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Leatrix Latency Fix helps with pvp ability lag.


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What does it do?


Leatrix Latency Fix will reduce your online gaming latency significantly by increasing the frequency of TCP acknowledgements sent to the game server. For the technically minded, this is a program which will modify TCPAckFrequency.


You will see reduced latency in many online games including Star Wars, World of Warcraft, Rift, Aion, Warhammer, Lord of the Rings, and more..........

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The ability lag has nothing to do with latency. It's because any ability will not fire until the animation of the previous action is complete. So, an ability with a 1 second cast time and a 2 second animation will prevent you from casting anything else for 2 seconds, not 1.


You can test this yourself by hitting your mount button, waiting for the cast timer to complete and then run forward. You will be dismounted because the animation hasn't finished and you don't actually mount until it does.

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