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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Lost 1000 companion affection in two hours.


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I haven't seen a -219 yet, something to look forward to I guess.


Companions are pretty easy to predict as mentioned, just send one off to get a companion gift as a task and away you go. Light sided companions are easier to manage that dark sided ones. I love how dark side companions don't like it when you make dark side decisions, Mako, I'm looking at you...


Mako's a professional -- don't break contracts or fail to kill someone in a contract / kill someone you're not supposed to kill (if it's a capture contract... though sometimes I do anyway!). It's not Dark/Light side, it's business sense. ;)

Edited by Poimandres
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Mako's a professional -- don't break contracts or fail to kill someone in a contract / kill someone you're not supposed to kill. It's not Dark/Light side, it's business sense. ;)



And Khem Val won't have any truck with walking hors d'oeuvres, er, Force users, getting away... Light Side or Dark Side choice, he's never happy unless he gets to eat the tasty Force people!

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Lets see here.

I've done things my companion hates a hundred times or so.

90 of those got me a -1.

4 of them got me a -219.

6 of them got me -42.


(rough estimate on the -1's. probably alot more tbh.)


Thats just..ridiculous numbers.

I don't mind frustrating companions, but -219 is just..nuts.


Um, hit escape before the convo is over and re-do?

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The complaint was the mass differences in negative affection gains, it is good to know you can dodge it with esc even at a conversation end.


I don't mind getting negative affection, it just blew my mind getting 4 219's in an hour lol

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