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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why are a "select few" getting to play , when we purchased the same thing?


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as title says.


Discrimination much?


add in the other problems, lvl issues , especially on pvp servers, economies ruined , players having clear advantages.I could go on and on, there are millions of problems with this staggered launch, its mindblowing that nobody in any of these companies didnt realize the problem this was going to create.



You will find alot of people no longer buy things from the companies assiocated with this game, i know that for a fact, because i already have friends who refuse to play anything EA has there name on, which is this, even though its star wars and they like it, they wont play due to EA, now, all i can say is WOW, way to go with this latest debarcle.



this is Coming from a very pissed of customer


It's not a question of "WHAT" was purchased. It's a matter of "WHEN" it was purchased.

In essence, you simply entered the first queue when you pre-ordered the game.

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That arguement makes no sense at all...Yes they are ahead of me and the buy their groceries first but if I am in line..I get my groceries the same day..they dont tell me to go home and buy them tomorrow or up to 7 days.. I get treated exactly the same way as the ones in front of me.


But when there are a million plus people in line it brings the days factor into effect.

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no its people getting an advantage , which they should not be getting, we all purchased a PREORDER , why in the hell are people playing and some are not?


You joined in November. I take it you pre-ordered at that time.


IF you really wanted to get in early, you would have pre-ordered in July when they announced the Wave format of early entry.


You can't read, which is why you are being punished. You are self-entitled which is also why you are being punished.

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I doubt anyone at BW will be losing any sleep over this.

Or money. Not one of you is going to cancel their purchase, and if it mattered so much you should have pre-ordered on day one. Everybody who could read knew early access would be granted by their pre-order's registration date.

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to video games especially in the MMO type. It is, for some people, a COMPETITION they have to compete in, they want to win. It's like being the first to climb a mountain, it is satisfying for some people to be the first to be level 50.



And the people who are most dedicated and prepared are playing..probably as we speak. It's going exactly as it should and I am a bit dissapointed at how a small portion of the community is acting. Then again, its a small portion.

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It's even more sad that many people are okay with this kind of practice. Staging and early access are bad.


Ok, i'll get all of you with this metaphore about this thread.


This problem is like signing in for a competition, say a RACE, and we all know the beggining of the race is set up to a specific DATE but some people get to start before the others. Isn't that cheating? O.O... I mean if you signed up AFTER the beggining of the race (game official launch) OKAY fine but damn we're not buying stuff at the mall the ''who is first in line get to buy first''




to video games especially in the MMO type. It is, for some people, a COMPETITION they have to compete in, they want to win. It's like being the first to climb a mountain, it is satisfying for some people to be the first to be level 50.


Overall, my own point of view on this is that IT IS sad that they are doing this in this type of game (MMO) where competition is very present. I'd also like to say that PERSONALLY I don't give a damn about playing now or at launch even tho i pre-ordered i'm just defending the point of view of those that think it isnt right to let some people in just because they rushed home faster (over exagerating) than others to put in their redeem code.




It's like you signed up for a race but get to start after someone else.

This isn't right, it's WRONG you know it but dont give a **** about it.

Those people that can't play just took an arrow to the knee from EA.

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A staggered release ensures healthy servers. When most MMO's launch, they open the gates to everyone. Queues form, people complain, more servers are added. Once the dust settles however, you're left with a bunch of dead servers.


The first thing they said when they announce preorders was, "the sooner you redeem your preorder, the sooner you'll be playing the game". This statement has held up, you can't complain.


I can assure that you no ones getting a game breaking advantage right now, quit complaining already.

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This your first MMO? They didn't wait because an MMO fosters the "I want to see it first" mentality in every person that plays. My guildmates are not waiting because they got in today and they have no idea when others get to play.


There is a difference in being late to playing an mmo and being there with guildmates on Day 1 and only seeing a small fraction of you being able to play, while the rest have to wait and twiddle your thumbs and hope for better luck the next day.


I see you just skim right over the many posts that point frantically at the 800 lb gorilla in the room. The one holding the sign that says "Access is base don when you entered your pre-order code." You see it yet?

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I am not upset I didnt get in....a bit saddened yes..but I also understand how it makes people feel as well...

I have beta tested and went into EA in many games..over a dozen +...I never seen or had to deal with a staggered access...I do not truely understand it...but have to deal with it...

In all honesty I think in the long run it will hurt them more than help...As a small business owner, hopefully wanting to be large corp owner one day I believe that you should treat every customer the same whether they are your 1st or 100th...




This is 100% correct

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Stop all your crying and man up for once in your lives. It's Bioware's game and they'll do with it as they choose. If you don't like it, go play something else or make your own. Who cares if they let other people in before someone else. That's their decision and not yours.


Acting like you are entitled to something that you are not just makes you look even worse than the baddie you already are, so just stop whining, go outside, and do something beside cry on the interwebs about not being able TO PLAY A GAME!


When Bioware/EA decides that they are going to let you play their game they'll let you know.

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have you ever seen that episode of south park where cartman buys a theme park and doesn't let anyone in which makes everyone want to go there. thats what ea and bioware are doing there not stupid.



after the initial sales are done star wars is a dead game



This dude basing the future of an MMO of a South Park episode? Really?


Did you ever see that episode where cartman had a burger stand and kept burgers in his butt to give them a special seasoning?


Well that means you probably have assbergers. Sorry bro. At least you could end up really good at one thing.

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I know I'm in the group who is anxious to play but I'm not bothered by the layered early access purely because I had the expectation that I'd have to wait till release to actually play, not 7 days early. The expectation of a pre-order is guarantee a copy for launch, not that you can enter the game early. The Early Access was revealed after most players pre-ordered. It's a nice gesture. We did not reasonable rely on getting early access when you pre-ordered so there's nothing to gripe about.
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as title says.


Discrimination much?


add in the other problems, lvl issues , especially on pvp servers, economies ruined , players having clear advantages.I could go on and on, there are millions of problems with this staggered launch, its mindblowing that nobody in any of these companies didnt realize the problem this was going to create.



You will find alot of people no longer buy things from the companies assiocated with this game, i know that for a fact, because i already have friends who refuse to play anything EA has there name on, which is this, even though its star wars and they like it, they wont play due to EA, now, all i can say is WOW, way to go with this latest debarcle.



this is Coming from a very pissed of customer


Makes no sense. Did they HIDE from you that earlier pre orders would get earlier access? Nope. It was plastered everywhere. Common knowledge. Did you take advantage of that? Obviously not. So who's at fault here? I'm having a hard time piecing together the logic.

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you joined in november. I take it you pre-ordered at that time.


If you really wanted to get in early, you would have pre-ordered in july when they announced the wave format of early entry.


You can't read, which is why you are being punished. You are self-entitled which is also why you are being punished.


does it say that on the box

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If you care that much about competition why didn't you enter in the race for being first in EGA? That's when the race really started.


To add: It's like being Mexico in January 1969 and just finding out about the race to land on the moon. Then complaining when another country beats you to it.

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I am not upset I didnt get in....a bit saddened yes..but I also understand how it makes people feel as well...

I have beta tested and went into EA in many games..over a dozen +...I never seen or had to deal with a staggered access...I do not truely understand it...but have to deal with it...

In all honesty I think in the long run it will hurt them more than help...As a small business owner, hopefully wanting to be large corp owner one day I believe that you should treat every customer the same whether they are your 1st or 100th...


Fortunately BW can do what they want with their own company and their own products. Now if BW never announced EA and staggered invites just magically started happening with no info, that would be something to complain about.

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You joined in November. I take it you pre-ordered at that time.


IF you really wanted to get in early, you would have pre-ordered in July when they announced the Wave format of early entry.


You can't read, which is why you are being punished. You are self-entitled which is also why you are being punished.


Don't feed it. He's not being punished. He is waiting in line like everyone else. When I wanted to play SWTOR at PAX East, I got up at 5am, drove 60 miles in Boston's morning commute traffic, and stood in front of the door in the cold for two hours so I could get in, get my ID and rush to the front of the line. Then I had to wait ANOTHER 2 hours for the doors to open. I was in the first group.


OP was at the back of the 7 hour line at noon moaning about why he has to wait. Sorry OP.

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Hey guess what? I don't like it when people get in the right turning lane at a stop light and don't turn. You know what I do about it? I get over it cause the light is going to change in a few seconds anyhow and I'll forget all about it when I'm on the higway with everyone else.


Anyone who's been crying about this all day, I hope you have had fun cause I know I did since I got in on first wave.


You know why I got in before you? Because I read the sales add that clearly stated "FIRST COME FIRST SERVE."

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does it say that on the box


It said it in every forum post talkign about, all the specualtion posts, the FAQs, probably more places I don't know about. Just becasue they didn't send you a carrier pigeon with a marching band and ask you repeatedly if you understand doesn't mean the information wasn't out there

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We very well can complain and it's really none of your damn business what we do. Fact is I acted on an advertisement that read,"pre-order to gain early access." Not,"pre-order and you may gain early access." In the end that's false advertisement and I don't care if it was tattooed on the BW CEO'S butt as,"may." Every advertisement should have made it self explicitly clear on how early access works.
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