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Ilum objectives broken


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Upon logging in this morning and picking up my daily and weekly quests to help the war effort on Ilum, I've discovered that the capture objectives (crawlers and cannons) are not working. I'm not sure if this was Bioware's intention, or if this is a bug and is in need of hotfixing, but not a single objective is available for capture by either faction right now. Just wanted to post this and give a heads up, hopefully someone will take a look and we can get a hotfix for this, or confirmation that it's an intended temporary change.


not to destroy the flavor of this post, but please Bioware, fix this quickly. The pvp rewards system is only crapshoot RNG at best and being unable to complete your dailies or weekly quests is truly hurting the pvp'ers out there. Also, outlaw's den. that is all.


thanks for reading.

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