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Why are a "select few" getting to play , when we purchased the same thing?


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Yes. You bought a service. This is an online game, and online games have their own set of rules to abide by. The rules were set in stone half a year ago and if you can't understand that you got exactly what you paid for, then nothing can help you.


I did not get what i payed for, if i did i would be playing now,


As for you were told after you redeeemed your code, that was AFTER i had purchased the game, note the part AFTER


again misrepresentation

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as title says.


Discrimination much?


add in the other problems, lvl issues , especially on pvp servers, economies ruined , players having clear advantages.I could go on and on, there are millions of problems with this staggered launch, its mindblowing that nobody in any of these companies didnt realize the problem this was going to create.



You will find alot of people no longer buy things from the companies assiocated with this game, i know that for a fact, because i already have friends who refuse to play anything EA has there name on, which is this, even though its star wars and they like it, they wont play due to EA, now, all i can say is WOW, way to go with this latest debarcle.



this is Coming from a very pissed of customer


lol, last and the next few days will be pure comedy to read...thanks to all of the sissy whiners :))

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Okay, you say it's fair and I totally get why. I'm not even mad at this, just disappointed. When has pre-ordering a game EVER meant that you didn't get to play in the launch? Sure the official launch is the 20th but this is still a launch. People are playing the full game before a lot of us. That's a launch to me. I just want to know why they decided to cut so many people out of this experience. The launches of games are madness, chaos, and most importantly FUN.


I remember all of my previous launches because they were memorable for one reason or

another. This one will be memorable for what? Not letting a majority of us in even though we pre-ordered to support this game and company.




yes you're totally right, Bioware should just let all 3-4million pre-orders start on the 20th.............because you know, we don't really want to play until 2012 anyway........

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Exactly. This extra time is no special thing Bioware is giving us. We bought this time by giving them expected future sales.



They said UP TO 5 days. not "You will definitely get 5 days." And heck, they are giving up to 7 days... seems like a bonus to me.

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And they haven't lied. "Up to 5 days early game access". If we go by them, being contractually bound to provide you with all five days of access, you are STILL -1 days into early access.


But they said UP TO 5 days, which means you could still be waiting 5 MORE days to get in, and they STILL would not have lied, and STILL would be providing EXACTLY what they said they did.


Oh yes. Pre-order and I will give you up to 5 days access. JUST KIDDING, you only get 3 hours. And you are OK with that? I understand the need to be a fanboy for something you are excited about, but you are taking it too far.


Anyone stop to think why they increased it to 7 days? It wasn't for our benefit. It was because they have hardware that cannot handle the players and needed two more days. Does that not worry anyone else or are we all just blindly hoping the problem corrects itself before we all hit 50 and try some world pvp?

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It has not


Not on the packaging , nor the suppliers, not at any stage was i told the people who preordered first would get to play first.



this is MISREPRESENTATION, if you think otherwise your a joke.


If by the packaging you mean the preorder box with just the code in it.. Allow me to quote

Pre-order offer expires when product releases. Code expires December 31, 2012. Good only for new purchases of "StarbWars: The Old Repuboic" ("product"). Valid only at participating retailers. Code will be given at time of pre-order and may not be substituted, exchanged, traded, sold or redeemed for cash or other goods or services. Valid whereever product is sold. May not be combined with any other offer, gift card, rebate or discount coupon. Void where prohibited, taxed or restricted by law. Acceptance of End User Access and Licensing Agreement, persistant internet connection, account registration (13+ to register), paid subscription and valid payment method required to access gameplay. EULAs and disclosures can be found at http://www.ea.com/1/PRODUCT-EULAS. Payment method age restrictions may apply. Entitlement to early access is contingent on the date of your pre-order and the release date of the product. See pre-order FAQs at http://www.swtor.com/PREORDER/FAQ for details. SWTOR online service may be retired after 90 days notice posted on http://www.swtor.com.


I am curious.. Where in the following text, available on the back of the only box you could have gotten at the time of your preorder does it not say this?

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Did you play Cata? Was fine after 20 mins when Blizzard did a no server restart to introduce cata. Wasn't their fault a million people hammered their login server.


SWTOR has had just as long to get servers working. You think that they waited for game to be finished and then just decided to start working on hardware last week? They have had a million pre-orders since July and still had a lousy launch.


As much as you applaud cata I'm pretty sure that was your first MMO. Comparing the launch of an EXPANSION to the launch of a WHOLE NEW FRANCHISE is pretty dumb.


But hey, guess what, I was there when WoW was a brand new franchise on launch and IT WAS A MESS. It was a scramble to fix all the crap that was wrong. Most of the servers were a gd disaster. The only reason this launch is a disaster TO YOU is because YOU'RE NOT PLAYING RIGHT NOW.

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There's something called obvious, i.e all pc games require pc. So yea they won't say that.


BUT untill now ALL early access ALLOWED ALL pre order players to LOG IN.


Bioware changed that, as such it's not obvious result and every client should've been informed beforehand.


Take it up with the vendor. Site offered the info from the beginning. If vendors didnt inform people they are the first to turn to.

Edited by Quineverre
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EAG is nothing but a bonus ... A reward for who got the game earlier. You got the game at a later point? Then your reward is smaller.


Is like a line at a movie. The guys who ordered first or who are in front of the queue gets the best spots. And you still pay the same amount of money. Do you whine about that too?

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If you're standing at your computer, you're using it wrong.


wut is he saying I dun even...


OH! .. good thinking :D !


srsly though, if youre going to let some ppl in then everyones going to think theyre some ppl - thats just human nature. Its also human nature to be dissapointed.

If theyd say I had 2 days of early access and gave me three then id be super happeh.


Now what would you expect from a company which invested 5 mil on the EGA? Id think they take the easy route .. put a low pressure timetable out n make ppl happy as they can easily meet the demand.


Now they just made a chunk their customers dissapointed.. now who here thinks thats a good starter for any product?


(ps. the fact that most ppl are fairly emo isnt relevant to the fact that somethings going wrong)

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You pre-ordered it after the window Bioware had. It wasnt just posted on the internet. It was in print media. I got news letter emails from three different sites that mentioned it on the very top article in the email.


And like I said earlier. Companies do this now a days. Have a smartdevice? (Phone, GoogleTV, etc?) Its the same concept behind this. Even Microsoft staggers update releases now a days.


Ever had a smooth, major, MMO crash? Some even had roll backs because the character databases corrupted. Others spent most of the time down for the first week because the servers and the various hardware and modules used for various things such as naming conventions and character creation couldnt handle this.


Besides that had to of been done was read the website because there were posts on this going back to July. And people talking about it on the forums. Being upset isnt going to help.


People are upset with this. I was upset when my Logitech Revue didnt get the Honeycomb update till the last day of the release period. I didnt go and express my grief in a public forum and start a war on the forums. I just waited. Which is what people need to start doing with a lot of tech now a days.


You cant get instant gratification all the time. Thats just a fact of life.


not after instant gratification, i want what i payed for, and the to be playing my PREORDER now like the other people who brought PREORDERS.


Having 2 sets of rules does not work, and again they are at fault here not me,if i was told by the supplier or if it was printed on the box then i would be at fault, i am not , they are

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Oh yes. Pre-order and I will give you up to 5 days access. JUST KIDDING, you only get 3 hours. And you are OK with that? I understand the need to be a fanboy for something you are excited about, but you are taking it too far.


Actually, they did say "at least 1 day", which got extended to at least 3 days by the virtue of the additional 2 days.

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Oh yes. Pre-order and I will give you up to 5 days access. JUST KIDDING, you only get 3 hours. And you are OK with that? I understand the need to be a fanboy for something you are excited about, but you are taking it too far.


Anyone stop to think why they increased it to 7 days? It wasn't for our benefit. It was because they have hardware that cannot handle the players and needed two more days. Does that not worry anyone else or are we all just blindly hoping the problem corrects itself before we all hit 50 and try some world pvp?


Well, too bad you can't play and see how ridiculously smooth it's been so far. Nope, no worries here.

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as title says.


Discrimination much?


add in the other problems, lvl issues , especially on pvp servers, economies ruined , players having clear advantages.I could go on and on, there are millions of problems with this staggered launch, its mindblowing that nobody in any of these companies didnt realize the problem this was going to create.



You will find alot of people no longer buy things from the companies assiocated with this game, i know that for a fact, because i already have friends who refuse to play anything EA has there name on, which is this, even though its star wars and they like it, they wont play due to EA, now, all i can say is WOW, way to go with this latest debarcle.



this is Coming from a very pissed of customer


^^ This -- makes everyone go like this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tiOMKIugeI

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July... yes, because THAT equates to 6 years of planning, with a confirmed count of subscriptions and such.


And.."Wasn't their fault a million people hammered their login server. ".. what would happen if they opened it up for all to login, RIGHT NOW?


Just curious :)


I was able to log into Cata within 20 mins as well as many others who were dc'd or logged off on purpose. I would love to play SWTOR in 20 mins.


SWTOR has had 6 years. The technology doesn't change just because Warcraft has been out longer. Bioware has access to the same hardware Blizzard does and even has in place the ability to separate the server into different map shards to allow A LOT more people on each server.

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I did not get what i payed for, if i did i would be playing now,


As for you were told after you redeeemed your code, that was AFTER i had purchased the game, note the part AFTER


again misrepresentation


Oh yes, you did.


Also, we were told before we redeemed a code. It's written on the frigging box. In small letters, but one should always appreciate small letters. Also, it was all over the internet, on official site too.

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I did not get what i payed for, if i did i would be playing now,


As for you were told after you redeeemed your code, that was AFTER i had purchased the game, note the part AFTER


again misrepresentation


what did you pay for? The EGA cost nothing, the preorder cost the same as some one who buys the game on the true release. So again how are you not getting what you payed for?


If you get even one day of early access then it will be exactly what was advertised, not misrepresentation there. sorry... if on the 20th you didnt get the early access then come crying that song but right now there was never a promise to get in 7 days early.



To close.....

Your retailer should tell you that. If they didn't, don't buy there again.


Also, it says it in the fine print on the pre-order code card. Citation:




There. /Thread

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I agree. Let's cancel this early access nonsense now and all wait until Dec. 20 to play.


either allow all to play or none, they did not make the suppliers tell us nor did they print this information on the box.


As far as i am aware i purchased a preordered game, so why am i not playing? and no i was not told about the preorder system, WHICH puts them AT FAULT

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