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Guild Roster Still Not Working?


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I thought today's patch was supposed to fix the issue where the guild roster was not displaying everyone in the guild properly sometimes. After today's patch I still had the issue where the roster was only showing 2-3 names when there were actually 13 or so people online and I had to ctrl+u to reset the UI in order see it properly again. Was I wrong in thinking this was supposed to be fixed today?
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I thought today's patch was supposed to fix the issue where the guild roster was not displaying everyone in the guild properly sometimes. After today's patch I still had the issue where the roster was only showing 2-3 names when there were actually 13 or so people online and I had to ctrl+u to reset the UI in order see it properly again. Was I wrong in thinking this was supposed to be fixed today?


Been like this for over 8 months with about 10 promises it will be fixed, so no matter that link saying they will I would almost bet you that its the same come February!!


Even tho they say its fixed ...guess what its not! :rolleyes:

Edited by Nemeses
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