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PVP exploit


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The particular guild is still doing it. They now have lvl 50s on both rep and sith. Now if you get into a game with that guild and they have guys on opposite team, you are absolutly guaranteed a loss.


Name names.

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Wait what? Your saying that with ONE account they are making 2 sets of characters. Signing both into to the PVP?


I call BS. This plan requires 2 Accounts per person doing it. That's means our of the 4 so called players in the example. Requires 8 accounts... you know what. If they are doing it and they are paying those costs. Then fine with me. If they pay for it out of their own cash. Then let them. Their cash is greater than the "exploit"


Otherwise no one is going to do this and on top of that. Your 1 person who might actually be seeing 1 guild among the dozens of servers out there. Once again if that 1 guild is doing it and paying the cash to do so. Then let them.


Who said you need 2 accounts per person? More like have a large zerg recruit guild with several hundred members and many members on either side. You have enough members you will get in games against your opposite faction clan. And this is what is happening on our server.

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