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Annoyances, bugs and suggestions


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*I know similar threads already exist but the search bar was disabled again and I feel like being lazy. If you don't want to read about this game's current issues (perceived and real), I advise you to open another thread.*




I'm having a lot of fun with my time in this game. I think BioWare did a great job with the storytelling in SW:TOR but it just doesn't feel like an MMO. Here is my list of annoyances and bugs that I feel are bringing this game down:



- No scaling

- No repositioning

- No opacity options

- No target-of-target frame

- No companion operation frames

- No import UI option

- No 'Restore All Defaults' button

- Can't have more than two windows open at a time

- Can't move windows that are open

- Can't move pet abilities on their bar

- Can't move the (poorly placed) scrolling combat text

- Can't keybind raid marks

- Can't enlarge the buff/debuffs on operation frames

- No shift+click on player name in chat to see player class and level (possibly guild as well)



- Can't choose which WarZone you queue for

- No PvP brackets (newbs shouldn't face people with top tree abilities and they certainly shouldn't face 50s with PvP gear/stats)

- Can't report AFKers



- Bad AI (eg. standing in AE until they die)

- Don't seem to scale very well as your level increases (even when constantly keeping their gear up to date)

- Disappear until summoned when you mount

- Disappear until summoned when you zone

- Occasionally decide to stand at the top of elevators and not come down unless dismissed/re-summoned

- They move at the speed of slow while in combat

- If you command them to change targets they stand still for a couple seconds doing absolutely nothing

- Healer companions occasionally use DPS abilities when they should be healing



- Can't turn off "Smart Camera"

- Zooms in due to environment and terrain (constantly requiring you to zoom back out)


Galactic Trade Network

- Have to navigate through too many drop-down menus before you can search

- The 'equip-able by <me/various companions>' drop-down menu doesn't work

- No useful drop-down menus (eg. armor slots)



- Follow command is broken

- Some gathering nodes are still not harvest-able

- Spike causing mobs say they're of LOS though they're clearly not

- Randomly can't cast Guard on people

- Randomly can't cast Static Barrier on people

- Scrolling combat text randomly disappears sometimes

- People not showing up in operation frames

- Revan occasionally goes immune to damage at 4% but doesn't despawn

- Alt's crafting skills in your crew skill window

- Alt's gathering skill node icons clutter minimap

- Codex not properly updating (I know I've found 3 datacrons on this planet, why does the codex say I've only found 1?!)

- Randomly gaining Legacy levels/XP (friend of mine only has 1 character at level 24 and has been earning legacy XP this whole time and another friend just gained a Legacy level while AFK standing in the Imperial Fleet)

- The radial dial for conversation choices always shows up during conversations but sometimes the synopsis of the response does not.



- No auto-stacking when putting things in your cargo hold

- Crew Skill Mission Reward/Failure screen closing everything else

- Can't add offline people to friends list

- No way to turn off companion commentary (for the love of all that is holy, let me shut 2V-R8 the F up!)

- Abilities not firing due to previous ability's animation length

- 'Sharding' of the various zones makes the world feel incredibly empty

- No combat log

- No macros

- Can't respec at my class trainer (have to hunt for certain NPC that I've only seen in 2 places - capitol city and faction fleet)

- No dual spec leads to spending STUPID amounts of credits on respecs to help facilitate grouping

- Tiny, closed-in, linear planets

- The world/zones are basically just a bunch of corridors or large open warehouses or jungles or wastelands, where are all the towns/villages, where are all the homes, where are all the normal people, where are the children?!


- Too many loading screens

- Can't abandon some quests

- Too many abilities

- Flight paths not connecting for no apparent reason other than to irritate me

- Separating item stacks links items in chat

- I cannot do any crafting if I want

- No combat dummies

- Every time I load into a new zone my chat is spammed with all my friends who are online

- Because of gear that requires light/dark side levels, I feel like I HAVE to stick to all of one type of decision rather than going with my gut and playing my character the way I want

- Companions saying the wrong line upon crew mission completion (eg. 'Please don't deactivate me, Master.' upon success...?)

- Ugly, super pixelated shadows

- Low rez textures

- No AA

- No chat bubbles (or options to turn them on/off for various channels)

- If I finish a conversation before the rest of my party (yes, I spacebar through ones I've already done) I have to stare at an NPC's head awkwardly until everyone finishes

- Minimal company interaction with the community

- Computer generated responses to tickets/bug reports and just generally lacking customer service



- Make flashpoint/operation item drops trade-able to other eligible players for a short period

- Make it impossible to roll Need on gear you can't equip (Greed/communication/the above suggestion/crafting should be how you gear companions)

- A way to look at the gear companions have equipped without having to summon/dismiss each one would be nice (even if they're on a crafting mission)

- Way to tell if we have something (eg. Crafting Mission) so you don't accidentally buy multiples

- A buy-back for full refund option on gear purchased with commendations

- Right clicking on items in your inventory with GTN open automatically searches the GTN for that item

- When mousing over the gathering node icons in the minimap, it would be nice if the tooltip told you via color if you can gather the node but wont gain a skill point (grey), can gain a skill point (green), or don't have the sufficient skill to gather (red).




Pretty good single player RPG. Not so great massively multiplayer online RPG.


Unless a lot of these things are fixed/implemented in a timely fashion, I doubt I'll be here for the long haul (not that any of you care). I might (hopefully) be able to enjoy myself at least until Diablo 3 or Guild Wars 2 come out.

Edited by Nymaeria
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- Crew Skill Mission Reward/Failure screen closing everything else


This is the one that I came here to post on. VERY annoying this closes what ever you are working when companion comes back from a mission, or better yet in combat, this window opens, covering about half the viewing area of the screen.

Edited by ELEE
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