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Never seen the movies...


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Ive never seen any StarWars movie, so the game was a bit confusing at the start lol

Sci-Fi isnt really my kinda thing, but the game is pretty fun though!


Question remains... who didn't see the movies either? :D


One thing, Star Wars isn't sci-fi, it's Science Fantasy.

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Go check out the movies, they are awesome (the newer 3, which are prequels to the original 3 aren't as good as the original 3, but they are still good IMO).


Just remember... no matter what anyone else tells you and no matter what you see on screen when you watch Episode IV A New Hope, HAN SHOT FIRST!

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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These games have nothing to do with the 6 movies so how were you confused ?

Apart from stuff like blasters, smugglers ,jedis, lightsabers, the force, light and dark side, sith, the empire, and so on and so on?

True it doesn't have anything (directly) to do with the story of the 6 movies. but it still has everything to do with Star Wars as a setting.

I can understand how someone is confused,. But then... read the lore and or watch the movies.

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lol yea I must admit IT is a bit weird perhaps.

But at the time I really didnt like the whole space theme thing.

I prefered horror or thriller movies instead.


Later on I did learn to appreciate the science-fantasy setting.

But then I didnt know where to start. Older or newer movies first.

A friend told me about the game and sinds I like MMO's, decided to give it a try.


After playing the game for a while now, it only made me more curious about the movies.

I figured there wouldnt be a lot of people who havent seen it by now lol


Ah well, it can be good for a laugh though :)

As in asking "stupid" questions hahaha


Howling monkeyman = wookie.

I know now...

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