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Your Skills from Talent Tree are too Weak.


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Hello Community,


The following post addresses the issue that you do not receive higher ranks of abilities that you put points into from the talent tree. I have consulted my buddies and we all agree that our abilities taken from the talent tree are too weak.


I play a level 50 Combat Medic Trooper and it has come to my attention that abilities derived from the skill tree do not receive ranks as one levels up and thusly become irrelevant a few levels after you get them.


For instance, in the medic tree, at level 30 you can put a point into Trauma Probe. Trauma Probe is an activated ability that you cast on a player that heals them for ~200-300 upon hit. At level 30, the occasional 300 heal was very useful, and allowed me a few moments to heal and pay attention to DPS classes knowing that Trauma Probe would heal the tank every now and then. At level 50, trauma probe barely does anything and is not worth casting. Upon closer thought about Trauma Probe, I realized that I have not received another rank of it since learning it. I was aware of this previously, but I assumed that the ability was scaling. Clearly however, Im sure other combat medics agree, the ability does not scale. Trauma Probe heals for the same amount at level 50 as it does at level 30. In fact, none of the three heals in the Medic Skill tree do much good at level 50. The level 40 heal, Bacta Infusion, was a good powerful instant heal at level 40 that heals for around 1k. However, this is irrelevant at level 50 when the last rank of Medical probe heals for 2k and crits for 4k. Additionally, the 300 heal from Trauma Probe is irrelevant, and I barely notice whether or not it is cast on a party member. Kolto Bomb is similarly weak, and I only keep it in my rotation because it casts Charged Shield on allies while Supercharge Cells is active.


I think this must be some kind of grave technical error or oversight. Abilities that are taken from the talent tree need to be ranked up, you can't use a heal you got at level 30 for level 50 content. I think this needs to be addressed immediately in a patch that adds additional ranks of these abilities to the Trooper trainer, and similar ranks for all other abilities taken from the talent tree.


Any similar thoughts?

Edited by joetacticSW
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