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Operation Bugs (spoilers)


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I spent my evening last night doing the two Ops Flashpoints. The Eternity Vault and Hutt Hospitality.


During these Operative, our group witnessed a series of continual bugs that ended up making the fights either very difficult and needing to re-do, or just impossible.


In the Eternity Vault, on the fight against "Soa":


1)If the team was destroyed while you were in the Mind Trap Phase, you are stuck in the Mind Trap "room"

2) When Soa targets a player for the 'cyclone' ability in stage 4, where you need to lower his shield via the use of a generating lightning shock, the player in the cyclone was always killed.

3) If the tank is targeted for the Mind Trap, the boss will reset and cause you to have to exit and re-enter the Ops.

4) A Mind Trap tomb was already on the ground at the end of the second "Phase 2", the tomb was destroyed before Soa came down to our level to continue the fight. That tomb...belonged to me. I had the animation of being sucked into the tomb, but was then outside the tomb, boss wasn't visible, teammates were not visible. I could move, but after .25 seconds i would reset back to my original spot, I couldn't even turn. I could cast abilities, but it wouldn't hit anything and all teammates were "out of range" so i couldn't even heal them invisibly. I was not visible by any of my team mates either. I typed /stuck thinking that this could solve the issue, but it just ended up killing me.


We attempted to fight this boss, atleast 10 times, and in those 10 attempts, there was only 2 times where we actually died, or lost because of not paying attention or fail heals and what not. All the other times was because of bugs that caused the interaction with this boss to be damn near impossible to kill.


Over in the Hutt Hospitality FP, Bonecrusher fight:


1) There were always multiple people dying before anyone even had a chance to move.

2) The same people would continuously die, if the same one person was always the first one in the room.

3) When the elite adds spawn, if you use any sort of ability that would knock them off the platform before they start attacking a target, Bonetrasher (main boss), will reset, but his rage timer wont.

4) May be a Bounty Hunter-healer glitch only (that's what i play, and there was one other BH-Powertech) But when Bonethrasher is targeting and chasing me and then pounds the ground (i have the tendency to think that jumping could avoid the dmg and knockback) , i get stuck in a 'levitating' position. From that point on, i am only able to use abilitites with an instant case time, and Death-From-Above. No other ability will work, as i received the error "Can not do that while moving" even though i was standing still. To other players, they said i looked normal. Nothing i was able to reset this effect...well, death could.


Also, in general, the beginning to the Bonethrasher fight is bad. I can understand that the whole thing is a "trap" but the entire group is already hit by his sweep attack and more than half the raid is already at half health or below before we really have time to get organized.


Aside from that, the Ops content is fun and different from other "raiding" i have experienced in other games.

Edited by DanjaHokkie
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