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Someone who played WoW please tell me


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I left WoW because all of my ICC 25 gear was obsolete, just like my BT gear and AQ/BWL/Naxx40 gear. Going from 80-85 was okay, but once I was max level, I didn't have any motivation to do pointless raids for another 2 years just to have it all obsoleted by Panda Express.


SWTOR will probably end up in the same position someday, but until then it's way more interesting.

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You seemed like a wise person until you posted reason 5, now i know your a moron.


lol not nice


to aisar


O noes not ur xpac of choice? Then vote with ur cash and not play. People are angry about anything new in wow. obviously noone was on the Forums on BC release with the amount of How BC would kill wow because it was going to another planet not azeroth and the childish races of Draeni(can't spell that for crap) and Blood elves and XXXXXX and XXXXX reasons

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Why would you leave it for a worse version with the Star Wars title smacked on?

Is it really just because it's Star Wars? That seems like a lame reason to quit a game that has every feature this one does + more and far less bugs.


1. I'm *********** bored with wow

2. I'm *********** bored with wow

3. I'm *********** bored with wow

4. Companions

5. Playing a trooper

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I left WoW because all of my ICC 25 gear was obsolete, just like my BT gear and AQ/BWL/Naxx40 gear. Going from 80-85 was okay, but once I was max level, I didn't have any motivation to do pointless raids for another 2 years just to have it all obsoleted by Panda Express.


SWTOR will probably end up in the same position someday, but until then it's way more interesting.


yet another intelligent realist joins the fray.


I wonder if anyone aside from the coherent posters will understand what I'm getting at.

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I'll give you want you want, WoW is the best, Swtor will suck and crash and burn after 3 months, I will go back to WoW after my first free month to play the best MMO ever WOW and support Blizzards next expac called Pandamon.



There are you happy now? No I really mean what I said, WoW is for the most skilled players in MMO gaming.


MMO gaming has never and will never have anything to do with Skill except for certain and i mean very rare occasions and even then its not really much to do with u

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yet another intelligent realist joins the fray.


I wonder if anyone aside from the coherent posters will understand what I'm getting at.


So SWTOR will be boring and left after 2 years? You put all your effort into making constant post/threads trying to get this point across? I lol'd.

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Dude, I work for Blizzard.

And take my word for it, that game is full of idiots, I can't take it any more.

SWTOR is well it's Star Wars.


Most of us at Blizzard are still in shock that idiots still play wow....


Working there is one thing, try playing with them on a daily basis for 7 years :D

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Why would you leave it for a worse version with the Star Wars title smacked on?

Is it really just because it's Star Wars? That seems like a lame reason to quit a game that has every feature this one does + more and far less bugs.

WoW's launch was one of massive queues, crashed servers, lagfests, day-long server maintenance outages and 5 people occupying each square metre.


SWTOR's launch, so far, is one of smooth pings, crisp gameplay, adequately populated areas... and a forum full of entitled people ************ about how they want to play so hard that they're going to cancel their pre-orders.


At least the forums are similar!

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lol not nice


to aisar


O noes not ur xpac of choice? Then vote with ur cash and not play. People are angry about anything new in wow. obviously noone was on the Forums on BC release with the amount of How BC would kill wow because it was going to another planet not azeroth and the childish races of Draeni(can't spell that for crap) and Blood elves and XXXXXX and XXXXX reasons


Actually I dont really have a problem with the xpac, nor do i care because i dont play anymore. The game as a whole is old and boring. Im sure blizzard's sub number will go up by at least 1 million with this xpac, it's just im a vanilla vet, the game is not what it used to be.

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WoW... i played it way to long it got boring..


I need something new yet something similar.


I just hope the they add Arena etc it will make the game even more popular.


Of course ill most likely be playing alot of PVE content in Swtor...

Been Pvping in wow since arena came out in BC... (reached my goal of getting glad in each expansion(didn't get it each season :( ), once you get to a point in WoW it just gets repetitive and boring.

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Why would you leave it for a worse version with the Star Wars title smacked on?

Is it really just because it's Star Wars? That seems like a lame reason to quit a game that has every feature this one does + more and far less bugs.


Because both my in-game heroes turned into sissies. Because they made the raiding hard then softened it up the moment someone protested. Because the developers began catering to the entitlement crowd. Because the entire game became BS work for BS rewards. Because after I killed Arthas' blonde emo Anakin-Skywalker-ripoff *** I started losing interest.


But I think the crowning moment was when Blizzard could take the comedy gold that was the Pandaren Brewmaster and ROFLstomped it into the ground. I mean, really, I didn't think you could ruin a drunken fire-breathing panda bear, but they managed it. Despite this, though, I will always retain my fondest memories of serving my Banshee Queen. <3

Edited by Malles
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I left WoW because all of my ICC 25 gear was obsolete, just like my BT gear and AQ/BWL/Naxx40 gear. Going from 80-85 was okay, but once I was max level, I didn't have any motivation to do pointless raids for another 2 years just to have it all obsoleted by Panda Express.


SWTOR will probably end up in the same position someday, but until then it's way more interesting.


whoa a nice post on these forums?!


I understand why you would quit because of it but you obviously know it'll happen with Tor and because of how new mmos go it'll happen fast! each month or 2 you'll replace ur Top end raiding gear for a bit IF they have alot set for after launch(sure hope they do) Just the nature of MMOs and gearing out in them im afraid

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I think most of the people who have quit wow are the sort of people the wow community wanted to quit. Trade chat has certainly become a lot more civilized in the past few days.


LOL idk what server you play on, but the few that I frequent trade chat has been more in flames since blizzcon than ever

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No macros, no add-ons.


Being the hardcore PvPer that I am, THIS is win.


Finally PvP is what it allways should have been.


QFT.By the way, the game is so much better than wow.The launch seems smooth as well. I couldn't play for about 15days after wow's launch with the lag, queue and all that crap back then.


Stop complaining, we are in for a really sweet ride...

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