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So were Marauders after-thought?


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The more I play Marauder, the more I feel that it was an after thought of the devs.


I just finished Corellia, and the items for every planet have been lacking in every respect. For instance, might hilts, which are clearly for Marauders, are lacking in what seems like every other planet's commendation scheme. And if they are there at all, they are usually weaker than Guardian Hilts, which are clearly for juggs.


Take Corellia's commendation vendor, it has Guardian Hilt 21 and 22, but only Might Hilt 20. Guardian Hilt 22 is clearly superior to the Might Hilt -- you only sacrifice 1 strength to gain 10 endurance and 8 damage rating.


During quest rewards, you are rewarded Heavy Armor in many instances with no comparable medium armor even offered. When it is offered, it is usually weaker than what you already have.


Not to mention juggs get an ability which gives them 6 rage (our battering assault) while they are out of combat (from my understanding, a friend is playing one). So I have to do at least 1 extra hit just to get going, while the jugg -- as well as most every other class -- is ready to use their best skills before the fight even starts!




Still going through the commendation mods. Looks like Might Armoring is also 2 levels below Guardian Armoring on Correllia. Looks like I'll be decked out in jugg/guardian gear /sigh.

Edited by Tom_Joad
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I power-levelled Artifice purely for that reason. There weren't enough mods for us, so I've started making them for myself. Another Marauder in the guild did the same for Cybertech, and I'm getting my Might Armor mods from him.


As for the general public, I'm trying to establish a market on Jung Ma so I can start pumping them out regularly. I do wish we had a Trade forum or something.

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I power-levelled Artifice purely for that reason. There weren't enough mods for us, so I've started making them for myself. Another Marauder in the guild did the same for Cybertech, and I'm getting my Might Armor mods from him.


As for the general public, I'm trying to establish a market on Jung Ma so I can start pumping them out regularly. I do wish we had a Trade forum or something.


Not to be a jerk but you want a trade forum when people press their attacks and they don't work ? Game needs less forums more fixes

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Not to be a jerk but you want a trade forum when people press their attacks and they don't work ? Game needs less forums more fixes


A forum takes five seconds to create. Currently, my best customers (I'm on an RP-PVP server) are Republics I role-play making a shady deal with. They pick up my stuff on the neutral network, and that's it. Still, that's a lot of work. I don't want to crank items out only find they won't move on the normal GTN.


And I feel the pain of the Sith Warrior who can't find Might mods for his level. It would be a lot easier to supply things like that if long-term deals could be made- which is easiest with a forum.

Edited by memoriesofprey
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I agree. I think the marauder was either revamped late in beta that they couldnt finish it completely come launch, or they had something else in mind when designing the class. Pure dps? wheres my knockback? my infinite stuns? My armor in the dark side vendor? Please bioware we want to be recognized.
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There are plenty of Marauder-appropriate mods, armor and enhancements available at commendation vendors. I've gotten MANY hilts as quest rewards...and the rest I can supplement from Artifice friends and/or the AH.


Here's something else to consider...


Buy the effing lightsabers from the commendation vendors. Strip the hilt and other mods from it, use them to upgrade you existing sabers and gear...or just keep the new saber. I don't know about you guys, but I RARELY use all my commendations on planets for myself. Most of the time, I use a good bit of them to get gear/mods for my companions - which is often a minor upgrade to a piece of his/her armor. You'll be better served upgrading your own gear - especially hilts, which = damage output.


And...no...Marauders were not an afterthought. And...no...there were no significant changes to the spec at any point through Beta. If anything, the class is slightly better than it was early on.

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The funny thing is, when I played through beta, I felt like I was steam rolling through.


I get my CE and log in, and I felt underpowered about 30% of the time in PvE.


That's something I noticed, but this could just as well be in my head, or I may have screwed it up this go-round.

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The funny thing is, when I played through beta, I felt like I was steam rolling through.


I get my CE and log in, and I felt underpowered about 30% of the time in PvE.


That's something I noticed, but this could just as well be in my head, or I may have screwed it up this go-round.


Classes were significantly altered...but mobs were. Questing in the beta was a joke. WoW-mode.


In the second to last build, mob strength (especially silvers) was buffed heavily.

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Buy the effing lightsabers from the commendation vendors. Strip the hilt and other mods from it, use them to upgrade you existing sabers and gear...or just keep the new saber.


You do realize that 9 times out of ten the lightsaber you are buying comes with the same GUARDIAN hilt you can buy with half the commendations from the mod vendor right?

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Buy the effing lightsabers from the commendation vendors. Strip the hilt and other mods from it, use them to upgrade you existing sabers and gear...or just keep the new saber. I don't know about you guys, but I RARELY use all my commendations on planets for myself. Most of the time, I use a good bit of them to get gear/mods for my companions - which is often a minor upgrade to a piece of his/her armor. You'll be better served upgrading your own gear - especially hilts, which = damage output.


Sounds to me like your mods are behind your level. Which is fine, until you hit 40 or so. The planet commendations Might mods are always a few levels behind the Guardian mods for some reason. I solve this by creating my own and procuring armor mods from Cybertech buds.


What can a solo player do? I don't know about you, but the GTN on Jung Ma doesn't exactly have a lot of choice for Might, either.

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You do realize that 9 times out of ten the lightsaber you are buying comes with the same GUARDIAN hilt you can buy with half the commendations from the mod vendor right?


You do realize that the stats on the 'guardian' hilts are generally better for PvE, right?

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You do realize that the stats on the 'guardian' hilts are generally better for PvE, right?


you do realize that your statement is in no way relevant to the point I was making right?


I bought all my hilts from the GTN, or took them out of flashpoint sabers depending on stats.

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I have a 42 marauder and a 29 sniper. Comparing the two it seems Sniper has much burst but runs out of gas after the e bar runs out. Marauder on the other hand is able to keep dishing it out. Although many abilities are presented to our class, your rotation should consist of abilities that you have specifically spec'd into. Edited by Masoa
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1. I have a 42 marauder and a 29 sniper. Comparing the two it seems Sniper has much burst but runs out of gas after the e bar runs out. Marauder on the other hand is able to keep dishing it out.


2. Although many abilities are presented to our class, your rotation should consist of abilities that you have specifically spec'd into.


This kind of two points, so I'll address them both:


1. Absolutely. That's what makes the Marauder an excellent flashpoint/operation DPSer - we can sustain our peak output near indefinitely...other classes will have resource issues over the long haul. We are out-bursted by almost any other DPS class...but slow and steady wins the race, right?


2. Disagree. There wouldn't be enough buttons to push if my rotation consisted only of the abilities which I have talented/spec'd into.

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