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PCGAMER rates SWTOR 93/100


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PCGamer is living in your same universe, where companies with money pay the reviewers to make favorable reviews, and any legit organization trying to make honest reviews will find themselves boycotted by the publisher...something they really reallly really dont want.


Yeah I know this to be true.


Sometimes if they get bad reviews, ESPECIALLY on big name products, companies like EA will refuse to send games to them .

Edited by Tiaa
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PCGamer is living in your same universe, where companies with money pay the reviewers to make favorable reviews, and any legit organization trying to make honest reviews will find themselves boycotted by the publisher...something they really reallly really dont want.

Most of the time the reviews are spot on, but because everyone is different not everyone will agree with a single review.


Regardless of EA/BW buying good press (and they could have) most reviews of games I agree with.


If not I always look for a demo or wait for a sale.


You can't please everyone all the time.

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93 out of 100 for this bug mayhem. Is every one retarded or what?

Anyway, if BW keep fixing bugs every maintenance then perhaps this game still has a chance and actually could reach 93 out of 100 in many player eyes.

It is no excuse that game is new, devs are incredibly sloppy, as many existing bugs been reported during beta.

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Now, where are all the fanbois bashing this review?


Come on, to get an accurate picture of the game he must have rushed content, and <gasp> spacebarred through quests....


Why the hell is he at 50 already (I assume he is to give a full review), damm no lifer missing out on the main content of this game....

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Now, where are all the fanbois bashing this review?


Come on, to get an accurate picture of the game he must have rushed content, and <gasp> spacebarred through quests....


Why the hell is he at 50 already (I assume he is to give a full review), damm no lifer missing out on the main content of this game....


game reviewers get chars of any level they want instantly, so they can test multiple areas of the game.


they also get friendly reminders on how much money the publisher has spent on advertisement on his publication/webpage, how sad it would be if all that money had to go somewhere else, and how wonderful it would be if the reviewer could give him a good score so they all can be friends...

Edited by blackcerberus
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theres nothing "trolling" about my post. perhaps you dont know what the definition of trolling is. allow me to help you here.




troll v.,n. To utter a posting on Usenet designed to attract predictable responses or flames. Derives from the phrase "trolling for newbies"; which in turn comes from mainstream "trolling";, a style of fishing in which one trails bait through a likely spot hoping for a bite.


hopefully you can tell the difference.


so your are saying your post was not designed at all to "attract a predictable response or flames"?


I say it was, you may say it isn't, just like many other posts on this thread and this forum it is all a matter of opinion.

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Who cares who likes or does not like the game?


Ask these questions.


1) Am I having fun?

2) Is it worth the monthly fee?

3) Do I find the time I spend in game worthwhile?


If the answers are yes, then who cares what anyone else thinks.


Logical fallacy.


That logic applies to single player games, or games that require no community.


However, if 99 people hate it and don't play, and you are the only one that does, it ultimately does matter. So yes, it does matter what people think, otherwise you will have no one to play with and/or a game that devs are putting time into because they aren't generating enough revenue to cover it.

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They admitted in the review they only played from level 1 to 10, lol!


Actually, they said 35. and some odd 90 hours.



If you read the review he consistently talks about how it's mediocre and this and that.


Then he's just like... 93!



It's so obvious these companies pay these reviewers, it's almost painful.

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game reviewers get chars of any level they want instantly, so they can test multiple areas of the game.


they also get friendly reminders on how much money the publisher has spent on advertisement on his publication/webpage, how sad it would be that all that money had to go somewhere else, and how wonderful it would be if the reviewer could give him a good score so all can be friends.


Did you even read the review? It says they spent 85 hours and leveled to 35. They werent granted any favors and had to play just like the rest of us.

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Actually, they said 35. and some odd 90 hours.



If you read the review he consistently talks about how it's mediocre and this and that.


Then he's just like... 93!



It's so obvious these companies pay these reviewers, it's almost painful.


I love how you didn't read the same review as the rest of us.

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Who cares who likes or does not like the game?


Ask these questions.


1) Am I having fun?

2) Is it worth the monthly fee?

3) Do I find the time I spend in game worthwhile?


If the answers are yes, then who cares what anyone else thinks.


Because these reviews and they influence they have on games are one of the motivating factors behind the changes devs make to games. If the game is getting bad reviews and causes players to leave, the devs will work to make changes to fix that. If a game is getting good reviews then the devs are more likely to sit back on their laurels. This game still needs a lot of work and there is no time for laurel sitting. I don't want reviews like this to give devs a false sense of security.

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Actually, they said 35. and some odd 90 hours.



If you read the review he consistently talks about how it's mediocre and this and that.


Then he's just like... 93!



It's so obvious these companies pay these reviewers, it's almost painful.


actually its not.


Level 1-50 doing the class quests is 90 hours. People have timed it.


Doing all side quests and messing about is 90hours to level 35

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so your are saying your post was not designed at all to "attract a predictable response or flames"?


I say it was, you may say it isn't, just like many other posts on this thread and this forum it is all a matter of opinion.


first ill say that you probably didnt even know thats what trolling was prior to my post. and second, no it wasnt intended for that. i was simply posting the other side of the coin from a "trolls" point of view. "troll" being defined as someone who isnt happy with this game apparently.

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"Editor’s note: This review is based on our impressions from our first 85 hours in the game as an Imperial Agent who reached level 35. Some endgame elements were not ready to be evaluated at the time of this review, but as always, we will follow-up this review with constant and regular updates of our impressions as the game progresses here at http://www.pcgamer.com and in the magazine. — LD"


So, not only did they give half a game that score, they admit that the endgame is not ready to be reviewed.


Remind me where most MMO players spend the majority of their time again? Oh yeah, the endgame.


Joke review.

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first ill say that you probably didnt even know thats what trolling was prior to my post. .


i knew exactly what trolling is, I'm not the one that had to copy and paste a wiki defination of the term trolling.

Edited by Mr_Crueak
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