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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What grade would you give Bioware today?


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I give it an A-


It runs smooth as glass for me, I had no problem getting in, and I was able to play without any glaring issues. The game itself is a total blast too! I love that everything has a story - even the inconsequential side quests!


The - part comes from seeing a small number of graphical glitches that should have been resolved before launch, IMO. I'm talking about random green lines running through the landscape and buildings on Tython and ONE cutscene where my toon didn't move his mouth when he talked. Overall, not a huge impact on my gaming experience. :)

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Well was not impressed from the start...when bought the game they messed up on credit card seems there person didn't know what he was doing...i got a beta weekend had black screen...sent 2 tickets i like they asked got response 7 days later after beta weekend that told me they working on problem...now i got early access and i don't even have black screen now...it just opens up to big screen and shuts down...tryed call tech and they been so busy for 6 hour now...


so my grade 0/0


just wonder how hard it be to get my 80$ back


probably need to work on your pewter man, sounds like a video problem. check that your drivers are up to date and im not talking about beta drivers either.

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lol to be fair its not even launch day yet so I do not know what people are complaining about. Getting early access said "Up to 5 days" and they exceeded that by getting people in up to 7 days. Now if you are sad you were not the very first in you can be as harsh as you want but this thread pretty much says it all, the trend being:


People who got in already ended up giving everything an exceptional rating/review.


People who did not get in either:

a) got jealous and QQed/blamed Bioware

b) understood that it is not launch day yet (the 20th) and its not even the first marketed early access day (the 15th).

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You comprehension must be pretty bad if you think its mis-leading.


Early Game Access Has Begun

Fans who have pre-ordered STAR WARS: The Old Republic can now begin playing the game!






Doesn't say anything about only some fans able to play. Of course you have to click the read more and read the rest of the fine print but why would a company change their headlines if they don't agree with reality or anything?

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While it is nice to have early access at all, which keeps them from a clear F, the way it has been handled has been absolutely abysmal and the worst part is that they could EASILY have solved the problem and gotten and A instead!


First of all: Uncertainty about WHO gets in when. They have conflicting sources regarding if access is actually on a first come first serve basis or if certain retailers got access ahead of others.


- No info on WHEN we get in: Again, a simple email on the 13th telling everyone when they would get in would have completely removed the biggest complaint which was the uncertainty


- Too few get in. People who are in are remarking that the servers are empty and during the beta we saw that servers can handle 2 million players, so instead of using this great, heartening news to get more people in earlier and earning kudos for that, it simply makes glaringly clear that they are only letting so few people in not because their servers can handle it but because.....because....how the hell should I know? They havent given a good reason and there isnt a good reason! If they wanted to stagger to avoid crowds, they have still let waaaaaaay too few people in for that! At least some.


- No 24/7 Waves. Again, easily solved problem , so why only 5 waves!? Sure make the waves smaller to avoid starting zone crowding, but then have a lot more waves!


- No communication. Not much to add, ***?! Haven't you guys ever heard of damage control? Instead you are turning what might just be a minor nuisance into a huge PR disaster, and this could have been solved yesterday morning by someone spending 5 minutes to make a statement about the situation. Instead you are ignoring the customers who are annoyed at your service before the service is even launched! People aren't angry because they haven't gotten in, they are angry because Bioware is keeping us completely in the dark for no damn good reason!


-Why is the game still advertised as giving up to 5 days early access when even the people who preordered at the beginning are coming out of reach of that? Frankly, this entire set of events make it seem more likely that the entire dev team was abducted by frigging aliens!


-And worst of all, this should have been a good, exciting event, but because of Bioware screwing up simple things, it means that instead it gives Swtor an utterly sour launch. First impressions are damn important, especially when customers are comitting to a longer period of time in the case of an mmo, so by making your customers displeased right off the bat you are also cutting into their goodwill in regards to the flaws your game is going to have, and it is that goodwill which is needed to keep your mmo alive and growing, you had the world cheering on you and you wasted it all on simple stupidity!


Actually, frak it, Im giving them an F! and a /golfclap.


Yup its disgraceful.

GAME even states 5 days early access. not upto 5days early access. I just hope i get the mail tomorrow.


Its very bad PR and who ever deals with publishing and QA needs to be sacked.

Im aware of those pre-ordering 4days ago and their in the early access now. What happened to first come first serve.

Im also aware that some people have mentioned how empty alot of the servers are, and i cant understand why we cant have more waves going into them.


Its so bloody easy to go about launching a game with common sense. clearly bioware and the renowned EA come up Trump once again. EA are the worst publishing group in the industry. not because their big and get alot of exposure, but more down to how they release franchises, and excluding SWTOR's case, unfinished games.


If come 20th and i dont get early access. ill be writing a few emails. Not because i want free game time. More in the case that ive bought a game thats garanteed me 5 days early access. They shouldnt advertise any early access attached to pre-orders if not everyone gets a taste of it. its giving customers false hope in getting free game time and has a very bad taste in terms of reputation. Its also a get in clause to encourage you to buy the game. Trust with companies are paramount these days, and should be respected.

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Yup its disgraceful.

GAME even states 5 days early access. not upto 5days early access. I just hope i get the mail tomorrow.


It's not even 5 days out yet, so I don't understand what you're complaining about. once you get to 5 days out MAYBE.


Furthermore, I can't see how anyone can grade the launch, when the game hasn't even been launched yet and won't be for another 6 days.

Edited by Jorathin
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It's not even 5 days out yet, so I don't understand what you're complaining about. once you get to 5 days out MAYBE.


Furthermore, I can't see how anyone can grade the launch, when the game hasn't even been launched yet and won't be for another 6 days.


it also says you MAY get 5 days, so dont rage guys

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Early Game Access Has Begun

Fans who have pre-ordered STAR WARS: The Old Republic can now begin playing the game!






Doesn't say anything about only some fans able to play. Of course you have to click the read more and read the rest of the fine print but why would a company change their headlines if they don't agree with reality or anything?


lesson learned.... READ THE FINE PRINT!

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Let me get this rolling with a solid F.


Poor peformance. People on these forums dont seem to like Bioware at the moment, that is going to hurt you on your peer eval. Lack of Effort, put in a minority of the population today then decided to go home. Really ... you have some "team" working 24/7 and they are "busy" "working" right now? Come on, show some respect to people they have brains. You dont chill for 18 hours and say you are hard at work.


I hope Bioware tries harder in the future.




I give BW A-.. I give community F

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6. Crappy UI


7. No combat log



That was all feedback from beta. The non-customizable UI is annoying. They don't realize how much rage it can generate.


The logging thing makes no sense to me. Give people math. It improves the dialogue with customers and in the community.


Instead you have semi-semantical arguments being made to developers. My class sux! Or Nerf this its OP!


People tend to over eggarate things... SEE the 9000 "this launch is the worst ever I hate you threads on your boards"


You might want to give the sane and rationale a tool to say listen here "jimbo" (no offense meant to any Jimbo's) everyone here ran the numbers and you just suck and are mad you got beat by a girl.


It might help you in getting better quality feedback.


Than again apparantly crazy foaming feedback might be just what you want every day for the next 10 years this game runs....


You pick.

Edited by PlagaNerezza
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Sigh, Please give them some slack guys, I ordered in Nov, I knew my early access wasn't going to start on the first day.


It takes a loooooooooooooooooooooooot to launch a game, get it up and running. i'm sure the last thing on their minds are wether tommy got into the early access or not >.>

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Not trying to troll, but explain why this is a WoW clone ?


1) The combat system is completely identical with the sole exception that there is no auto attack function so you have to keep right clicking which is essentially auto attacking.


2) The end game content is completely identical (I had a 50 in beta so I can speak on this matter), while I enjoyed Ilum for reminding me of old Hillsbrad, there is really nothing to do but grind dailies and flashpoints until you can raid. Sound familiar?


3) The PVP consists of queued up battlegrounds that yield honor that I may grind if I want gear JUST to PvP


4) The crafting systems are literally identical, except here I can multi task 3 of them at a time simultaneously.


5) The quests may look fancy with "story" shoved in your face. But by lvl 15 you'll be skipping every cutscene anyway. All the quests are really just kill X collect Y.

Edited by Zoma
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I'd give them a solid B right now. Would have been an A if yesterday they had started out by telling us how many waves there are. But they didn't, the current prediction is that everyone will be in either tomorrow or the next day, which is good. Yesterday the prediction was that if you registered in November and December you may be lucky to get in sometime this weekend which would have given them a solid E or F in my books.


B is a passing grade, but they could have done better. The question is will they learn from this and do better in the future, or will they totally ignore the fact that a little info could go a long way in placating paying customers.

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1) The combat system is completely identical with the sole exception that there is no auto attack function so you have to keep right clicking which is essentially auto attacking.


2) The end game content is completely identical (I had a 50 in beta so I can speak on this matter), while I enjoyed Ilum for reminding me of old Hillsbrad, there is really nothing to do but grind dailies and flashpoints until you can raid. Sound familiar?


3) The PVP consists of queued up battlegrounds that yield honor that I may grind if I want gear JUST to PvP


4) The crafting systems are literally identical, except here I can multi task 3 of them at a time simultaneously.


5) The quests may look fancy with "story" shoved in your face. But by lvl 15 you'll be skipping every cutscene anyway. All the quests are really just kill X collect Y.


You forgot the fact that we each get a spaceship and there is spaceship combat. Plus everyone gets companions. Both are pluses, so if it's a wow clone in every other way then SWTOR is just a bit better. Considering I'm sick of WOW at the very least it will be different. Maybe it's just lightsabers and blasters instead of swords and arrows, but at least it is different. Kind of like rerolling a new character right after cata in wow.

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