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My humble ISSUE list


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First and foremost i will say, that none of the listed bugs and issues are really gamebreaking for me, but are deffinitely very annoying. I can maybe call myself lucky, but i did not encounter any of the big critical issues so far. Most of the listed issues are probably known, if not all, but at least a big part of them is missing in the known issues thread. So no harm in summing them up. A few are already adressed in 1.0.2, but that does not make them any less annoying. Now to the list itself:


- unharvestable resources - yes, they are still here. It is much better than before, but this issue is still present. They are somehow recognized by the client, as they glow blue with mouseover, but can not be harvested.

- green glowing charater - sometimes after recieving a heal my character is stuck with a green glow on itself.

- unload keeps unloading - this annoys me the MOST. Mostly because this skill is so noisy. If you dont have a fix yet, turn the sound of it off please. This happens mostly when the enemy is killed during unloading on them and as of being a Arsenal merc, unload is one of my core rotation skill and this happen too often for my taste.

- Wrong side of a hunt does not update properly - when you have to fly to Nar Shaddaa, this mission does not update in most cases. Found a workaround when i was already lvl 40. ( flyed to nar shaddaa then hutta then nar shaddaa again without leaving the ship )

- reverse engineering button keeps vanishing after loading screen ( changing planets etc. ) - yes, it commes back after visiting any vendor, but there is usually none nearby, if you need it the most, and no, UI reload does not help ( at least for me )

- companions not reappearing after dismounting - i am not 100% sure, but i have the feeling this happens only in a group.

- no mouth animation in conversation - from my point of view it happens at random. Sometimes there are no mouth animations but after a ESC restart it is OK again ( no SPACEBAR-skipping involved )

- character stuck in place for several seconds - this happens to me after quickly changing places and i know that this is mostly a issue with my 5+yr old iron and loading the next (sub)zone, but maybe there can be something done, to make it a bit more fluent

- relics disappearing from hotbars - i do not even bother to drag them back now...

- resource bar ( ie. energy, force etc. ) of party members disappearing - after forming the party, i can see their yellow bars, but after some short time they usually turn black and i can not see anything. Two most possible sources of this are zoning in or out of a instanced area or moving too far from one another.

- shif + click always links the item to chat - even if you need to shift + drag a stack to split it or buy items in stack

- resources not stacking properly in bank - when you deposit resources ( possibly other items like med packs or stims too ) to your bank with right click, they do not stack to the already present resource, but instead create a new stack

- stack consumtion - after i used a medkit of which i had one full stack and something, they got first used from the full stack instead of the smaller one. It would be more logical the other way around

- option to "wait for key press" in conversation - in conversations with aliens speaking gibberish, there are subtitles just switching too fast, sometimes happens even in conversations with normal voice over.


I am sure i missed a few, but thats all i can dig up in my memory right now. Feel free to aad your own.


In the end a list of a few suggestions, not heard for the firs time, that much i am sure:


- make the UI fully customisable - really guys, pretty please. You do not want addons, thats fine by me, but let us move and turn and set up any and all the UI elements, to drag free the windows for inventory and crew skills and character... open more than two at the same time, resize them and so on. And most important:

- give us a way to lock chat for mouse clicks - it is really annoying, when each time i want to target something behind the chat window i will just open the chat line instead.

- more options on right clicking names in chat - like add friend, report, ignore, whisper... not just guild/add member note.

- dual/multi spec - an evergreen. Just to be clear: NOT AC switching, just talents like heal/dps, tank/dps, pvp/pve whatever... the more i play with a regular group, the more i miss this, as i would like to take turns in healing/dpsing with other members without running through half the universe each time.

- gift stacking - at least worth considering. At this point it would free me half a tab in my two tab bank.

- macros - another evergreen. At least some basic ones. makes the life and gameplay of some easier without giving them any real advantage

- target of target and focus target options - together with macros it makes your life more comfortable, if you want/need sometimes throw a CC or a quick heal on other than your main target

- more BT/Esseles like flashpoint - i really like these two as they have some story and twists in them, the others i tryed so far ( all before colicoid war games ) are just pure kill all that moves. This comes with:

- more interesting bosses for FPs - again, so far the only one boss not in the tank&spank category was HK-47 in The Foundry, even Revan after him was a big disappointment.


PS: sorry for my bad english and possible typos, even if i double checked it whole.

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There is a post by bioware stating they will work on dual spec (not sure about multi-spec).


Oh i have one. I had Khem Val spawning on my fight mission after I sent him on a mission. Was funny seeing him glitch then fall down.

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