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How to deal with Operative Agent in pvp


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Here is my problem in pvp Operative Agent. i can't manage this class in a warzone and in a 1vs1.... i always have problem cause his/her stab me in hide knocking me down and in like 5 second i loose 80% of my life. I stand up and boom death.


I tried different solution using the ability to remove CC so i can try to hit him and dealing some damage or doing some heal on me to survive the first big hits but nothing. Every time i face an operative is a lost fight.


Actually i'm using lvl 40 mercenary pvp equip and i'm using a bodyguard/arsenal build as most of the merc in pvp. Is not only me with this problem i see lot's of other guys death in 3/4 seconds while i'm trying to heal them but the agent burst is near to a oneshot.


What i'm wondering is how the hell an agent can do 6k/7k of damage on an heavy armor in like 4seconds?! O.o i'm totally lost. This happen with lvl 50 and lvl 35 operatives.


Any advice, help, answer? is Operative agent OP?i'm doing something wrong with merc?




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Any advice, help, answer? is Operative agent OP?i'm doing something wrong with merc?


Arsenal is Range, Operative is Melee and mostly has the first blow, which is devastating ... you simply have to lose, otherwise something would be utterly wrong. Get used to. (Or if you don't, he made some very big mistakes)


It's the simple Stone, Paper, Scissors game.


Get caught by the Agent as an AP or Pyro and he may lose hard, this squishi little something.

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Arsenal is Range, Operative is Melee and mostly has the first blow, which is devastating ... you simply have to lose, otherwise something would be utterly wrong. Get used to. (Or if you don't, he made some very big mistakes)


It's the simple Stone, Paper, Scissors game.


Get caught by the Agent as an AP or Pyro and he may lose hard, this squishi little something.


i understand that i'm a range and not a melee but this is not a good reason to say that i can do nothing. for sure there is a good way to un-lock yourself as main target and avoid do die.

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I play a 40 Operative.


First break if you can break the two second knock down.

Second walk backwards. Don't turn. Don't run forward.


An operative will almost always hug your behind. Simply moving backwards behind him will save your life in most instances.


Then there is all the standard stuff. Key binding, straffing, cc, etc.

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Best you can do is hope for passive stealth detect and jet boost them away (or step backwards and hope they're a keyboard turning clicker). Other than that you just try to find them from range and nuke them down when you can.


This is how stealth classes work and it's why so many gankers roll them. Despite assurances otherwise, BW has created a stunlock 100-0 class. Thanks Georg.

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Despite assurances otherwise, BW has created a stunlock 100-0 class. Thanks Georg.


I fail to see the problem. The game should be balanced around group play. So one class can take out another then be useless the rest of the fight? Sounds like a good trade off. Lets just hope they are smart enough to take the healer down during their one free kill.

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I fail to see the problem. The game should be balanced around group play. So one class can take out another then be useless the rest of the fight? Sounds like a good trade off. Lets just hope they are smart enough to take the healer down during their one free kill.


No problem here. Just providing some FYI about how these classes work in pretty much every mmo out there, as well as apprising people as to the preferred "playstyle" of people who roll these classes.

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I must say the Operative burst is pretty impressive ^^


Level 42 OP crit me for 4.5k in Splatt Ball :( (Possibly with expertise pvp pot / relic buff running, but still.. heavy armor and all).


Only have one level 50 epic pvp piece, but goddamn! 14.2k hp and I got my *** handed to me by ops last night.

It's if I just exploded in Splatt Ball :p


But I believe that arsenal need more synergy with the other weapon cylinders as it is now.

Really need the snare from blah blah gas to be viable in pvp for deep Arsenal.


Ok, so Unload snares your target but the target is able to move towards you while you have to stand still channeling and god forbid the target have gap closers... nice snare for people trying to get away tho.


Right now, if a melee comes in your face, you either knock them the ¤%&/( back OR turret them to death or die trying.


There's so many gap closers for the melees with amazing range.

Starting to run/kite as Arsenal only nullifies the damage train.

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It's hard to give advice to a level 40, but here's how I generally go about the scenario (and, as an additional note, I'm sitting on valor rank 54 and have about ~9.5% expertise rating, so I might be a bit beefier than you and thus have more time to respond to an operative):


First off, I use Stealth Scan whenever I'm going to be immobile for a while. The best defense against an Operative is to catch him out of stealth, and stealth scan is one of our best (and sadly, under-utilized by many Bounty Hunters) abilities. If I catch an Operative, I immediately make my way to higher ground or a position where I can effectively use my 15-second Jet Boost/Rocket Punch knockback to gain an advantage.


If both of these don't work, blow Determination and start scanning your environment: you want to get to team mates fast. We are not a 1v1 class. If there are none around, I will generally Power Surge -> Concussive Missile and start gaining distance. Once I've reached the max distance, I will lay down an Explosive Dart to prevent a restealth. Remember to use Electro-dart to gain distance or create a health deficit for the Operative.


At this point, the fight really is determined by how well both players play and what the gear difference looks like. If the operative is under 50 or not well geared, two tracer missiles + heatseeker + railshot will do the job. If he's just as geared or better (and not an awful player), the fight will most likely be a loss.


I can't emphasis how important it is to learn good positioning and work with your team as a Bounty Hunter. If I catch an Operative out of stealth and I have team mates in close proximity, that Operative is on borrowed time.

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Explain to me how you kite any target in this game as an Arsenal Mercenary?


1st, we have to stop to fire our best moves and 2nd, IF we are trying to kite, we have to be facing our targets for our secondary moves to even work.. lol... no kiting there... its stand and get wailed on hoping we out dps them 1st

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Explain to me how you kite any target in this game as an Arsenal Mercenary?


1st, we have to stop to fire our best moves and 2nd, IF we are trying to kite, we have to be facing our targets for our secondary moves to even work.. lol... no kiting there... its stand and get wailed on hoping we out dps them 1st



kiting implies not dpsing for our class, I kite mobs often, rarely in pvp but I do kite when i am trying to delay my death to hold a turret long enough for my team to get there. it isnt a bout killing, it is about my team winning when I kite.

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