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The obvious "early" problems with the game falls back on ONE thing...


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WAY TOO much time/money spent on the "fully voiced" aspect of the game. Now I love this part of the game and I feel that it was a necessity, but you can tell that it was the central selling point that BioWare pushed on us, and in the end... It matters the LEAST.


I'm finding out that in my current grind in the levels of 40-50... I'm caring a little bit less about the story and I'm more just wanting to get to level 50. (This might just be me)


And like I said... "EARLY" problems...


I'm very confident that BioWare will fix these minor bug issues over the next couple months. I just hope that it's not too late.


I'm enjoying the game and I can't wait to hit level 50.

Edited by Kentontudor
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I do agree that it was a stupid thing to use as the central marketing-point alongside "story". I've thought so since 2008 (Still stuck with it though :rolleyes:)

But now that I play the game I just realize that it's too much of it. Way too much, in such a way that I feel that quality was sacrificed for quantity. Couldn't lone feth or kill missions just have been textboxes, rather than lengthy and sometimes slightly less than average dialogues?


Imagine the combined time and resources that could have been spent on other things.

Edited by Feskmacka
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Your joking right? You know as the customer its your responsibility to research the project. There's been more then enough time in beta for you to see what it what.


Also on that note aren't you being a tad judgmental assuming that since story is a big part something has to give somehow? The action and consequence sequence in video games are a niffty and cool feature but they are not that hard to make.


I think your deluding yourself in what the developer spent most of their time on.

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I like the fully voiced function. I think it lends itself well to the replay-ability, for those of us who want to try all the various story lines and classes. Having to read everything can get painful, after a while.


Was it over hyped in development? Yes, but it is a pretty groundbreaking and ambitious function, you have to admit...Especially where we can interact and make choices that will affect our storyline outcomes with no chance of turning back.


In my own opinion, TOR is maybe 35% of what it should be in 2-3yrs time. Given a steady stream of content, enhancements and bug fixes, we should be rocking solid by 3rd quarter of this year.


I'm actually quite impressed with how smooth the launch went, relatively speaking.


I just hope the very vocal minority on here who are complaining about everything don't get their way. I'm having flashbacks and nightmares about the NGE from Star Wars Galaxies, where they tried to please everyone and ended up ruining the game.


Fix the bugs, build the content we want but keep the core of what the game is built upon, in check.

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I do agree that it was a stupid thing to use as the central marketing-point alongside "story". I've thought so since 2008 (Still stuck with it though :rolleyes:)

But now that I play the game I just realize that it's too much of it. Way too much, in such a way that I feel that quality was sacrificed for quantity. Couldn't lone feth or kill missions just have been textboxes, rather than lengthy and sometimes slightly less than average dialogues?


Imagine the combined time and resources that could have been spent on other things.


I completely agree... there's too much... I find myself skipping most dialogue that's not my class questline.

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WAY TOO much time/money spent on the "fully voiced" aspect of the game. Now I love this part of the game and I feel that it was a necessity, but you can tell that it was the central selling point that BioWare pushed on us, and in the end... It matters the LEAST.


I'm finding out that in my current grind in the levels of 40-50... I'm caring a little bit less about the story and I'm more just wanting to get to level 50. (This might just be me)


And like I said... "EARLY" problems...


I'm very confident that BioWare will fix these minor bug issues over the next couple months. I just hope that it's not too late.


I'm enjoying the game and I can't wait to hit level 50.


I swear Blizzard forum moderators, come here, trying to get job security or whatever... We have a not even lvl 50, complaining about... Nothing.


you dont want to listen to the mission, Hit space bar, then L to read about it... Simple as that.. Dont forget the game hasnt even hit its 1st 2 weeks since release... You have nothing to complain about..

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