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Ability glut


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I think it's not only the number of abilities, but that there doesn't seem to always be enough distinction between them and so sometimes it's hard for a more casual player to figure out what one to use.


For example, my lvl 13 Trooper has 3 ranged AoE atacks (Mortar Volley, Hail of Bolts, Sticky Grenade), 1 close AoE attack (Pulse Cannon), a single target attack with an AoE splash (Explosive Round), and a ranged AoE hold (Cryo Grenade). Is it really necessary to have that many? Especially at level 13?


Now, a player who spends some time experimenting and doing research can tell you specifically when to use each one. Strong target surrounded by weak ones use this. Use this other one unless it's on cooldown, in which case use this different one. Etc. But still, it seems like a ton of bloat.


The question is whether it's fun to have all those abilities even if you know what they do specifically, especially considering how little flavor most of them really have to distinguish them from each other. A lot of abilities have great animations to set them apart, but I'm too busy staring at my actionbar to notice.

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The question is whether it's fun to have all those abilities even if you know what they do specifically, especially considering how little flavor most of them really have to distinguish them from each other. A lot of abilities have great animations to set them apart, but I'm too busy staring at my actionbar to notice.


At this point, having so many abilities that have relatively the same function is pretty overwhelming. Perhaps it will become more second nature at higher levels, but I suspect it will remain feeling overwhelming.


The animations/effects are a lot of fun, but as you said since we're staring at the bars so much it's hard to get full enjoyment out of it.

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I think it's a balancing act. For example, I always played a Demo Lock, which is an extremely hotkey intensive class, and I loved it. However, this is just ridiculously over the top, because it isn't just a lot of situational abilities; it's a lot of core abilities that are clearly built to be part of your regular combat.


To be honest, that is kind of what I like about it though. I guess it goes to show that you can't please everyone, eh?


I think that they could make some improvements to the UI to make it easier to see everything we need to keep track of, but I would be pretty bummed if they started gutting my abilities.

Edited by belialle
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My biggest issue that I seem to spend more time looking at my hotbar than the screen. I havn't tried PvP yet and quite frankly I'm not about to try for that very reason. As a Jedi Sentinel I have a good 7-8 abilities I use in 95% of all my fights. The only way I know an ability is off CD is to look at the hotbar.


I will say though that now I am level 42 there are some abilities that I just don't need to use anymore. (Blade Storm as a watchman spec)

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Find 5-8 that you cannot live without and nix the rest from yer toolbar.



Problem solved.

that doesn't actually work.


For a shadow tank, at level 32 I have

-Kinetic ward (buff I need to keep up on a short timer, and use on cooldown in some cases)

-Deflection (tanking cooldown)

-Saber Strike

-Double strike

-Project: threat

-Force breach: AoE/Debuff I need to keep up.

-Whirling blow: AoE

-taunt, aoe taunt, force pull. These help a lot on stuff that has an aggro reset (mando raiders has a couple of fights)

-stealth, blackout, and my CC.



And that doesn't situational/rarely used abilities like my buff, guard, sprint. It also doesn't include my techniques (which I'll probably need available whenever I do a fight that requires a tank swap). Or spinning strike which is really high dpgcd/threat, situationally. It doesn't include stuns or interrupts. Nor does it include any of the higher level abilities (including a couple of more cooldowns). Nor does it include force of will (to get out of boss CC abilities)


5-8 is far from sufficient.

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I think what can affect this a lot is ease of access (for me anyway). if I can see and use all of my icons - great. I liked how City of Heroes used cntrl and alt to expand your bars on the fly.


Having to choose what abilities to forget I have feels like a waste.

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I think what can affect this a lot is ease of access (for me anyway). if I can see and use all of my icons - great. I liked how City of Heroes used cntrl and alt to expand your bars on the fly.


Having to choose what abilities to forget I have feels like a waste.


Being forced into that decision is incredibly poor design.

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You don't use all the skills you get only the oned your tallent spec boosts my rotation for level 32 Arsenal BH is Tracer missle 5 times> Unload> Rail shot> Rocket punch or Power shot depending on were the target is. The other abilities are useless and I don't need them.
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You don't use all the skills you get only the oned your tallent spec boosts my rotation for level 32 Arsenal BH is Tracer missle 5 times> Unload> Rail shot> Rocket punch or Power shot depending on were the target is. The other abilities are useless and I don't need them.


You don't need AoE abilities or cooldowns?

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Like many people, I was extremely bored with WoW and decided to come play this game instead. One of my chief problems was that WoW seemed to just make rotations more complex every expansion, as opposed to introducing interesting new mechanics. Many of the specs became an irritating logistical nightmare, and began to feel more like a flight simulator than a game. So, I came here hoping for something different...


...and it's worse. Every class I have played is insanely overburdened with a pile of abilities that are really purposeless except to introduce complexity for complexity's sake. For example, numerous classes have abilities that are just stronger versions of existing abilities except on a cooldown. That's not a fun or interesting mechanic. With the exception of the brilliant cover system, the majority of each class' core combat mechanics revolve around a series of flavor-less cooldowns and procs.


I've seen some people suggest a Rift-like macro system to solve this problem, but that seems like a lazy solution. A system that allows you to effectively ignore many of your abilities is awkward when you can simply solve the problem by getting rid of the offending abilities.


None of this is a complaint about difficulty. I don't think it's terribly difficult to keep track of all these cooldowns and procs... but that doesn't mean it's fun. Staring at my action bars isn't fun, but that's what I find myself doing the higher my level. I've got this beautiful game in front of me, and I'm staring at icons. Unfortunately, I don't know if I can justify continuing my subscription if this isn't fixed very soon, which is a shame, because I love everything else about this game.


Coming from all the other MMOs I played, I used to be a partial clicker. I would bind SOME of my keys to attacks I needed to hit quickly, but I was never good enough to bind everything. With SWTOR, I promised myself I would be a better player, and boy did BioWare really force me to apply myself. I kept leveling and getting new attacks and I felt like there's no way I can use all this!! Yet I continued to keybind and to learn new keybinds. I now have all attacks and all defensive abilities (I'm a Jugg) keybound. Trust me, there's a lot. And I've learned to use it all to the point to where I can actually watch the cool animations in the fight rather than my quickbar. For the most part I know when to hit certain abilities and when to build my rage back up. It's funny because it feels like BioWare shaped me into a better MMO player with this wide range of abilities. Plus, I personally feel it adds a bit more strategy to how you play. Instead of the same 6 or 7 attacks to have on one rotation, you get a LOT of options for you to use in different situations.


Anyway, I understand your point about being overwhelmed by abilities, as was I. But I adapted to it in a way I never have before, and I feel like I've come out of a better player. Remember; practice makes perfect. Wish you luck on your adventures friend! And may the force be with you :)

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And therein lies the problem. You shouldn't need more than that.


4 bars give you 48 buttons. I count 36 skills the Guardian has at level 50 (don't quote me on that). I lack quick travel on my bars, throw the ball for Huttball and any combat stims/medpacs in that count. If I want to use my companion skills for them (and see when they are off cd), I need to have them bound to one bar and thus loose the ability to use that bar. 48-12=36. So I can have every skill on my bar (you get 5k credits if you can identify one skill I would never use as a tank) and my companion bar open but loose the ability to have medpacs on my bar.

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