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PVP exploit


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Your =/= You're(You are)


This simple mistake make my eyes bleed more than a wall of text


your is a possessive adjective, indicating ownership of something

That is your sock.

Where is your potato?

you're is a contraction (combination) of you and are

Do you know what you're doing?

You're stupid.

The two are not interchangeable.

Getting it wrong makes you look stupid. And ugly.


I love you.

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I eat healthy. Thanks you


Your =/= You're(You are)


This simple mistake make my eyes bleed more than a wall of text


your is a possessive adjective, indicating ownership of something

That is your sock.

Where is your potato?

you're is a contraction (combination) of you and are

Do you know what you're doing?

You're stupid.

The two are not interchangeable.

Getting it wrong makes you look stupid. And ugly.



Brilliant. =)

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Your a moron.


Who is gonna make alts and spend hours (time that they could be leveling or getting gear) playing hoping to land in the same games as there guild just to throw the match?


lol, there's always groups out there made to ruin other people's time, I see it all the time in many online games.

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I eat healthy. Thanks you


Your =/= You're(You are)


This simple mistake make my eyes bleed more than a wall of text


your is a possessive adjective, indicating ownership of something

That is your sock.

Where is your potato?

you're is a contraction (combination) of you and are

Do you know what you're doing?

You're stupid.

The two are not interchangeable.

Getting it wrong makes you look stupid. And ugly.


Wow someone needs to get laid. lol

Edited by Furyofwar
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Clan A makes sith clan called Idiotsempire

Clan A makes rep clan called Idiotsrepublic


Clan Idiotsempire queues up 4 players,

Clan Idiotsrepublic queues up 4 players,


They all get into the same game. you are teamed with the 4 members of idiots republic, therefore you are playing against 12 enemy because the people on your team let their buddies in their sith clan win.


Unwinnable game is unwinnable.


the chances of getting into the same group isn't 100%. In fact its not even 50%. stop crying about useless things and let the developers focus on important things like how useless Illum is.

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Being a anti social reject doesn't make you smart bro it makes you stupid. By taking the time out of your life to correct someone on "your" just means your life is pretty pathetic. Sorry. Good luck with that. Moving on. Edited by Furyofwar
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With all due respect, there is no way this happens. No one is that pathetic. I mean pay fr two accounts and run two accounts to get more xp? It makes no sense. It is much easier to play poorly and get the loser side XP.


I mix up your and you're too. I didn't read much as a kid. I did not start reading seriously until after college and by then you mostly "write" how things sound. Your/you're is very natural to readers.

Edited by richardya
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Maybe if you all spent less time studying grammer and more time pvpin you would not need to come here to cry for nerfs and complain that pvp is broken.


Nuff said


Wait... and i'm the one who need to get laid?

Edited by mastersloup
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Because typing out a post take so much time of my life.


By insulting me you also happen to be an antisocial reject by the way.


┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ) Take a seat and relax, bro


That's funny. So you admit that your a social reject. Because your original post had nothing to gain other then to put this random guy down. So by your own words above your admitting your a loser. In life you should always be thinking ahead or you end up just looking stupid. I am just commenting on how pathetic your random nerd rage is. Don't mind this guy just keep socially typing. Maybe one day he will catch on.

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Dont respond to trolls mate, just report them and get them forum banned.


Good idea, i face palmed when the dude claimed those who know how to spell are losers. whats next, droping school + working at Mcdonald will make you millionary?

Edited by mastersloup
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Wait what? Your saying that with ONE account they are making 2 sets of characters. Signing both into to the PVP?


I call BS. This plan requires 2 Accounts per person doing it. That's means our of the 4 so called players in the example. Requires 8 accounts... you know what. If they are doing it and they are paying those costs. Then fine with me. If they pay for it out of their own cash. Then let them. Their cash is greater than the "exploit"


Otherwise no one is going to do this and on top of that. Your 1 person who might actually be seeing 1 guild among the dozens of servers out there. Once again if that 1 guild is doing it and paying the cash to do so. Then let them.

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Good idea, i face palmed when the dude claimed those who know how to spell are losers. whats next, droping school + working at Mcdonald will make you millionary?


Love how you tried to cover up your own typo with editing. Lmao way to become what you talk **** about cause your to mad to type it right in the first place.

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Love how you tried to cover up your own typo with editing. Lmao way to become what you talk **** about cause your to mad to type it right in the first place.


do you even know why the edit button exist, sir?


BREAKING NEW : A dude eat his diner with a fork... as intended. More at 11

Edited by mastersloup
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