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The reasons this game is doing so well and better than expected.


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Does anyone feel like this thread is actually going somewhere? 'Cause I don't.


I'm seeing a lot of people who hate ToR raging, though... I will say that much...


I think the majority of us are just /poking at each other.


Don't take it to heart.

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"So yet again, the game did not lost active subscribers last two weeks but instead average population of servers dropped down - which is a good thing (meaning less queues if any). " -



Do peoples free month count as a subscription? What about gamecards? Can't cancel either. Average population = people actually playing. What if Bioware counts gametime as a subscription? Do you have details on how it works?


So you are only reinforcing my point that less people are playing the game as time goes on.



You think SWTOR has game cards?!


BAAAHAHA. Look at this guy, thinking SWTOR is keeping up with 2012 standards

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well here are some facts




you can clearly see that the userbase is declining.


There are several issues with the game including


http://www.shacknews.com/article/719...shed-at-launch this ridiculousness.


and this



Bioware has released what feels like a half finished game with imbalanced classes and horrid performance.


Bioware drones will cling to their game no matter what, but the numbers don't lie.


If you are so dependent on appearing better than WoW then your wrong there too.


Their current userbase is well beyond SWTOR and when it was released it didn't experience a dip in sales at all. In fact it's growth was gradual but didn't reach great numbers until the game was made a little more user friendly. You can see this here.




Your user-base is declining. Customer service is notoriously terrible and there has been nothing but false promises from Bioware.


Say what you will, there are always a lot of people playing an MMO at launch of new content. Visit WoW in early of a new expansion, but SWTOR is showing the same signs that RIFT, DCUO, and almost all recent MMO's showed before they took the plunge harder than the titantic.


My feelings about Bioware are opinion and should be taken as such.


Story is great, but this is a MMO and certain fundamental aspects need to be respected and excelled in as apposed to a single player RPG. There are radical differences that determine success.


All of that said, SWTOR showed some promise with interesting features but for the most part didn't revolutionize MMO's at all.


If you can argue my point with evidence go right ahead.


I'll pay more heed to the statistics after the first month, but fewer people logging in over the span of the first month is par for the course is it not? Did you fully understand what you linked? Lower server population does not equal out to a loss in subscribers. Populations even out over time, players move servers to alleviate queue wait times, or go back to work. What we see in those statistics reflects that. Later it may, but as of now it's not really any thing you don't see in any other MMO. If you can point one out, go ahead.


Your shacknews link is dead.



Watched the video, yes this is known and it's not game breaking. Odd one to pick out, I'd have went with something more annoying like the clunky GTN. But whatever. Yes I know MMO's have bugs.


Nice one with the "biodrone" remark, you could be a pundit. I know I know, if people like the game, they MUST be a "biodrone". It's almost clever.


Anyway, you've really given no facts, or at least none that are really relevant.. Just posted about some bugs and made a false correlation between server population and a declining user base.


Bioware didn't revolutionize the genre in a way that appealed to you, in effect you fail to see it. I get something out of SWTOR that I never got out of any other MMO I've played. If feeling that way makes me a drone, then **** it I'm a drone.

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It's good that you enjoy your game. That's all that matters. I have been pointing out it's decline thought which is fact's that you can't argue against. The real test of this game actually being a good MMO is underway and so far it's not faring well. You can determine this by the sheer number of people that play it because if it's playerbase isn't massive enough for the mechanics to function correctly it's dead in the water.


I keep hearing about the decline but when I logged on 2 hours ago there were dozens of Heavy servers and a queue on mine. I realise there will be a natural drop when the first month or so is up - but not convinced it will be a crisis. Will soon find out I suppose.

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By now we all know about the numerous Game of the Year awards already won by SWTOR, and we have either read reviews, or heard on TV (like G4TV), just how awesome this game is. We also know that SWTOR has broken the record for pre-order sales and has set a bar that is darn near unreachable by most developers. We get it. The game rocks. But why? What did Bioware accomplish that has this game skyrocketing so quickly?


- Story Driven MMO. People are simply tired of WoW and its many clones (Rift...etc).

- Character Development. You begin your development at level 1 not at the end cap level.

- In SWTOR "The Real Game" starts at level 1. Most MMO's the real game doesnt start until end-cap.

- Immersive game play and environments.

- SWTOR killed "the Grind" that plagues so many MMO's.

- Fluid Combat with clashing Lightsabers!

- In SWTOR the leveling process is FUN and not a chore.

- Voice-Acted questing. Incredibly well done.

- Smooth Launch! Fairly unusual in this business but BW pulled it off.

- If its this good at launch, imagine SWTOR in a year! AMAZING!


This is a "joke post" by a Dev, right?


Awards?? They are bought by Advertising on the Sites giving the Awards.


Grinds??? I have daily flashbacks to my WoW grinding days from years ago.


"This good at Launch"??? Are you kidding me? This game isint even Alpha testing worthy.


"Voice Acting"? Seriously? Half the responses you choose are "canned" respones.


"Smooth Launch"? Multiple hour ques and crashing cervers is "smooth"?

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It's good that you enjoy your game. That's all that matters. I have been pointing out it's decline thought which is fact's that you can't argue against. The real test of this game actually being a good MMO is underway and so far it's not faring well. You can determine this by the sheer number of people that play it because if it's playerbase isn't massive enough for the mechanics to function correctly it's dead in the water.


What are you adding by pointing out that you dislike the game and posting "facts" about a decline from a third-party tool that even the dev said it doesn't work like that.


Also, why are you so advocate about it if you clearly dislike the game?


Sorry to say, but -1 to you for this.

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What are you adding by pointing out that you dislike the game and posting "facts" about a decline from a third-party tool that even the dev said it doesn't work like that.


Also, why are you so advocate about it if you clearly dislike the game?


Sorry to say, but -1 to you for this.

We KNOW how it works.


WoW didn't see a good launch and then a sudden dip because the servers were "equalizing"


Because first of all, when SWTOR launched they were already starting to equalize because of the early access


Secondly if the game was growing, the growth would compensate for the loss in activity and we would see either a steady rise or plateau

Edited by Blackwater
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I'll pay more heed to the statistics after the first month, but fewer people logging in over the span of the first month is par for the course is it not? Did you fully understand what you linked? Lower server population does not equal out to a loss in subscribers. Populations even out over time, players move servers to alleviate queue wait times, or go back to work. What we see in those statistics reflects that. Later it may, but as of now it's not really any thing you don't see in any other MMO. If you can point one out, go ahead.


Your shacknews link is dead.



Watched the video, yes this is known and it's not game breaking. Odd one to pick out, I'd have went with something more annoying like the clunky GTN. But whatever. Yes I know MMO's have bugs.


Nice one with the "biodrone" remark, you could be a pundit. I know I know, if people like the game, they MUST be a "biodrone". It's almost clever.


Anyway, you've really given no facts, or at least none that are really relevant.. Just posted about some bugs and made a false correlation between server population and a declining user base.


Bioware didn't revolutionize the genre in a way that appealed to you, in effect you fail to see it. I get something out of SWTOR that I never got out of any other MMO I've played. If feeling that way makes me a drone, then **** it I'm a drone.


I'll pay more heed to the statistics after the first month, but fewer people logging in over the span of the first month is par for the course is it not? Did you fully understand what you linked? Lower server population does not equal out to a loss in subscribers. Populations even out over time, players move servers to alleviate queue wait times, or go back to work. What we see in those statistics reflects that. Later it may, but as of now it's not really any thing you don't see in any other MMO. If you can point one out, go ahead.


The statistics point out a overall decline in people actually playing the game. Which when free month = subscriptions and game cards as well the data for that isn't applicable until the next 4 months at least.


Your shacknews link is dead.





Watched the video, yes this is known and it's not game breaking. Odd one to pick out, I'd have went with something more annoying like the clunky GTN. But whatever. Yes I know MMO's have bugs.


This isn't a bug it's a game-play mechanic flaw. You think it isn't gamebreaking but yes it is. If they don't fix this PVP will be worthless if not everyone has a fair chance. It's also just sad they let this happen.


Nice one with the "biodrone" remark, you could be a pundit. I know I know, if people like the game, they MUST be a "biodrone". It's almost clever.


I guess I could have done without it. Would you rather I say SWTOR fanboy? Same thing.


Anyway, you've really given no facts, or at least none that are really relevant.. Just posted about some bugs and made a false correlation between server population and a declining user base.


You saying that doesn't prove less people are playing the game than were originally. Evidence please, statistics. Or ****.


Bioware didn't revolutionize the genre in a way that appealed to you, in effect you fail to see it. I get something out of SWTOR that I never got out of any other MMO I've played. If feeling that way makes me a drone, then **** it I'm a drone.


whatever makes you happy



You seem to just ignore and let your own perception decide what is fact or isn't fact. Just another typical useless pointless response riddled with opinions of a fanboy.

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What are you adding by pointing out that you dislike the game and posting "facts" about a decline from a third-party tool that even the dev said it doesn't work like that.


Also, why are you so advocate about it if you clearly dislike the game?


Sorry to say, but -1 to you for this.



I'll never sleep again.

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This is a "joke post" by a Dev, right?


Awards?? They are bought by Advertising on the Sites giving the Awards.


Grinds??? I have daily flashbacks to my WoW grinding days from years ago.


"This good at Launch"??? Are you kidding me? This game isint even Alpha testing worthy.


"Voice Acting"? Seriously? Half the responses you choose are "canned" respones.


"Smooth Launch"? Multiple hour ques and crashing cervers is "smooth"?


The only one I can recognise is PCGAMER and they awarded it Most expesive game award yippeee

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Greetings everyone!


We recently removed several posts from this thread for not being in compliance with our Rules of Conduct.


While we do welcome all feedback, both positive and negative, we ask that your feedback be constructive. For better understanding on helpful feedback, please refer to this thread by Allison Berryman.


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While we absolutely welcome constructive feedback regarding the game, we’ve seen many threads recently that are not constructive or helpful. We encourage you to share ideas about what you’d like to see in the game, but will not permit discussions that do not have any constructive suggestions or content, or those that are made solely to trash the game or community or offer no topic for discussion. Our developers and the Community Team are always reading the forums and gathering your feedback, but constructive criticism is much more useful to us than posts that have no explanations or details and suggestions.


Constructive, well-reasoned feedback that offers specific suggestions about what you as players would like to see is extremely useful to us, and we’d like to see more feedback of this nature. However, feedback that states “this game sucks” and doesn’t offer actual suggestions about how to improve the game is not useful and only serves to incite argument, which in turn can make the forums very unfriendly to those who are looking to constructively discuss the game.


We will be closing more threads that do not offer constructive feedback or have degenerated into unhelpful flame wars. We expect everyone on the Forums to respect each other, even when disagreeing, and will not tolerate insults or disrespectful posts. Please remember to use the flag feature to report posts that violate the rules to our Community Representatives – don’t fight! Responding in kind to someone who has broken the rules only makes a thread worse.


We want to work with you to improve the Forums experience and to encourage constructive discussion, and we look forward to your feedback!


We encourage you to please be constructive and civil in your posts. If rude and insulting behavior continues, we will be closing this thread.


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As a reminder the topic of this thread is based on the thread author's opinion of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. We ask that you please keep your replies on-topic and constructive to the discussion.


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Thank you!

Edited by Ellvaan
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This game is not doing 'better than expected.' I won't dispute whether or not it is 'doing so well,' but saying that it is exceeding expectations is a bold lie. This game was heralded as the "WoW killer" that would revolutionize the genre. What were we left with? A half-hearted WoW clone that is full of bugs, lacks end-game content, and has many game-breaking issues.



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lol guys. The game is doing awesome. There are like 100 of you ragging on the boards about quitting. That's it.




The game is not doing well at all. I stipulated a 4% drop in subs every day according to datamined server population data from the above site.

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I know the truth when I see it.


I like to come to the forums while I wait for my animations to finish in PvP, so your statement seemed appropriate.


Haha, that is true as well. I am still waiting for my mortar volley to finish...any day now.

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The game is not doing well at all. I stipulated a 4% drop in subs every day according to datamined server population data from the above site.


And this proves you really don't know what you are talking about.


Post from Bioware



Post from the very guy who created the website you are getting your 4% from




Notice how they responded to your very own thread :rolleyes:

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This game is not doing 'better than expected.' I won't dispute whether or not it is 'doing so well,' but saying that it is exceeding expectations is a bold lie. This game was heralded as the "WoW killer" that would revolutionize the genre. What were we left with? A half-hearted WoW clone that is full of bugs, lacks end-game content, and has many game-breaking issues.




Herald by who? Certainly not Bioware. If it wasn't Bioware, it doesn't matter if someone else claimed it be the WoW killer. If it was Bioware, then you need to provide proof.

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