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Why are a "select few" getting to play , when we purchased the same thing?


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if i started playing WoW again now after being away from it for 2+ years, I wonder if there are people in the game that won't have an advantage over me...hmmm...nope i cant see this happening at all!


Dumb example. Think of a better one please.

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Me: Hey Jim, you need to buy this new game it is awesome.


Jim: Oh yeah, I heard about that, maybe I'll go buy it after work.


Me: Well, you can't buy it yet, it isn't out until the 20th.


Jim: Oh, then how are you playing?


Me: Oh, I pre-ordered it and they let me play early.


Jim: Cool, well I'll just play with you on the 20th then.


Me: Well, I'll be pretty far into the game then, so we can't really play together.


Jim: Oh, well, when can we play together?


Me: Well, when we get to level 50 I guess.


Jim: Oh, how long will that take?


Me: About 200 hours or so.


Jim: Oh...umm, nevermind then.




Guildmate: This is cool, been playing all day. Love this game.


Me: Yeah, I should get in tomorrow.


GM: Cool, we can do some flashpoints or something.


/me logs in


*Guildmate is level 20*


/me cries




etc etc etc


I hate staggered launch, who cares who gets in when, the end.


Or, you can have a vent conversation with mature adults, like I had today.


Me: Well I wish you could all get in today.


friend: Yeah, well, It'll get in a couple days.


Me: Well, when you do, if you need any help with flashpoints I'll come back and help you.


friend: Thanks, man. I wish I hadn't been overseas when the pre-order program started.


Me: Yeah, sucks, but you'll get in soon. No biggie.


freind: You're right.

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Yay another OMG I am not in the first day /wrist , I hate BW I hate all game makers, OMG my life wil lend thread


Ugh its all free time till the 2oth stop complaining about everything, go outside, enjoy some time with real friends or family. Maybe study to improve your education or go to work .

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Me: Hey Jim, you need to buy this new game it is awesome.


Jim: Oh yeah, I heard about that, maybe I'll go buy it after work.


Me: Well, you can't buy it yet, it isn't out until the 20th.






Guildmate: This is cool, been playing all day. Love this game.


Me: Yeah, I should get in tomorrow.




/me cries




etc etc etc


I hate staggered launch, who cares who gets in when, the end.


Me: With everyone who just got out of school and work, I cant play because the que is 6 hours long!!!


GM: its all good bro, I have no job and been playing since 7am... Im lvl 20 now!




GM: Cant Bro, with all the people trying to get in at the same time, the servers just crashed, they said it will take at least 7 hours to put the fires out....




I'll take the staggered/waves/rolling whatever you want to call it invites....If my friends are higher levels than me, so be it... maybe when I play while they are at work, I can hit lvl 20 and then join them the next day.....


Damn, there is that logic crap again!

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Sorry, what advantage do you think they'll be getting exactly? You're playing an MMO. Getting to 50 is not a taxing thing.


If you're good at your class, people will want to recruit you at 50 for raids/PvP. If you're not, no amount of Early Access is going to help you. It's also not a "select few". It's the 300-400k people who did Bioware a service by pre-ordering the first day or two they had pre-orders out!


We did them a massive economic favour. 300,000 people made them around 12 million quid in one day. If someone made you £12 million, don't you think you'd give them a day or two's reward too? We put out trust in Bioware and preordered absurdly early, in some cases 6 months early. We put our money down.


In return we get to start like two days before you do. Not exactly a huge advantage.

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Good customer service would be putting you lot out of our misery. I say that as someone who works with the public, or as the bumper sticker says, "Show me someone who still has faith in mankind and I'll show you someone who has NEVER worked in retail."


I'm not going to argue that logic much, yes most of the people complaining are insufferable illiterates who didn't read the UP TO part of 5 Days Early Access , or didn't bother to click the link and read what determined the order of early access. But it's not incredibly difficult to treat undesirable people with respect enough that they will stop complaining. Sure there will still be greifers and QQers, but I feel like a lot of the tension in the forums could be pretty easily alleviated with minimal effort.


Maybe it's like someone said earlier, this is just my first MMO launch and I thought it would be perfect, but come on it's my first time! :p


I'm going to go drink myself into a coma now though, wake me up when my early access is ready.

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Or, you can have a vent conversation with mature adults, like I had today.


Me: Well I wish you could all get in today.


friend: Yeah, well, It'll get in a couple days.


Me: Well, when you do, if you need any help with flashpoints I'll come back and help you.


friend: Thanks, man. I wish I hadn't been overseas when the pre-order program started.


Me: Yeah, sucks, but you'll get in soon. No biggie.


freind: You're right.


Incidentally, Thank you for your service.



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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Just in case no one has ever told you, spelled it out, or otherwise made sure you knew it: Murder is against the law.


Just so you know.


This ^^ Trying going to traffic court and looking for sympathy due to ignorance of the law. They will just look at you with the, "are you done yet" contempt on their face before they add $60 bucks to the ticket for court costs.

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as title says.


Discrimination much?


add in the other problems, lvl issues , especially on pvp servers, economies ruined , players having clear advantages.I could go on and on, there are millions of problems with this staggered launch, its mindblowing that nobody in any of these companies didnt realize the problem this was going to create.



You will find alot of people no longer buy things from the companies assiocated with this game, i know that for a fact, because i already have friends who refuse to play anything EA has there name on, which is this, even though its star wars and they like it, they wont play due to EA, now, all i can say is WOW, way to go with this latest debarcle.



this is Coming from a very pissed of customer


Yay! Like OMG everyone knows that all successful MMOs have everyone at the same level where EVERYONE started playing at the EXACT same time so there is no level difference, variation of wealth among players, or any sort of equipment advantage. I mean for real, GAWD!...:D


Grow a pair and realize your only as special as the rest of us not playing right now.

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Or, you can have a vent conversation with mature adults, like I had today.


Me: Well I wish you could all get in today.


friend: Yeah, well, It'll get in a couple days.


Me: Well, when you do, if you need any help with flashpoints I'll come back and help you.


friend: Thanks, man. I wish I hadn't been overseas when the pre-order program started.


Me: Yeah, sucks, but you'll get in soon. No biggie.


freind: You're right.


Should never have happened. You and your friend should both be playing today, the same as both myself and my friends should all be playing. This is 2011 ffs.


Blizzard can sell 13million copies of Cataclysm and have all those people crammed into two zones. Yet, Bioware can't handle 1/5th the people over 4 starter zones and many more map instances/shards? This is a bad first impression for a lot of people. There is a lot of "whining" and "crying" on the forums, but in contrast to what many people in this thread think, sometimes there is a justification for ************.

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I'm not going to argue that logic much, yes most of the people complaining are insufferable illiterates who didn't read the UP TO part of 5 Days Early Access , or didn't bother to click the link and read what determined the order of early access. But it's not incredibly difficult to treat undesirable people with respect enough that they will stop complaining. Sure there will still be greifers and QQers, but I feel like a lot of the tension in the forums could be pretty easily alleviated with minimal effort.


Maybe it's like someone said earlier, this is just my first MMO launch and I thought it would be perfect, but come on it's my first time! :p


I'm going to go drink myself into a coma now though, wake me up when my early access is ready.


To that, I rebutt back with; Try phone services or any assistance or question answering over the phone. Yes, there are a lot of insufferable illiterates who will not be appeased, no matter what you say or do.




Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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This is... wow.


You should feel like the guy who DIDN'T get trampled, because they had an orderly seating plan, where people in the front got i first.



And no, dont preorder anything again. If you hadn't preorder this game to begin with, your stupidity would not be making my head hurt.


I'm so glad you're here to tell me how I should feel.


I'm equally glad I can cause you pain.

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Should never have happened. You and your friend should both be playing today, the same as both myself and my friends should all be playing. This is 2011 ffs.


Blizzard can sell 13million copies of Cataclysm and have all those people crammed into two zones. Yet, Bioware can't handle 1/5th the people over 4 starter zones and many more map instances/shards? This is a bad first impression for a lot of people. There is a lot of "whining" and "crying" on the forums, but in contrast to what many people in this thread think, sometimes there is a justification for ************.


Quote for truth

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Should never have happened. You and your friend should both be playing today, the same as both myself and my friends should all be playing. This is 2011 ffs.


Blizzard can sell 13million copies of Cataclysm and have all those people crammed into two zones. Yet, Bioware can't handle 1/5th the people over 4 starter zones and many more map instances/shards? This is a bad first impression for a lot of people. There is a lot of "whining" and "crying" on the forums, but in contrast to what many people in this thread think, sometimes there is a justification for ************.


Know what the cute thing is? You couldn't do it better. Oh sure, you THINK you can. I'm not going to elaborate on what that's a sign of, but you can't. Cataclysm? HAH.

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Should never have happened. You and your friend should both be playing today, the same as both myself and my friends should all be playing. This is 2011 ffs.


Blizzard can sell 13million copies of Cataclysm and have all those people crammed into two zones. Yet, Bioware can't handle 1/5th the people over 4 starter zones and many more map instances/shards? This is a bad first impression for a lot of people. There is a lot of "whining" and "crying" on the forums, but in contrast to what many people in this thread think, sometimes there is a justification for ************.


Good thing I'm not part of the 'a lot of people' you refer to.

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Should never have happened. You and your friend should both be playing today, the same as both myself and my friends should all be playing. This is 2011 ffs.


Blizzard can sell 13million copies of Cataclysm and have all those people crammed into two zones. Yet, Bioware can't handle 1/5th the people over 4 starter zones and many more map instances/shards? This is a bad first impression for a lot of people. There is a lot of "whining" and "crying" on the forums, but in contrast to what many people in this thread think, sometimes there is a justification for ************.


You are just so completely wrong on Cataclysm. It only had 550,000 pre-orders. SW:TOR was over 900,000 before EGA. Back under the bridge with you.

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This is a game not a grocery store, not a lottery ticket not a concert.

If bioware planned this they shouldn't have advertised early access as part of pre-order

All you morons who think you're fighting to defend bioware you're just adding oil to fire, i wonder if you're gonna keep saying "cancel your game" once it's quickly losing population and subscribers because of pissed off community.



You think pissing off and ignoring community is ok ? look @ star wars galaxies.

Right now pissed of people are in huge majority. You should have just let them steam off while whining, instead you only irritate them with your idiotic fanboism



atm bioware is causing in fighting in community between hardcore bioware fanbois and the rest of the community.


Also this isn't stress testing, stress testing was done in beta... this is controlling.



All I can see is some idiot thought quques and crashes in games are bad and figured 'waves' are a good method to fix that.




Yes i'm pissed at bioware, but now i'm even more pissed off now because thanks to fanbois whole situation seems to be getting even worse.

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