / raiding with instant cast everything)

3: You don't completely know what to look for.


I don't say this to blast anyone...

I did notice this.. I felt disconnected from my avatar.. heck I googled what I was seeing and I found this topic.

Now that I have read and fully understand what is happening I can see these effects every 5th spell cast..




Final thoughts...

This is a major mechanic in the game, this bug I'm sure is the main pri-0 of the entire BW Swtor. I'm sure the main bosses of the company are having daily meetings about the progress of the fixes on this issue.. they don't have a team of developers working on this issue.. honestly.. they maybe have only 1-3 developers working on this. throwing other developers that don't know this area of code is just going to break it even further.

So yes. we will see patches for weeks with new functionality and other bug fixes.. but it doesn't mean this isn't getting fixed. THIS BUG IS GOING TO TAKE AWHILE TO FIX CORRECTLY.


If and when they do fix it.. its going to require weeks of testing before they can release it. They will need to test the functionality of the entire combat system head to toe multiple times... and each time they test it they will find new issues.. which will need to be submitted into a bug tracking system, developer spend a hour to reproduce it.. attempt to fix it.. QA validate its fixed.. and then restart the entire functionality test of the entire combat system head to toe again for each major new bug found. (if they don't restart.. new issues of that 1 line of code change to fix the new bug... will introduce a new bug in a different area)


When the developer changes 1 line of code... different areas of code in different areas of the application will be called... if that line of code isn't there anymore.. or has changed by even 1 letter.. it will result in"null" and you will crash to desktop.





- William

PS: Dark reaper is still the best server :D

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The its fine people will stay, because it'll still be fine... its still Star Wars... tatooine still has sand... etc.


The "its sucks" people, will leave, no matter what. Just like they left every other MMO since WoW.


...So wait, you're saying you're going to leave no matter what happens? Interesting. :p


I think ultimately the problem comes down to different people having different definitions of what 'responsive' means.

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LoL, its not important.


You know whats not important. I cows opinion.


<Takes your comment and puts it in a box labeled "Cows Opinions" and seals it>




Nothing fancy just a nocombat, combat, stealth, nostealth, @mouseover, warrior forms(stance) modifiers ya thats pretty much it.

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This isn't a small issue that only a 'vocal minority' is griping about, its a major one and it isn't even a bug, its a design flaw that needs to be dealt with for this game to have any staying power.


And your experience in developing games, such that you can distinguish is ... ?

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...So wait, you're saying you're going to leave no matter what happens? Interesting. :p


I think ultimately the problem comes down to different people having different definitions of what 'responsive' means.


leave no matter what if its not fixed 100% (I know you're joking... still, my correction)

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Hello SWTOR!!

This post is about how hard SQA (Software Quality Assurance) can be.. followed by what the DEV NEED to reproduce consistently... so they can fix it


Developers don't find the bugs.. they fix what the SQA finds. Once the issue is fixed or attempted to be fixed by the DEV they will give it back to the SQA to validate. If its not fixed the SQA will update their steps and the dev will attempt to fix it again.


I work for Quality Assurance for a living in software development. I have read on the internet that BW's QA team is mainly in Russia? If that is true.. then its truly a bummer...


I bring this up because finding this major issue wouldn't be found from casual game testers. This is found be the elite raiders and crazy pvp players (not saying casuals can't see it). This issue is very hard to verbalize and the OP did a amazing job with it... even still once I read his topic I needed to see the videos/screenshots to completely understand.


Game testers play the "Functionality" over and over and over...


Can you drag items to screen and destroy?


Acquire an item

Press I

click and drag the item to the background

-- Does destroy command appear?

click yes

did item destroy?


You can run this scenario of a test for hours and hours checking to see if you can dupe items. THIS IS JUST ONE TEST.


Second test... Mail system.. can you dupe items?

Trading.. can you dupe items? etc etc


ADD a QA team for testing only quest... does each choice you lead actually finish the quest?

Do you remember playing KOTOR 1 and 2?

That game was bugged.. if you chose the wrong option in the wrong order.. you can bug your game and have to reload a old save... multiple choice quests are very hard to QA... lots and lots of documentation.


Testing is easy... the hard part is translating to the developer what you're seeing VIA bug tracking tool (bugzilla).

Once the developer spends an hour trying toreproduce your issue they will "attempt to fix it" then they send your bugzilla ticket back to you.. and you attempt to break it again. This process is time consuming and often takes a few tries to fix the bugs...


Notice the 3 patches this week :)


My point?

Having the QA over seas speaking another language and translating it to English is going to confuse everyone. Imagine playing the game as a casual tester.. you're hardly going to see this.. and if you do see it.. are you completely going to understand? IMO NO The tester is going to look at it and think... hey the animation isn't finished yet... not a bug... but IT IS A HUGE SHOWSTOPPING BUG.. IMO .

In QA Terms this is called a PRI-0 (AKA SHOWSTOPPER) if this was a known issue and found in development they would not have released the game.

Pri-0 show stopper

pri-1 = major issues (crashing)

pri-2 major issues pri-0-1 fixed first

pri-3 usually isn't fixed

trivial.. misaligned text etc.


So... lets wrap this up...


You've found this bug because you're very experienced MMO players coming from very polished games (wow raiding pvp arena). (Even non-polished don't have this issue.. R.I.F.T) You've noticed something was strange and you felt disconnected from your Avatar.. Maybe a slight handicap.... Great we know the issue.







Please, If you can reproduce this issue consistently we need you to create a video with reproducible steps.... Slow the video down edit in your steps.. write your steps visually...

This topic has so many bugs in the 5,000 posts we need to have them bundled up into reproducible steps so the developers can pint point them out so they can squash them. If the developer can reproduce quickly.. they can fix it quickly...


Write out the bugs in a easy to follow format.


Such as..

Steps to Reproduce:

Play a Sith Warrior

Move "Spell X" to key binding 2 (the actual spell name)

Move "Spell Y" to key binding 3

Attack mob "A" with key binding 2

Attack Mob "B" with key binding 3 "Spell "Y" with in .01 seconds of casting/finishing spell "X"

Expected Result:

The spells are off the GCD and should cast instantly.


Actual Result:

The spell "X" doesn't cast for .08 seconds waiting for the animation of spell "Y" to finish.



Another Scenario...

Steps to reproduce:

Play a sith warrior

Move spell "X" (instant cast not effected by the GCD) to key binding 2

Move spell "Y" to keybinding 3

Attack mobs until spell "X" is triggered making sure spell "Y" was the last spell used before "X" was triggered

once "X" is triggered spam key binding "2" until the the spell successfully finishes.

Expected Result:

If spell "Y" was cast before spell "X" was triggered then spell "X" will instantly cast once pressed.


Actual Results:

Spell "X" will not cast, and repeated button spamming of spell "X" will make the animation of the character start but never finished repeatedly.

Start but never finishing meaning.. if a bounty hunter pulls out his side arm and you continue spamming the effect then the spell does not cast and instead each button press he will continuously keep pulling out his side arm (very glitchy)

FYI.. Button spammer = meat hammering :)


Why is my topic named... the above??


I keep seeing people say they don't see this happen... Just because you don't see it happen doesn't mean its not there.

I believe there are 3 points why you don't see it...

1: You're not looking for it

2: You're not a expert mmo player (wow arena / raiding with instant cast everything)

3: You don't completely know what to look for.


I don't say this to blast anyone...

I did notice this.. I felt disconnected from my avatar.. heck I googled what I was seeing and I found this topic.

Now that I have read and fully understand what is happening I can see these effects every 5th spell cast..




Final thoughts...

This is a major mechanic in the game, this bug I'm sure is the main pri-0 of the entire BW Swtor. I'm sure the main bosses of the company are having daily meetings about the progress of the fixes on this issue.. they don't have a team of developers working on this issue.. honestly.. they maybe have only 1-3 developers working on this. throwing other developers that don't know this area of code is just going to break it even further.

So yes. we will see patches for weeks with new functionality and other bug fixes.. but it doesn't mean this isn't getting fixed. THIS BUG IS GOING TO TAKE AWHILE TO FIX CORRECTLY.


If and when they do fix it.. its going to require weeks of testing before they can release it. They will need to test the functionality of the entire combat system head to toe multiple times... and each time they test it they will find new issues.. which will need to be submitted into a bug tracking system, developer spend a hour to reproduce it.. attempt to fix it.. QA validate its fixed.. and then restart the entire functionality test of the entire combat system head to toe again for each major new bug found. (if they don't restart.. new issues of that 1 line of code change to fix the new bug... will introduce a new bug in a different area)


When the developer changes 1 line of code... different areas of code in different areas of the application will be called... if that line of code isn't there anymore.. or has changed by even 1 letter.. it will result in"null" and you will crash to desktop.





- William

PS: Dark reaper is still the best server :D


Just making sure all the spammers that are posting non sense see this..

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Hello SWTOR!!

This post is about how hard SQA (Software Quality Assurance) can be.


First page - there are numerous videos on this . Did you even read it ? Steps to reproduce have been given .

Edited by kanelex
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This is very reminiscent of a problem in SWG's Jump to Lightspeed expansion.


There was a problem commonly referred to as the "Bumblebee problem" in space combat. Basically, enemy ships would bounce around all over the screen for certain people, making space combat literally impossible - you couldn't target anything because the enemy would jump to a different position with every single frame - all the way from one corner of the screen to the other. In other words, 60 FPS meant the enemy popping up in 60 different positions every second.


There were massive threads about it with tons and tons of people complaining. There were also tons and tons of people claiming the problem didn't exist, or making fun of them for having a shoddy connection or system.


It dragged on for months. I'd play side-by-side with my brother and watch it work perfectly for me while he was completely helpless.


Well it turned out that it was a problem with the nForce2 chipset (which was extremely popular at the time because it was rockin' awesome), and it was finally fixed.


The reason I bring this up is because it's maddening to watch people claim a problem doesn't exist just because it doesn't happen to them. At a certain point, people need to realize people are complaining about this problem for a reason.

Edited by Taeldian
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Just making sure all the spammers that are posting non sense see this..


Please never post this again... you're doing nothing of value with that post... AT ALL... nor do you have the grasp or understanding that its more complex than a "HURR DURR, I DO THIS, GAME DOES THAT... FIX IT GUYZ"...


The devs know the issues, intricately so... what we can do to help is further discuss details in a manner of discussion, not outline as you put forth with that incredible gigantic coloured font.

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The moment I logged into the game, character responsiveness was the first thing I noticed.

I feel this game is really great, but if the responsiveness does not change, I and a few others I know will probably stop playing as this greatly affects how we play.


For all you delay minded people who feels this will break the game. Just sit there like a tard and wait for your animation to finish before using another skill.

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Sorry... have to end post here, mom is home and I didn't clean up my basement...


... hope she bought some pizza pockets an mountain dew, got a Dragon Soul raid tonight...


Well, at least you haven't lost your sense of humour :p


So, by what means other than perception are you distinguishing a problem that's omnipresent but sometimes masked (and therefore sometimes not perceived), from a problem that's merely intermittent? Care to enlighten?

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Works for me too...right up until the animations get horribly broken to give them false 'responsiveness'. Soon as I see my character twitching between animations like a hummingbird on speed, any sense of immersion is gone.


The game is so focused on actually being immersive that deliberately breaking it like that is a surer way to drive most of the playerbase off than anything you could do.


It seems that either the people complaining that it isn't responsive are going to leave, or the people that think it already is responsive and don't want the animations wrecked are going to leave.


Either way, a significant chunk of people leave (I still think the 'it's fine' people outnumber the 'it sucks!' people, however).


No matter how it turns out, it's going to be destructive.


Crap like that already happens to me. Having my character oscillate in place wildly for no apparent reason. Having to recast and ability three or four times and having the animation start and stop every single time isn't jarring? I suspect you just haven't run into the animations breaking yet. Personally I would prefer animation clipping to the bizzare interactions that occur from the current system that both break immersion and break gameplay.

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