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What do you want to see next from the star wars series?


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I am hoping that in ten years or so we can have another MMO set in the real SW universe/era. I like the KOTOR era but I wish this game would have been set in the clone wars era instead. Maybe it's just because I remember the movies from my childhood but if it doesn't have Luke, Han or Chewy it's hard to think of it as Star Wars. I guess I"m old lol.
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A rewrite and refilm of the prequel movies, directed by someone other than Lucas. Maybe Peter Jackson or JJ Abrams.



Though if it were Abrams, all the lightsabers would have lens flares.


Yes, let Jackson direct SW, and screw it up as he screwed up LotR.


All I'd like to see is remastered original trilogy, hate me, but I'd like to see it with better visual effects:)


Maybe something to explain us what happened between **** Revenge and New Hope, or what came after Jedi's Return and all books.

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I am hoping that in ten years or so we can have another MMO set in the real SW universe/era. I like the KOTOR era but I wish this game would have been set in the clone wars era instead. Maybe it's just because I remember the movies from my childhood but if it doesn't have Luke, Han or Chewy it's hard to think of it as Star Wars. I guess I"m old lol.


The problem is that they've been there done that with SWG and it did not go over very well. One of the major issues with that time frame for games is no jedi. And let's face it, most gamers who want to play SW games want to be a jedi.


Personally, at this point I think the best move for the SW franchise is to just live in the realm of novels and tabletop RPGs. We all have in our heads what Luke, Leia, Han, Chewy, Anakin, Obi Wan, Yoda, and even Bail Organa and Wedge Antilles, etc look and sound like. Creating a TV series with these characters (unless it is animated) will ruin what most of us think about when we hear Star Wars. With books the characters remain intact but the stories can continue.

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Mandalorian Wars and/or the Great Hyperspace War movies or TV shows. That seems like a pretty rich environment to expand Star Wars and bring in some cash although it's not like George Lucas needs it. He's worth $3.25 billion.


I also want a Battlefront 3. KOTOR 3 won't happen because with the release of TOR there's no where to go. There was peace for the 300 in between them so unless you want to run around talking to people you're not going to get KOTOR 3.

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star wars battle front 3



Yes! Battle Front 3 would be nice. I'm the kind of guy who would play a Star Wars game if it had everything except lightsabers and the force. I'm more interested in piloting and space combat when it comes to Star Wars games.

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I'd like to see a series about hand and lukes kids from the legacy of the force and fate of the jedi. It wouldn't mater what you remember and they can do a lot with it. Almost everyone's the right age/build except for carrie SP*. They can cast who ever they want for the kids or just do what many suggest and make a cartoon out of it. Though if its a cartoon i'd like more of an anime and less of this crap their doing nowadays with something it looks like my 6 year old can draw too.
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They need to make a new movie based after episode VI. i think that would be pretty cool because even though they blew up the death star, what about the other several million stormtroopers spread out across the galaxy and what about the OTHER sith too? i would like to know what happens next!
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