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Marauder help


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I have a friend of mine playing a marauder. He is currently in his low 30's and even doing quests 1-2 levels lower than his with a strong of more. He has a lot of trouble staying alive dying frequently. To the point of quitting and re rolling. Which I personally would like to see him avoid.


Any suggestions?

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This is how I still (level 42) deal with a pack with a strong and some normal mobs in it.


Charge the strong - Obfuscate it - Brutal Assault for rage


Switch target to weaks - and kill them as fast as possible (I'm Rage spec so I Smash them all basically).


Switch back to strong and (this part is key) disrupt it's abilities.


I have all my cooldowns as f1 - f4 as those are all together and easiest to reach, for me. f1 is Disrupt, f2 is force choke, f3 is saber ward, f4 is cloak. Use them.


Gear up Quinn. Quinn can even tank a strong mob for a bit if you keep him geared. Spec Anni. for the bleed healing too.


Carry Medpacks and use them. Its ok to use them!




To me, the key to the class in PvE is:


1) Interrupt damage even if it means losing a GCD. It's worth it.

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Always have either cloak of pain or saber ward up, always make sure your gear is up to date, always make sure your companion gear is up to date.


Other than that, I think most specs are viable levelling, its a question of learning the best combos for rage management.

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Funny, I was soloing two elites at once with Vette last night for a heroic quest and did just fine. Your friend simply needs to gear himself up and get a rotation down. I don't even use Obfuscate (although I really should).



For fights with a Strong/Elite in it, I:


1) Charge the Strong

2) Assault the Strong for rage

3) Melt it's face with Ravage, Force Choke, Force Scream, etc. while Vette easily kills the 1-3 normal mobs

4) Wipe up whatever Vette hasn't finished when I'm done


Sidenote: Cloak of Pain is a constant friend, as is Predation (usually unnecessary), and I only use Saber Ward when I'm in trouble. Disruption is also nice against long-cast skills, and don't forget, Force Choke will do the same AND is basically a stun in itself.


I like to map my most used keys to 1-5 and the buttons surrounding movement (Q, E, R, F, X).



If he can get a rotation down, Marauder rocks.



Edit: Carnage spec.

Edited by SoH-Floyd
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For a first tip I'd make sure that his gear is up to par first, mara's in the 30's seem to be very gear dependant, if using orange gear make sure that he has the best mods in this gear that is possiable at his level. This should ensure that his base damage and survivability is increased.


Next its important to have the right party setup for what spec you are running. As an anni mara I dont need Quinn, however a carnage would. Anni can self heal (and since we seem to build rage fast, we can self sustain well). Having to not worry about staying alive means he can focus on doing what we do best. DPS.


Lastly, kill the weaker mobs quick. Sure the gold is dishing out some huge damage, but thoes weaker dudes build up. I also noticed that the weaker mobs sometime contain party buffs for the other mobs, such as 10% increase in damage. Get rid of them first and you have an easier time.

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I choose a slightly different tactic. I am a Rage Spec and I have Quinn always geared up to my level (as much as possible).


Group of 4: 2 Strong, 2 Regular


1) Force Charge into the mobs focusing on a regular.

2) Pommel Strike the first one (if that doesn't kill him, battering assault does the trick which also builds rage.)

3) Switch Focus onto the other Regular and wipe him quick.

4) Now onto the Strong, I Obliterate one of them (Another force charge skill)

5) Pull aggro from both onto you, now just kill them in order.


I know that some might argue, but I haven't had an issue with handling mobs at all in SW:TOR as a Marauder. If I get low on health, I Force Cloak, Let Quinn have aggro, pop a medpack, then back to the mobs killing/pulling aggro.


Quinn has always had some issues I feel, (I could be wrong) for example, sometimes I feel he focuses on DPS rather than healing. Sometimes I feel I move too far out of distance for him to use effective heals, I am not sure.


The moral is, I try to eliminate numbers rather then strength in most scenarios. To me it sounds simple, the less people to hit me the less damage I take.

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For the last time, guys, Carnage does NOT need Quinn! If I can solo two equal level elites with Vette, so can you.


This is true floyd, however we are talking about a person that is having issues with a mara rather then someone who seems to know the basics ;)

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I use the "force leap" to a group of mobs hit the aoe smash which stuns a few of them activate cloak of pain at the start of the fight, and ward when I have about half hp, use a medkit if I have to which almost puts me at full health, kill them off one by one. Most fights leave me with ~25% health on Nar Shaadda even if I drop the mobs in a few seconds, mobs are equal to a a few levels higher. This was before I figured out Quinn was a healer, used Vette all the time earlier. Edited by Herethos
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