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Highest level so far?


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All I read here is "blah blah blah I'm playing you aren't blah blah blah"



I know this wasn't your intent... maybe you guys all should just shut up until the 20th.



As far as I'm concerned anything you do in game at the moment is null and void... invalid... because there is not true competition. Server firsts and world firsts mean absolutely nothing for the first time in any MMO due to early release nonsense. Kinda sad, really. :(

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some people are lvl 40 cause they have to exploit to get better advantage at the game how sad..


They already confirmed that no one is as high as people are claiming. I'm sure by Thursday there will be a bunch of legit 50's running around. I'll prob finish sometime this weekend. Damn finals.

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All I read here is "blah blah blah I'm playing you aren't blah blah blah"



I know this wasn't your intent... maybe you guys all should just shut up until the 20th.



As far as I'm concerned anything you do in game at the moment is null and void... invalid... because there is not true competition. Server firsts and world firsts mean absolutely nothing for the first time in any MMO due to early release nonsense. Kinda sad, really. :(


Hey now, there were 15 other people leveling in Balmorra with me. Serious competition.

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I saw few players sliding around on speeders during watching one stream. So I think there might be some regular lvl 30s already. (no exploiters..)


Anyway thats just insane. I remember it took me two days of constant gaming to get to lvl 30 in beta. No idea how they do it.

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All I read here is "blah blah blah I'm playing you aren't blah blah blah"



I know this wasn't your intent... maybe you guys all should just shut up until the 20th.



As far as I'm concerned anything you do in game at the moment is null and void... invalid... because there is not true competition. Server firsts and world firsts mean absolutely nothing for the first time in any MMO due to early release nonsense. Kinda sad, really. :(


Easy partner. I want to play as much as the next guy, but lets not turn our anger on the lucky few who got in. Save it for where it belongs, with Stephen Reid!

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They already confirmed that no one is as high as people are claiming. I'm sure by Thursday there will be a bunch of legit 50's running around. I'll prob finish sometime this weekend. Damn finals.


That was 4-5 hours ago... the data is wrong now. There are most certainly lvl 30+ people and i wouldn't be surprised to see a few approaching 40's

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I find it funny that WoW made people internet famous for getting level cap first with each new expansion.

That is impossible unless you got into the 1st wave. Zyzz version 2 who gets into the 2nd wave will have been soooo pissed off

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I find it funny that WoW made people internet famous for getting level cap first with each new expansion.

That is impossible unless you got into the 1st wave. Zyzz version 2 who gets into the 2nd wave will have been soooo pissed off


Well the people made themselves famous by getting hundreds of thousands to watch them lol.

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Just an opinion here so dont flame but to me you would think people would want to take their time with such an amazing game with how well everything has been done. The story, etc but I guess not. As for me, I will not be in a hurry to reach the cap. I plan on throughly enjoying the game and taking my time:). Don't matter to me if I hit the cap in a week or 2 months. Edited by Snowxx
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