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Assassin PvP Tank


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Tanking works, it's fun as hell, and it'll piss people off when they realize they can't kill you. Our self-healing potential is higher than people expect at level 50 once you get Overcharge Saber.. it'll surprise you.


The AoE taunt is also very powerful as it has no limit to the amount of players it'll affect as long as they're within 15m range of you when its cast.


There was a massive faction vs faction battle on Tatooine last night on my server. My guild leader (jugg tank) was taking the brunt of the damage (most 'zerg vs zerg' pvp relies on simply attacking the closest target) and I used the AoE taunt. He got focus healed and they just couldn't bring him down.. it was really cool.

Edited by Rade_Harkin
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