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Naming is one of the biggest issues:


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Honestly... as you release more servers, there is no stop-measure that prevents players who already in the game to go lock down all the names they want... ON ALL SERVERS.


IN FACT: they just have to wait (if they wanted) to visually see the servers come up... and I guarantee you they would be there first as all the next waves of invites go out there's no way that by the time emails have been checked, and games clicked.... that the existing people would have already name-locked.






This is pissing me off... there's been numerous threads about this item, and it's just begin ignored.


This is game breaking for me. I have yet to see this game in action... and this disturbs me enough to not even try it out. I should have as equal an opportunity at naming my character the way I want to as someone else starting on the server ON DAY 1.... and not have some name-hog take all the names to not even use it.... EVEN BEFORE I CAN LOAD UP THE GAME...


Any cool names like: "Auction" or "Banker" will for sure be gone on all servers even before the Wave gets the opportunity to check their emails.... don't miss-read what I'm saying... understand it: those with Wave 1 access can conceivably sit on the server list... the second they see a server pop up, they can hop on and take all the names... there is NO FAIL SAFE in place to prevent this.... and it WILL happen. Whereas if there was a queue, then 1st come 1st served... like every single other MMO to date.... and if you managed to get onto every single server to lock that name? More power to you. This is totally BS and cheating in my opinion. Cheating the system. Locking down names they won't even be using.... before the game is even released.

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Honestly... as you release more servers, there is no stop-measure that prevents players who already in the game to go lock down all the names they want... ON ALL SERVERS.


IN FACT: they just have to wait (if they wanted) to visually see the servers come up... and I guarantee you they would be there first as all the next waves of invites go out there's no way that by the time emails have been checked, and games clicked.... that the existing people would have already name-locked.






This is pissing me off... there's been numerous threads about this item, and it's just begin ignored.


This is game breaking for me. I have yet to see this game in action... and this disturbs me enough to not even try it out. I should have as equal an opportunity at naming my character the way I want to as someone else starting on the server ON DAY 1.... and not have some name-hog take all the names to not even use it.... EVEN BEFORE I CAN LOAD UP THE GAME...


Any cool names like: "Auction" or "Banker" will for sure be gone on all servers even before the Wave gets the opportunity to check their emails.... don't miss-read what I'm saying... understand it: those with Wave 1 access can conceivably sit on the server list... the second they see a server pop up, they can hop on and take all the names... there is NO FAIL SAFE in place to prevent this.... and it WILL happen. Whereas if there was a queue, then 1st come 1st served... like every single other MMO to date.... and if you managed to get onto every single server to lock that name? More power to you. This is totally BS and cheating in my opinion. Cheating the system. Locking down names they won't even be using.... before the game is even released.

Yes there is. You are limited.

8 Characters Per Server. 40 Character Total across a MAX of 5 Servers.

Edited by Kill_Kayt
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Still ridiculous. Considering any other release of any MMO to date didn't have up to 7 days to lock down names before anyone else ever gets a chance.



The fact you can lock down 5 servers is ridiculous to me. Especially during such a sensitive time where this game isn't even supposed to be out yet.


1 name. 1 server. Until the 21st.

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Still ridiculous. Considering any other release of any MMO to date didn't have up to 7 days to lock down names before anyone else ever gets a chance.



The fact you can lock down 5 servers is ridiculous to me. Especially during such a sensitive time where this game isn't even supposed to be out yet.


1 name. 1 server. Until the 21st.


Other games have had this before. Not as much but Remember 2-3 day head starts for previous MMOs for beta testers.

Edited by Kill_Kayt
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And what if somebody buys the game 2 weeks down the line? Shouldn't they have the same chance to lock in their name because they're customers.


Names are always first come, first served. Just think up a new name if using something very popular.

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Folks seem very attached to their own preconceived names in this genre. Let go... be one with the force. You can use special characters here. You have the capacity to create new things. Fear not the change. There were a slew of folks running around in the Betas... no name I came up with was taken. It'll be OK.
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And what if somebody buys the game 2 weeks down the line? Shouldn't they have the same chance to lock in their name because they're customers.


Names are always first come, first served. Just think up a new name if using something very popular.


THE GAME ISN'T EVEN RELEASED YET.... and the names are being taken and then locked on multiple servers just to spite others.



Listen: your first come first serve junk I completely agree with... in ANY OTHER MMO RELEASED IN THE HISTORY OF GAMING where everyone had a queue and waited in line... and THEN first come first served.


THIS GAME ISN'T EVEN OFFICIALLY OUT YET FOR THE MASSES. Do you get it yet? ....It ain't right.


Like I said: if you managed to sit through 600-800 queue times on day 1 Rift to lock down names like "Auction" or "Banker" ... listen: you are my hero. That is some skill/luck right there. Awesome work. If you did it on even 1 server. But this is cheating.... the fact is there are minimal players right now, and it is like taking candy from a baby (me - sure... whatever... it's a name... to you it's not important... to me: it matters a big deal) there's no skill involved... frack... there's literally no QUEUE involved even.... so you freely lock down 40 names on 5 servers. (I don't think that's true by the way... I don't think there is a limit from what I heard.)

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Folks seem very attached to their own preconceived names in this genre. Let go... be one with the force. You can use special characters here. You have the capacity to create new things. Fear not the change. There were a slew of folks running around in the Betas... no name I came up with was taken. It'll be OK.


Only one I came up with taken.. and it didn't bother me.

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Did they all get to start at the same time? Humm... Seems quoting the industry norm isn't going to help much here.


Name 1 popular MMO that released even 1 day "pre-release" .... go ahead. I'll wait. The industry norm does NOT involve pre-release in this genre.

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Do you really want a name that someone else thought of anyways OP? Where's the originality in that? You can be named "Guild" now so you can troll city chat? You can use ur first name like u wanted to? Or let me guess ur "Darthcliché" is gone? I've been using the same name for years on my mains in new mmos and it's never taken, cuz it's original, personal to me, and actually took some thought and creativity to make, and it still has meaning too.... So, the problem lies with you IMHO.
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Honestly... as you release more servers, there is no stop-measure that prevents players who already in the game to go lock down all the names they want... ON ALL SERVERS.


IN FACT: they just have to wait (if they wanted) to visually see the servers come up... and I guarantee you they would be there first as all the next waves of invites go out there's no way that by the time emails have been checked, and games clicked.... that the existing people would have already name-locked.






This is pissing me off... there's been numerous threads about this item, and it's just begin ignored.


This is game breaking for me. I have yet to see this game in action... and this disturbs me enough to not even try it out. I should have as equal an opportunity at naming my character the way I want to as someone else starting on the server ON DAY 1.... and not have some name-hog take all the names to not even use it.... EVEN BEFORE I CAN LOAD UP THE GAME...


Any cool names like: "Auction" or "Banker" will for sure be gone on all servers even before the Wave gets the opportunity to check their emails.... don't miss-read what I'm saying... understand it: those with Wave 1 access can conceivably sit on the server list... the second they see a server pop up, they can hop on and take all the names... there is NO FAIL SAFE in place to prevent this.... and it WILL happen. Whereas if there was a queue, then 1st come 1st served... like every single other MMO to date.... and if you managed to get onto every single server to lock that name? More power to you. This is totally BS and cheating in my opinion. Cheating the system. Locking down names they won't even be using.... before the game is even released.



You have abolutely no idea whether there is a limitation (there is), yet you are nerdraging about this?


And you consider "Auction" and "Banker" cool names? /rofl

Edited by Yoren
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Do you really want a name that someone else thought of anyways OP? Where's the originality in that? You can be named "Guild" now so you can troll city chat? You can use ur first name like u wanted to? Or let me guess ur "Darthcliché" is gone? I've been using the same name for years on my mains in new mmos and it's never taken, cuz it's original, personal to me, and actually took some thought and creativity to make, and it still has meaning too.... So, the problem lies with you IMHO.


Wait... wait... so because YOU have no issues with how the naming/release of this game is going then *I* should "just suck it up princess" and "the problem lies with me" .... Ohhhh ok. I see. Thanks for your input, friend. it was valuable, needed, and I really saw your logic.




You changed my mind and made it so clear. Thank you. You saved my life!

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You have abolutely no idea whether there is a limitation (there is), yet you are nerdraging about this?


And you consider "Auction" and "Banker" cool names? /rofl




Yes... I actually do to be honest. I have a couple other ones I am obviously keeping under wraps.... however... sending your mail to "Banker" to me was always fun. See - I got Auction on day 1 of Rift on my 2 servers.... I waited in line and got it legitly. Not like the BS happening here.




By the way... Yoren... nice name. /snicker

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Wait... wait... so because YOU have no issues with how the naming/release of this game is going then *I* should "just suck it up princess" and "the problem lies with me" .... Ohhhh ok. I see. Thanks for your input, friend. it was valuable, needed, and I really saw your logic.




You changed my mind and made it so clear. Thank you. You saved my life!


Yes, the problem is with you. If you really wanted the names, you should have registered your code in July. Now go away.

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Someone please claim "Darth Pickles FartsALot" on all servers quickly then sell on ebay before 20...


I can personally guarantee that officially unofficial statistics say this is the most used name in the history of MMO`s.. ever ...

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Folks seem very attached to their own preconceived names in this genre. Let go... be one with the force. You can use special characters here. You have the capacity to create new things. Fear not the change. There were a slew of folks running around in the Betas... no name I came up with was taken. It'll be OK.




I don't get what's got everyone so uptight about names. Just be a bit more creative.


I always have a buttload in reserve just in case.

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What's funny here to me is how I ignored such obvious names as Skywalker and Solo in the franchise for so long. It's the sort of thing that would make me question a book on first read these days. But I didn't let it bother me in this story.... lol, glad I got in young!
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I don't get what's got everyone so uptight about names. Just be a bit more creative.


I always have a buttload in reserve just in case.


But but but...


I wanna be JIM!!!! And only JIM!!!! I cannot simply be SuperJim, or Darth Jim, or Jim from Mars ...


Or.. my fallback is BOB!!!! Just plain ol` BOB!!!


Damn all for taking my names!!!!

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Maybe it is my military background that allows me to hurry up and wait(so i dont mind waiting a day or two) but are you seriously upset about not getting those names specifically? please tell me your joking... Please go back to WoW or Rift...
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