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Making the game more custom?


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As it stands right now, custom armor is nearly useless or at least, incredibly hard to make competitive with other lvl 50 gear. Perhaps allow us to remove mods from Artifacts, that would allow us to fill our custom gear more easily instead of making us all clones, which is what I assume is what the Custom Gear was all about. It's just that the inability to remove mods from Artifacts to place in our Custom Gear greatly limits our ability to use Custom Gear. Edited by Sleign
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customizing characters is great. If you have played any of the super heros MMOs you will know what I am talking about. Some poeple will put alot of time into making their toons look nice and enjoy every moment of it. many people also enjoy seeing what other people have done with charcter appearances. This brings alot of happiness to gamers.


Swtor believe their team know better than the players. They will design their sets and are confident that it is better than what the players would do. All the characters of a class will looks pretty much the same. Thats ok the (un)creative peeps that make this stuff know what you enjoy looking at better than you do. Games much older have done it much better.

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