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Huttball is so terrible


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i think its pretty good.


you must be playing with people who suck at it. get a group of 4 people together on vent or something and you can dominate all day long. it never gets old.


It's more along the lines of every class with a knockback or a charge being really *********** good on that map, while the rest of us pretty much have no advantage to this map. Nothing about this map promotes smart play, because it's always run up to the ball carrier and knock or pull him or his escorts away.

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actually huttball in itself is a very fun game.



the fact that 9/10 players on unorganized teams have no clue what they are doing hurts it



that melee classes are very weak comared to "smart" ranged with there push backs and stuns and chain stuns going against organized or smarter players can make it very painful to have to play over and over.


seriously ive been in games where people didnt know how to pass the ball.....literally going what? i can pass it?..........


or where do i go? theres a goal? or not even helping the ball carrier and just chasing random bad guys to try and kill someone.


i think the arena huttball is fine just a lot of bad players. u watch a team that works together and just say wow those guys are working together with stuns, heals, passes.


sadly to many people dont even care they are just doing it to get there last 10k xp to level or a few badges for a piece of gear and dont care whether they win or lose.

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They need to reduce or disable some CC's in PvP and some Knockbacks as well there are way too many going on. Huttball is my favorite and I am a Guardian, but I hate it if they just knock me back in fire or the acid.


...It's not supposed to be easy to score. Why do you think the fire and acid are there? Not that I have any trouble as a Powertech.

Edited by GeneralThorsson
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Hutt Ball is SO MUCH FUN!


Pushing people into fire and acid never gets old. And very few things are as satisfying as Force Choking someone over a fire trap.


I admit the air jets are annoying, mainly because it seems to take me five tries before I can ever get launched into the air, but that's not that big of a deal.


It's a really fun map. I can't wait to get into a guild and actually do a premade match with a really organized team.

Edited by ChampionChains
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I like Huttball the one change they need to make is already being made and that is a 50 bracket. Premades do rule and I have cc become ineffective right at the end where so called underpowered sentinels and jugs walk right through the last fire pit and laugh past the goal line. Huttball is very balanced. You just have to master your abilities and be on the part of the map that favors your strengths.


I can see why some would complain. But your problem is you. Once you start doing what you are supposed to be you will feel more comfortable. I am an SI the supposed "OP" class if an operative type opens on my back on the ramps it can be lights out or if a Trroper type isn't interrupted or LoS'd. The tank types can walk through fire to attack carriers or carry ball. Stealthers can wait for a pass from guys knocked in pit.


It is a balanced game and the classes are very balanced.


What I won't argue is it would be nice to see some more variety if your server pop forces a lot of huttball. That part I can understand. Voidstar is real fun. But, huttball doesn't reflect any innate class balance issues.

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I love huttball. Nothing like getting pulled to the goal by your team mates only to be pulled back by the opposing team only to go back and forth for a few seconds. That happenned last night and i could not stop laughing.
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