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The game doesn't need target-of-target.


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Which would cast a heal on yourself.


Play a healer for any considerable amount of time and you will beg for a target of target display.


Hell play a character that is supposed to monitor/debuff/interupt/kite another mob that someone is attacking and you will give up your first born for it. Tunnel vision in on a single mob and just pew pew? yeah, you wont care.


I am a healer.



I would kill for target of target.


Especially in 2 man heroics where I may also be on part interrupt duty.

I want to be able to have the boss selected, kick him in the groin as he is about to do something nasty and still be able to heal my team mate without having to change target.

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Play a healer for any considerable amount of time and you will beg for a target of target display.


Hell play a character that is supposed to monitor/debuff/interupt/kite another mob that someone is attacking and you will give up your first born for it. Tunnel vision in on a single mob and just pew pew? yeah, you wont care.


I played a Red Mage in FFXI.


Job duties: heal, buff, debuff, kite


We never had target-of-target. I never knew what it was, and I never missed it. I'm making a healer alt now and I don't think I'll feel like I need it then either. Then again we didn't fight as many multi-targets in that game so maybe it'll be a different story here.

Edited by DarrkLore
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Yes you heard me right! Why? Because it already has target of target! It's "Alt+T" and you can even keybind it if you go in your preferences.


I know this might seem like a pretty silly thing to start a thread about but I feel like it had to be done since so many people are complaining that the game doesn't have it and that it should be a top priority for future patches. Now you know. And knowing is half the battle.


that's NOT what most people consider ToT though, ToT should show your targets selected target at all times.

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