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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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I give them a solid C+. They should have not even messed with the bull**** of early access. An official release date apparently lost its meaning with this game. Would have saved a lot of grief. Also the sub par graphics and engine take away from the immersion of the game. I don't know whose idea it was to take on a cartoony graphics approach, but I hate them. With a passion.:D Seriously though....
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Even though I got in in 2nd wave, i'd say D-.


Not because people didn't get in or they had to wait, it was they didn't know WHEN they where gonna get in.


It like owning a bus company that doesn't have any schedules.


Well since you say they're not mad because they didnt get it in or they had to wait... here's that bus schedule for you... Dec 20th.

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mainly because they've done everything they said there were going to do,

only idiots and whiners bring things down, they havent done anything wrong on their part.


not an a+ coz i havent got my EA invite yet, not that i expected to yet

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I think setting up a release system that aims for long term server stability in regards to technical stability and population modulation is a better plan overall than just opening the flood gates.


The minus is for not making these forums read only from the 13th until the 20th. (sarcasm)


The only critique I have is that I believe it may have gone more smoothly had they placed a firm cut-off date for being able to register a pre-order for early game access. E.g., if you didn't register a pre-order by November 20th (arbitrary date), you are not eligible for early game access.






A- Should have made the forums accessible to ONLY those who were in game. Boo hooo You can't play the game - go play BF3 - you will get your turn here.


Whyyyy did some of you take DAYS off work??? Or (like the one guy in the other thread that i can't find now) take days off AND dropped the kids off at his exwifes. I mean COME on!!!! its a freking game. On the 21st of Dec you will be LOVING Bioware.


Anyways... I am off to watch a movie with my WIFE and spend time with my family before I disappear for a few days to burn to 50 - ON THE WEEKEND. You would think you guys were raging over Manasone socketing in Aion or something Geesh.



(New Siel Server)

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A solid F at the moment, not even for the launch, grace period, or gameplay issues. This F is reserved for forum mods who have gone crazy with power, shutting down any and all threads, disallowing any humor or community building, and sending warnings for ridiculous reasons. I dont doubt I will get a ban from the mods simply for posting this post right now. They need to relax and allow people to communicate and enjoy themselves.
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HAHAHAHA there is so many wine bags in this game.... I didnt get into early access, the servers were to full to play on this is just a wow clone lmfao for one Where is you game that you made? oooo thats right u dont have one and EARLY ACCESS is not a launch i would rather them work the bugs out now than on launch day wouldnt you or you to stupid to realize this? you will play the game before it was actually suppose to release relax ur life will be okay its just a video game not like they r keeping you kid away from you......


Video gamers not all of them but alot of them are the biggest wine bags in the world its crazy seriously shut up watch ur emails get ur early access wait for all the servers to be to you liking so u cant cry anymore and shut the **** up lmao


and props to everyone that realizes its just a game and its early access you guys actually have a brain


Oh, I always spelt it "whine" but I guess you're much smarter than me anyway.

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A solid F


F for failing to IP ban every whining, crying, little self entitled bi*ch (like the OP).


If you take away that fact they are doing a wonderful job. It's not their fault the majority of the pre-order crowd can't, or refused to, read what they wrote about EGA.


It's a great launch of a great game and to those of you saying you are going to quit...


No one will miss you. Have fun with your pedo pandas!



SWTOR forums: you will never find a more wretched hive of whiners and QQ'ers!

Edited by Brumphry
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A- Should have made the forums accessible to ONLY those who were in game. Boo hooo You can't play the game - go play BF3 - you will get your turn here.


Whyyyy did some of you take DAYS off work??? Or (like the one guy in the other thread that i can't find now) take days off AND dropped the kids off at his exwifes. I mean COME on!!!! its a freking game. On the 21st of Dec you will be LOVING Bioware.


Anyways... I am off to watch a movie with my WIFE and spend time with my family before I disappear for a few days to burn to 50 - ON THE WEEKEND. You would think you guys were raging over Manasone socketing in Aion or something Geesh.



(New Siel Server)


I say only people who payed for the game should be able to use forums like blizzard did

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A solid F at the moment, not even for the launch, grace period, or gameplay issues. This F is reserved for forum mods who have gone crazy with power, shutting down any and all threads, disallowing any humor or community building, and sending warnings for ridiculous reasons. I dont doubt I will get a ban from the mods simply for posting this post right now. They need to relax and allow people to communicate and enjoy themselves.


The threads they've closed down, they definitely needed closing down, lights out, shutters closed.

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A solid F


F for failing to IP ban every whining, crying, little self entitled bi*ch (like the OP).


If you take away that fact they are doing a wonderful job. It's not their fault the majority of the pre-order crowd can't, or refused to, read what they wrote about EGA.


It's a great launch of a great game and to those of you saying you are going to quit...


No one will miss you. Have fun with your pedo pandas!



SWTOR forums: you will never find a more wretched hive of whiners and QQ'ers!


Someone is butthurt.

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Let me get this rolling with a solid F.


Poor peformance. People on these forums dont seem to like Bioware at the moment, that is going to hurt you on your peer eval. Lack of Effort, put in a minority of the population today then decided to go home. Really ... you have some "team" working 24/7 and they are "busy" "working" right now? Come on, show some respect to people they have brains. You dont chill for 18 hours and say you are hard at work.


I hope Bioware tries harder in the future.


QQ harder because all of you didn't get in today, I didn't get in today do you see me QQ all over the forums....

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Well seeing how this is their first MMO and I was in Kindergarten when I first started school.


I will grade them on that scale and give them a:


U = Unsatisfactory. and a :(


A+ for that post. however sadly unlike in kindergarten you can fail at launching a game and i think that EA has done that.

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