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Vulkar Highway Server: Official Imperial Report on 1/03/2012


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Official Imperial Engagement Report


RE: Events 1/2/2012


From: Colonel Hotbox , Clan of the Black Lotus


Two operational groups of the Clan of the Black Lotus made their first appearance on Tattooine in a PVP attack force designed to test and probe alliance defenses.


Upon arrival on Tattooine, two brigades of BLC members met and grouped up in the Dune Sea to launch an attack on Fort (classified). upon destruction of its guards we proceeded to camp the center of the Alliance fort for a period of approximately 15 minutes. During that time, defenders fled the city or were quickly overwhelmed by our numbers.


At that point our group moved deep into Alliance territory finding minimal forces and light resistance, stopping just outside of Anchorhead. Elements of the BLC force then proceeded south by southwest into Outlaw's Den, again finding only minimal defenses and some Jedi Shadows camping the auctionhouse. They were quickly dispatched and the remaining imperial spearhead then moved south back again into Empire controlled lands.


Assessment: Alliance response times and strength was surprisingly slow and light. Alarm response time was also almost non-existent.


(On a personal note, the few people that contacted us and reported us for camping a 'PVE area' were ignored and -- thankfully-- no response was dispatched by the development staff )


Video will be uploaded shortly to Imperial intelligence shortly via You Tube.



Colonel Hotbox, Guildmaster of the BLC (Clan of the Black Lotus)


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