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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why are a "select few" getting to play , when we purchased the same thing?


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I already paid for the full game, I already received ful game, yet i can't play, care to elaborate on your argument cause i'm lost here


Yes. You bought a service. This is an online game, and online games have their own set of rules to abide by. The rules were set in stone half a year ago and if you can't understand that you got exactly what you paid for, then nothing can help you.

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Stated were?

on the box? or from the provider i purchased it from?


tell me were i was told?


Let's see... I got notified at Gamestop when I pre-ordered by the clerk... it was on the website where I registered my code that was printed on my receipt from Gamestop.... it was in the email that I received after I confirmed my pre-order code... it was on the website in July... it was discussed basically by anyone and everyone who wanted to be in on the beta test...


Really, if you didn't encounter any of this, I think I'd like you to stop breathing my air.


Breathing my air is against the law.

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I already paid for the full game, I already received ful game, yet i can't play, care to elaborate on your argument cause i'm lost here


That's easy. The game launches on the 20th. If you happen to get let in early, that's just bonus time.

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A little QA:


Is the official release on the 20th? Yes


Are people playing now? Yes


Is it fair? Yes


You know why? Because it was stated in the frigging rules you agreed to when you purchased the game. If you didn't bother to read or comprehend that then it's your own fault.


LMAO! Yeah, did the Amazon rep sit you down with their lawyer and go through that 18 page document with you too? My quote had nothing to do with anything you said. Good job though. Making my job easier.


Think THEN write.


ps. im drunk, but still sexy

Edited by Evarg
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I already paid for the full game, I already received ful game, yet i can't play, care to elaborate on your argument cause i'm lost here
For the slow ones, he's saying it's not launch because you're not using a retail key..nor are you paying for access yet.


The pre-order was NOT payment to get in EGA. EGA was a bonus that came WITH the pre-order. Pre-orders are there to guarantee your copy of the game...that's it. Everything else was explained when the Pre-order system was put up. Always read about a product before buying it..I'd figured that was obvious by now.

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Referring to what is or isn't on the game box is a red herring as the box has nothing to do with early access. Its the pre-order that gives you early access and is completely separate to the game box. If you pre-ordered from Amazon and they didn't tell you about the pre-order details then that is an issue for Amazon, not Bioware.


The silly thing is that we know you are an MMO veteran Manshoon so complaining that you never visited the SWTOR website is rather funny. Last time I checked you were also Red-zone.

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Surely its like going to a theme park?


You pay to get in. If you are there when the park first opens then you will be first (or near the front) of the que of your fave roller coaster (or teacups if you prefer).


If you wait until 1pm before you enter said park then you are going to have to que, would the QQ's really stand in the Que and yell "OMG THIS IS UNFAIR I WANT TO RIDE NOW BECAUSE I PAID TO, AND YOU ARE LETTING THESE OTHERS GO FIRST!"


Also, why would you want too see millions of people getting in on the first wave? So you can get angry at the start zones being major overcrowded? That's IF the servers weren't to crash first... right?

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But I shouldn't have to read emails! The box didn't say so! It also didn't say I had to have a computer to read the emails on! :t_evil:


WAIT!!! I need a computer?! I don't need one for the game though, right?


Dang, I think I'm in trouble ;)

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as title says.


Discrimination much?


add in the other problems, lvl issues , especially on pvp servers, economies ruined , players having clear advantages.I could go on and on, there are millions of problems with this staggered launch, its mindblowing that nobody in any of these companies didnt realize the problem this was going to create.



You will find alot of people no longer buy things from the companies assiocated with this game, i know that for a fact, because i already have friends who refuse to play anything EA has there name on, which is this, even though its star wars and they like it, they wont play due to EA, now, all i can say is WOW, way to go with this latest debarcle.



this is Coming from a very pissed of customer


Spot the communist... i bet he thinks that everyone should have the exact same income too, no matter what kind of job they have. It shouldnt bother you so much, you had the EXACT same chance of pre-ordering on the 21st of july as ANYONE else.

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Blizzard can sell 13million copies of Cataclysm and have all those people crammed into two zones. Yet, Bioware can't handle 1/5th the people over 4 starter zones and many more map instances/shards? This is a bad first impression for a lot of people. There is a lot of "whining" and "crying" on the forums, but in contrast to what many people in this thread think, sometimes there is a justification for ************.


Ahhh, yes. Wow Cataclysm... Because they DIDN'T have what? 6 years? To get the servers running and stabilized, figure out EXACTLY how many players would be there, and to ramp up and prepare for the launch?


Oh yah... and it was STILL unplayable for many, for many days.


Hmmmmm. Seems to me that only being in -6 days from launch, they be doing a pretty fine job :wea_03:

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as title says.


Discrimination much?


add in the other problems, lvl issues , especially on pvp servers, economies ruined , players having clear advantages.I could go on and on, there are millions of problems with this staggered launch, its mindblowing that nobody in any of these companies didnt realize the problem this was going to create.



You will find alot of people no longer buy things from the companies assiocated with this game, i know that for a fact, because i already have friends who refuse to play anything EA has there name on, which is this, even though its star wars and they like it, they wont play due to EA, now, all i can say is WOW, way to go with this latest debarcle.



this is Coming from a very pissed of customer


You could go on and on eh...........you registered Nov 2011. You had the same opportunity to pre-order the game like everyone else. Most of us that pre-ordered the game months ago didn't even know about early access. Don't get mad at Bioware or those of us that pre-ordered the game and got in 12/13/11, you've only yourself to blame. You're not being discriminated against at all. You chose NOT to be pro-active, your choice, no one elses.

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Stated were?

on the box? or from the provider i purchased it from?


tell me were i was told?


Your retailer should tell you that. If they didn't, don't buy there again.


Also, it says it in the fine print on the pre-order code card. Citation:




There. /Thread

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Spot the communist... i bet he thinks that everyone should have the exact same income too, no matter what kind of job they have. It shouldnt bother you so much, you had the EXACT same chance of pre-ordering on the 21st of july as ANYONE else.


Yeah, agreed. And we pretty much already have communism. Personally, I don't even see why the government even bothers to tax us if they are just going to inflate our money with trillion dollar stimulus packages. Why not just spend that money on what the taxes would have bought and do it every year?

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But the retailer I bought the game from didn't tell me so! I think that's against the law or something.


I am pretty sure retailers do not need to tell you a computer is needed for being able to play a COMPUTERgame. Same as they do not need to tell you knittingneedles are needed when you buy wool and a patern for a sweater.

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Surely its like going to a theme park?


You pay to get in. If you are there when the park first opens then you will be first (or near the front) of the que of your fave roller coaster (or teacups if you prefer).


If you wait until 1pm before you enter said park then you are going to have to que, would the QQ's really stand in the Que and yell "OMG THIS IS UNFAIR I WANT TO RIDE NOW BECAUSE I PAID TO, AND YOU ARE LETTING THESE OTHERS GO FIRST!"


Also, why would you want too see millions of people getting in on the first wave? So you can get angry at the start zones being major overcrowded? That's IF the servers weren't to crash first... right?


ofcourse theres the subtle difference between standing an hour in line and standing UP TO 7 days in line..

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