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Crew Skills Help


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So I'm on LVL 21, and I've hardly used crew skills. I'm positive I have Artifice, Synthweaving and Archaeology.


The problem is, I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. I've had a look at crafting and there's certain items you need to construct something, I have no idea how to get those items?


Also my Archaeology for Qugen Fess is 17/400, what does that mean exactly? Is that some kind of level? If it is, it's progressing really slowly since I've sent him on god knows how many missions to obtain crystals.

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Yes that is your level in that respective skill. 400 is the max that a crew skill can achieve. Looking at the description and the stickies here on the forums will help you understand what each crew skill does and its benefits.


You use a gathering crew skill (CS from now on) for materials to use with your Crafting CS. That is the bare bones basic.

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So I'm on LVL 21, and I've hardly used crew skills. I'm positive I have Artifice, Synthweaving and Archaeology.

You don't, as first two of them are crafting skills and you can have only one of them.


The problem is, I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. I've had a look at crafting and there's certain items you need to construct something, I have no idea how to get those items?

From running missions skills and gathering skills - either finding nodes in a world or runnig missions.


Also my Archaeology for Qugen Fess is 17/400, what does that mean exactly? Is that some kind of level? If it is, it's progressing really slowly since I've sent him on god knows how many missions to obtain crystals.

It is a progress and is leveling the same way as you do - amount of progress is deduced from color of mission, greyed dont do anything for progress. Gathering skills also progress through actual gathering in world.


For details I point you to your ingame codex - everything you need is written here.

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Well first thing I can say is you have 2 crafting skills , Synthweaving and Artifice, but only 1 gather skill Archeology.


Usuall each craft skill needs 2 gather skills to get the materials used for crafting.


Artifice , Archeology, Treasure Hunting


Synthweaving, Archeology, Underworld Trading


To get the skills you must have gone to the fleet, now I'm not sure what lvl you are but if you have a companion you can press N and it will open a window. On this window you can press a button with a picture of each craft or gather skill.


Pressing this will open up either a mission window, where you pay for the companion to go and gather materials, or a sort of recipe/schematic list where if you have the materials you can tell the companion to craft.


The missions you send companions on have ranks and different material rewards, so first match the mission to the material you need but also try to do rich, bountiful and abundant missions. They give better return for your money.


You can also press N and cancel skills and go and select new ones if needed, or you can have 1 character go around gathering materials for all your other characters where possible.

Edited by Synalon
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The best advice you can get is don't bother with crew skills. Maybe slicing and biochem.


The rest will just leave you broke and produce items worse than what you can get from drops, pvp, and commendations.

Edited by Veiran
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I had this problem too. I kept sending my companions on missions and grabbing things that I could gather along the way, yet there were things I wasn't looting. Then a guildie told me that there is a Crew Skills Vendor (look at your map near the crew skills trainer, with vendors highlighted) Head to that vendor, and the one thing you have been missing from recipies is on there. Buy a bunch and you'll level fast.


Also, remember to get more recipies to craft at your crew skills vendor as you level. Anything with a grey number next to it, is not giving you xp. If you reverse engineer (icon in your inventory along the top tab) your stuff... you have a chance to learn new recipies that way as well.


Let me know if you need any other tips :)

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This might give you some help. It's a chart that shows which crew skills best flow together.




How it works is like this. You have your main Crafting skill (Synthweaving for example), then you have your Gathering skill (Archeology), and then your Mission skill (Underworld Trading). Now when you open up your crew skill menu (Press N) you will see the skills you have picked up. If you open your crafting skill (Synthweaving) it will show you the mats you need to craft pieces of gear. Now you gain this mats two ways. Normal mats are the ones you get with your Gathering skill (Archy), and they rare and epic mats are gathered from your Mission skill.


You can actually level up your gathering on your own, you don't have to send your crew out for that. You do however have to send them out for Missions. You can't do those yourself.


My advice would be to go back to Dromund Kaas and start farming up your gathering mats and go from there. Becareful about sending your companions out, as it costs you money everytime you do it.

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The rest will just leave you broke and produce items worse than what you can get from drops, pvp, and commendations.


I call ********.

I could go around how synthweaving allows me to have gear up to date at any level, but I simply point at this http://www.torhead.com/schematic/ag4mEqr (and its equivalents for other classes/styles) This critted item is the best you can get as, to my knowledge, raid gear doesn't contain augment slot (I can be wrong).

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