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Looking for a Republic server


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Long story short :


Friends went Sith, I'm slowly working on a Sith to join them but much rather play as Republic.




So what server is good for a Republic player. I'd prefer PVE and the server has to be East Coast, pvp is ok but im not big on it outside of battlegrounds. Also if you could post what the server your on is lacking, like tanks or healers id appreciate it. I plan on going Trooper as a Republic main, since the story has been good on my test character so far. Plus you cant go wrong being teamed with Dr Venture lol


I will also be looking for a leveling/friendly guild as I wont be playing with people I know and having some social interaction past the random party helpers will be more beneficial in the long run

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Honestly, most PvE servers have gone Rep-heavy, and most PvP have gone Sith-heavy. This gets annoying when it comes to Warzones (expect a LOT of Huttball).


I recommend you check out an RP server, and just opt to not RP. There's much more balance in those servers.

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