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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What legacy name did you choose? Proudly post yours here!


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Mine was "Starfury" on Krayt Dragon, but it was taken when I transferred to The Shadowlands, so I changed it to "Starcrash," which is the name of an Italian Star Wars rip-off movie.:D


I'm pretty satisfied with the new name, although I've yet to see anyone with my original legacy name on either faction, so it would be annoying to have lost my original legacy name to someone who isn't even playing anymore. Then again, another way of looking at it is "if I can't have it, nobody can". ;)

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My legacy name is Horizon.


I was intending to go for Event Horizon, but sadly Event was taken.


So I settled for Antique Horizon.

Then Vogue Horizon.

Then Snazzy Horizon.


And more recently, Glossy Horizon.


Living it up. :cool:

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Which for my Sith made sense (Lord Phobia Despair, very Sith I thought).


So I was scratching my head when I decided to create a republic alt, till I came up with my trooper, Sergeant Never Despair. I decided it was her nickname, an overly optimistic and loyal member of the Republic armed forces.


Nice mine was Mallus...if you think about the Lucas reasoning for Darth names, they are all variations on negative things...so Darth Bunny just isnt in the cards..unless you are a 12 year old tard who thinks that joke will last a year. In some ways the naming is RP no matter what you pick.

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as I had to change it upon transfering and things like legacies, real legacies, the name is everything. Allmost all my names are different now, so whatever real legacy I had had in my mind for those characters is gone, soon to be forgotten within the universe of SWTOR. :(

Edited by Catsmeat
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For my trooper who was my original character: Lieutenant Come'atme Broh


For my second character that I rolled after my friend decided he didn't want to play on our old, low pop server (pre-transfer of course): Darth Maal De'valois


And someday if I ever decide to level my PvE character and/or transfer him and his legacy to another server: Agent Sideline Hater

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I went with Schembechler, as in Glenn "Bo" Schembechler, who was coach of the Michigan Wolverines when I was growing up in the 70s.


He didnt win any national championships, but he was a man of integrity, unlike so many other coaches in college football. He is sorely missed by Michigan fans.

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My legacy surname is Haggard.


I chose it because it's my nickname in Battlefield 3 (Haggardbr) and it's also the surname of George Gordon Haggard Jr., my favorite character in the Battlefield Bad Company games.


My toons are named as:


Qo'dex Haggard (49 Gunslinger)

Qo'balt Haggard (02 Imp Agent)


And I'm willing to make another smuggler to work as a scoundrel.

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For my second character that I rolled after my friend decided he didn't want to play on our old, low pop server (pre-transfer of course): Darth Maal De'valois


My old Legacy name was Valois, because my last name is de Valois :D


Unfortunately, it was taken when I transferred and changed to Trotsky.


Every once in a while I get a butthurt ultra conservative whining on whispers against my Legacy name haha.

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What legacy name did I choose?


Or what legacy name did I get stuck with after being forced to change.


Because I cannot proudly post a name I was forced to change after 42 legacy levels.


My name was less important than my subscription.

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My legacy surname is "Stormlight" due to my favorite authers book series called the Stormlight Archive


If anyone likes to read check out Brandon Sanderson. His books in order are ...



The Mistborn Trilogy


The Way of Kings (The Stormlight Archive)


He also has a few short novels that are really good to.

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My old Legacy name was Valois, because my last name is de Valois :D


Unfortunately, it was taken when I transferred and changed to Trotsky.


Every once in a while I get a butthurt ultra conservative whining on whispers against my Legacy name haha.


You sir, have quite the awesome last name. Good luck staving off them thur consurvuhtivs.

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Ransom. As a homage to one of my favorite sci-fi trilogies, and because I think it makes an awesome last name.

Jacc Ransom (Scoundrel)

Eldil Ransom (Sage)

Aurther Ransom (Trooper)

Edited by DonRab
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Well i have a back story i wrote a while back, back during beta but since then it has evolved as well as my legacy family

but it goes like this.


IN beta i had 2 names that i couldn't use after release of game but they were ( Viscera and alt was Visceral) after release they are.


Main: Viscera'lor

Alt: Viscerator

Alt: Viscerius:

Alt: Vis'cyborga

Alt: Viscerala

Alt: Visceray'lin

Alt: Eviscerator


and the Legacy name is: The Evisceration Legacy.....


I may post Story to this legacy one day soon....

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Originally I had Chaos, but we know what happened next.


So now I have: "The Ruined Legacy" (im not kidding.)

with character names (all of which were renamed to these:

Answer Ruined

Promises Ruined

Calm Ruined

Composure Ruined

Paradise Ruined

Image Ruined.


I'm not jaded though.

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