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Heat Signature questions


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First of all I understand the basic concept of heat sigs but I'd like to look into them a little deeper, particularly from a pvp perspective.


How exactly are they shared? I've noticed that when me and another merc start using tracer missiles on a target it builds 2 different stacks of 5.


Does this mean the target now has 40% armor reduced?


Also, what does this mean for the heatseekers buff, will it now deal 50% more damage? Or does it only add the 25% buff from the stacks I've built up myself?


The reason I ask is because a couple of mercs working off each others debuffs could throw out some insane damage if they target together, particularly with heatseekers.

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self buffed?


meaning only the merc applying the heat sigs, gets the armor reduction?


If that is the case, this is a seriously flawed mechanic... the armor debuff needs to apply to everyone putting damage on the target. They don't have to stack with other merc armor debuffs, but they should with other class armor debuffs.

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  • 2 weeks later...
does anyone know if our heat signature armor debuff stack with torian's perforation armor debuff??? if it doesn't there really isn't any reason for him to ever use peforation as opposed to exsanguination when using him as arsenal correct?
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From all appearances it looks like each calss thta is applying some sort of debuff gets their debuff applied. the mob that is getting attacked, while having multiple debuffs that do the same thing, only 1 gets applied. (2 mercs with 5 stacks of tracer, the combat log only uses the highest stack for its damage calcs.) everyone gets the benefit of the debuff regardless of who applied it, but multiple stacks won't effect the damage output. I'm guessing they did it like that so you wouldnt have overwriting issues that happened in WoW often, where someone with talented tracers hit the mob for 2 stacks and then left it at 2 stacks preventing anyone from starting a new stack that doesnt have it talented.


TLDR: you see more than 5 total stacks, only 5 get calculated, everyone see the 5 stack damage bonus, heartseekers included

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