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Please add "Report AFK/Kick" button for warzones


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Well if you're not 50 and have expertise then you may as well go afk, as you're simply providing more points to those that already have the most. The pvp is seriously not fun, getting facerolled in every single match, in a random wz grp with mixed level ranges. It only takes 3-4 of these 50's and it's 6-0 huttball etc ... This seriously needs to be looked at. Edited by MrFlibble
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I don't see why the pvp should also only be for those that levelled to max during headstart and now have expertise gear. This should at least be available on crafted armour, at lower levels, as the current scaling in wzs is completely negated by this stat. In it's current state, pvp is not a good experience to newer players. Edited by MrFlibble
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