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Everyone Needs to look at the long term, NOT the short term


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Good post Warrior. I've read no less than 75 different threads today at work (Yeah, it's dead here) and this is the first that did NOT contain High level QQ'ing. I applaud you for that. Here is the simple fact though. Tons of Hardcore MMO'ers will sit for a week straight with no shower, no job, no food and bedsores reflecting it to absolutely demolish a freshly released game only to then QQ about it because they have nothing left to do. They've played all the content, got the best gear, beaten all the bosses and their attention span elapsed. They blew their load prematurely, much like they do in real life while watching some obscure midget ****. That being said, most of us get the fact that this will happen and have absolutely no problem with them bailing out. Doesn't make my gameplay any different. That's my view anyways......
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This is the MMO World.

Games live or die by the first month. It's just the way it is.


Besides...keep it real. Regardless of whether the statements from people are constructive or conducive or not, for some people, Anything said against the game is a reason to attack the same way some just want to down it.


If they ban the 'idiots' who complain, then ban the 'Smithers' who kiss up and can't handle anything other than praise. Works both ways.


Bioware isn't being praised by me. Honestly, by them being bought out by EA, has like me not bringing them up on a throne anymore. I'm like the rest of the average gamers playing this who just want to enjoy it without having crashes and errors. If content gets added, I'm glad. I would just like a more stable game. NOT perfect, but stable.

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Good post Warrior. I've read no less than 75 different threads today at work (Yeah, it's dead here) and this is the first that did NOT contain High level QQ'ing. I applaud you for that. Here is the simple fact though. Tons of Hardcore MMO'ers will sit for a week straight with no shower, no job, no food and bedsores reflecting it to absolutely demolish a freshly released game only to then QQ about it because they have nothing left to do. They've played all the content, got the best gear, beaten all the bosses and their attention span elapsed. They blew their load prematurely, much like they do in real life while watching some obscure midget ****. That being said, most of us get the fact that this will happen and have absolutely no problem with them bailing out. Doesn't make my gameplay any different. That's my view anyways......


I hear ya. It won't dissuade me either. I have had my share of going from one mmo to another and quite frankly am DONE with doing that. I'm ready to just settle in one mmo and just deal with the bugs til they are fixed and enjoy my gaming with my friends.

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I will not give up on this game. No I am not a fanboy, but a person who wants a game to finally succeed. Unlike games like AoC, WAR, STO, etc. If you want the game to succeed, give feedback on errors, bugs and issues in the game. .


Whenever we give feedback people like you rant against us..... its the BW defense league springing into fanboi action once again.,,




And the "give it time" arguement is fine if it was F2P, its not so what you are saying is give it money....


And by even saying that it needs time (money) you are tactically admitting its a flawed product. Why pay for crap on the off chance they make it better? They've been in development how many years? and you expect miracles in 3-6months? And are prepared to pay for that slender hope?

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Good post Warrior. I've read no less than 75 different threads today at work (Yeah, it's dead here) and this is the first that did NOT contain High level QQ'ing. I applaud you for that. Here is the simple fact though. Tons of Hardcore MMO'ers will sit for a week straight with no shower, no job, no food and bedsores reflecting it to absolutely demolish a freshly released game only to then QQ about it because they have nothing left to do. They've played all the content, got the best gear, beaten all the bosses and their attention span elapsed. They blew their load prematurely, much like they do in real life while watching some obscure midget ****. That being said, most of us get the fact that this will happen and have absolutely no problem with them bailing out. Doesn't make my gameplay any different. That's my view anyways......



This man knows, and is also a jerk for stealing my words. :rolleyes:






Come on people, enough with all these threads, its been >almost< two weeks since release. Just breathe, there are problems with the game, but nothing huge. They will be fixed, bioware is a good company. There will be expansions considering they have over 1,000,000 subscribers already (i.e. they are successful and will continue. Chill

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Good post Warrior. I've read no less than 75 different threads today at work (Yeah, it's dead here) and this is the first that did NOT contain High level QQ'ing. I applaud you for that. Here is the simple fact though. Tons of Hardcore MMO'ers will sit for a week straight with no shower, no job, no food and bedsores reflecting it to absolutely demolish a freshly released game only to then QQ about it because they have nothing left to do. They've played all the content, got the best gear, beaten all the bosses and their attention span elapsed. They blew their load prematurely, much like they do in real life while watching some obscure midget ****. That being said, most of us get the fact that this will happen and have absolutely no problem with them bailing out. Doesn't make my gameplay any different. That's my view anyways......
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Wow, somehow double posted that. Anyways, I get the fact that Crafting is broken. I get the fact it's useless compared to PVP Gear and Ops Gear. You don't think they intend on fixing it? Why in this world does everyone have such a sense of entitlement that everything has to be fixed immediately and now. This isn't "you're way right away".....this isn't Burger King.
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Whenever we give feedback people like you rant against us..... its the BW defense league springing into fanboi action once again.,,




And the "give it time" arguement is fine if it was F2P, its not so what you are saying is give it money....


And by even saying that it needs time (money) you are tactically admitting its a flawed product. Why pay for crap on the off chance they make it better? They've been in development how many years? and you expect miracles in 3-6months? And are prepared to pay for that slender hope?


I said I WASN'T a fanboy. Bioware is dead to me thanks to EA, however, it does not say I'm giving up on a STAR WARS game cause I AM a star wars fan. Which fanboy do you mean? If you say STAR WARS then yes I am. If you say Bioware, NO I am not. A TON of people are STAR WARS fans EVEN WoW vets. So your post is full of it. Sorry but it's true.

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Ok so I have no idea why I am posting this cause I have seen the forums now become a bad community already. However, I need to do my rant cause I KNOW there are others like me who feel the same way.


The whole thing of people rushing to 50 and doing PvP and End Game Content and QQing that there is nothing for them, NEEDS TO STOP! Ok this game is like any other mmo. It will not have TONS of content cause they wish to fix bugs first and then ADD the content in HUGE patches or expansions which I know they will add expansions (i.e. Space Expansion ). If you people want your good for nothing end game content, go back to WoW. And I'm talking about the WoW TODAY. Not vanilla WoW. Vanilla WoW had the same problems as this game when it was released years ago. Honestly, mmos are NEVER perfect. If people think they are going to get a perfect mmo anytime they try one, lol, then you need to wake up and smell the roses. Bioware wants this game to survive the long term, NOT the short term. If bioware caters to the like low percentage of HARDCORE gamers in SW:TOR, the game will fall apart I assure you. I would bet over 75% of the people on this game are casual players and have lives to live. That being said, this game is better suited for those people cause they want to enjoy it.


In conclusion to my incessant rant, I will not give up on this game. No I am not a fanboy, but a person who wants a game to finally succeed. Unlike games like AoC, WAR, STO, etc. If you want the game to succeed, give feedback on errors, bugs and issues in the game. NOT issues with "This game stinks cause not many 50s here to do end game and not much end game content". BOO HOO! Cry me a river. It will improve in time. Please Bioware close the forums to the idiots who want content added before bugs are fixed and the game is balanced. The cess pool needs to end.


I am not giving up on this game, I plan on coming back at a later date ^^


That has been my point all along, my money will be here when the game is ready for me.

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I am not giving up on this game, I plan on coming back at a later date ^^


That has been my point all along, my money will be here when the game is ready for me.


I would too but I have a guild to lead now. And to me the good outweights the bad. Lots of friends I have made on game so I'm enjoying it.

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Pretty sure WoW catered hardcore players for years and boomed to like 12 million subs, now they are catering for casuals they are bleeding subs.


Yes but this game MOSTLY has casuals already on it. That being said this game is more catered to the person who wants to enjoy a game, not rush to end for end game content. And this game needs fixed before end game content is added.

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