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The reasons this game is doing so well and better than expected.


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"The reasons this game is doing so well and better than expected."

Are you playing the same swtor that I'm playing? Or is there another "doing so well and better than expected" game named swtor and they sold me wrong game?


Im wondering the same thing.

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"The reasons this game is doing so well and better than expected."

Are you playing the same swtor that I'm playing? Or is there another "doing so well and better than expected" game named swtor and they sold me wrong game?


Pretty sure you are playing the same game just cant realise its doing so well because you choose not to

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First, having record sales does not mean it will retain record subscriptions. Only the next 4-6 months will tell us that.


I like SWTOR. I do. But would I be playing it if it wasn't Star Wars? Nope. I would not have even Beta Tested it or bought it. I'm being honest here. While I like the game and enjoy it, it's nothing new. It is exactly what they said: a traditional MMO with a storytelling/VO addition.


I already own enough traditional MMOs that I have character time invested in, that I would not have given this one even a cursory glance if not for the Star Wars name, just as I didn't give Rift a glance in February 2011. Maybe I would have tried it down the line on a free trial like I did Rift, but if it wasn't Star Wars, I doubt I would have given it more time than that. Just as I didn't Rift.


So, I like SWTOR because it is Star Wars. No, it isn't different enough from the other traditional MMOs that I own to be anything special, and I want it to succeed because it is the only Star Wars MMO available.


Those are my feelings as someone that enjoys the game, and why.


Good post, actually.


Your post supports both camps too, nice.

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By now we all know about the numerous Game of the Year awards already won by SWTOR, and we have either read reviews, or heard on TV (like G4TV), just how awesome this game is. We also know that SWTOR has broken the record for pre-order sales and has set a bar that is darn near unreachable by most developers. We get it. The game rocks. But why? What did Bioware accomplish that has this game skyrocketing so quickly?


- Story Driven MMO. People are simply tired of WoW and its many clones (Rift...etc).

- Character Development. You begin your development at level 1 not at the end cap level.

- In SWTOR "The Real Game" starts at level 1. Most MMO's the real game doesnt start until end-cap.

- Immersive game play and environments.

- SWTOR killed "the Grind" that plagues so many MMO's.

- Fluid Combat with clashing Lightsabers!

- In SWTOR the leveling process is FUN and not a chore.

- Voice-Acted questing. Incredibly well done.

- Smooth Launch! Fairly unusual in this business but BW pulled it off.

- If its this good at launch, imagine SWTOR in a year! AMAZING!



- Story Driven MMO. People are simply tired of WoW and its many clones (Rift...etc).


Subscriber base for WoW says otherwise.


- Character Development. You begin your development at level 1 not at the end cap level.


There isn't any story development for your characters in WoW so I'm not sure what this even means. WoW isn't story driven it's content driven. Lore in optional which is great for some people. This is essentially opinionated.


- In SWTOR "The Real Game" starts at level 1. Most MMO's the real game doesnt start until end-cap.


Pretty sure I'm playing a game while I level and run dungeons. Your statement is opinionated.


- Immersive game play and environments.


Opinionated, the combat system in my opinion is subpar. The ability lag is inexcusable. The environments are nice though but WoW had great environments as well. This is opinionated.


- SWTOR killed "the Grind" that plagues so many MMO's.


Not at all. Quests are very copy paste and are so similar to WoW's it's not even funny. The story provides motivation that's really it. Another Opinionated statement.


- Fluid Combat with clashing Lightsabers!

Are you kidding me? You are joking right?


- In SWTOR the leveling process is FUN and not a chore.


You are repeating yourself, quantity<quality. Another opinionated statement.


- Voice-Acted questing. Incredibly well done.


Meh, voice acting is okay. The cut-scenes animation is horrid. *awkward affirmative nod*


- Smooth Launch! Fairly unusual in this business but BW pulled it off.


Servers were certainly clogged but I didn't experience very much downtime when playing. Last massive release I played was Rift and also had no downtime. WoW came out in 2004 and experienced a massive attack in terms of people trying to login. If they had today's technology back then, it wouldn't be a issue.


- If its this good at launch, imagine SWTOR in a year!


Opinionated. I feel SWTOR isn't very good in terms of a MMO and a okay single player RPG.


I see a lot of opinions and not many facts. Wanna support your points with evidence instead of talking outta your butt?

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Thats odd swtorarena's server data-mining, Indicates its not doing "well" infact its showing vary rapid decline at a 3% per day average for all servers.




View the population graphs befor making such claims.


ah every one have a look at this.. its a really good read



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The reason this game is doing so well is because all of the single player loyalists that have played Bioware's games, bought this one. I however don't think it is doing as well as it could have if it was an actual MMO. It might live up to its potential in 3 months, and would ask anybody that hasn't purchased this yet and see this to wait, at least 3 months to do so. Unless you buy it as a single player game with online elements.


Probably the crux of it. People bought it expecting something it wasn't and had no choice but to do the generic forum whine. The funny part is the aspect of the game they want is actually there, they're just too infuriated that others are enjoying the rest of the game they only have disdain for. Hence even more forum whine. Fact is, they have more fun playing the forums than the game, true no matter the game or what state it is in. They're drama queens, and forum trolling is their cheap thrill.

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Let me guess you get all your "facts" from wikipedia too. The forums in no way shape or form actually represent the majority of opinion in this game. The forums are where the squeakiest of wheels come to squeak. The average player, the majority of players are happily playing the game. If you believe otherwise you are but a fool not worthy of listening to.


Have fun ;)!


Slow down there, immortal being of all knowing.

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I see a lot of opinions and not many facts. Wanna support your points with evidence instead of talking outta your butt?


You could have just said "Nuh uh! That's all just your opinions!"


That's what we do here, btw, we offer up our opinions. Hey, you just did too! It's crazy!

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ah every one have a look at this.. its a really good read




Yes we KNOW the data is compiled by concurrent users.


Problem is, if the game was growing, the growth would compensate for the loss of activity and activity would either raise or remain the same... but its NOT. It's DROPPING.


And i don't mean a 50k drop in average, I mean a drop of freaking 300k+

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You could have just said "Nuh uh! That's all just your opinions!"


That's what we do here, btw, we offer up our opinions. Hey, you just did too! It's crazy!


well here are some facts




you can clearly see that the userbase is declining.


There are several issues with the game including


http://www.shacknews.com/article/719...shed-at-launch this ridiculousness.


and this



Bioware has released what feels like a half finished game with imbalanced classes and horrid performance.


Bioware drones will cling to their game no matter what, but the numbers don't lie.


If you are so dependent on appearing better than WoW then your wrong there too.


Their current userbase is well beyond SWTOR and when it was released it didn't experience a dip in sales at all. In fact it's growth was gradual but didn't reach great numbers until the game was made a little more user friendly. You can see this here.




Your user-base is declining. Customer service is notoriously terrible and there has been nothing but false promises from Bioware.


Say what you will, there are always a lot of people playing an MMO at launch of new content. Visit WoW in early of a new expansion, but SWTOR is showing the same signs that RIFT, DCUO, and almost all recent MMO's showed before they took the plunge harder than the titantic.


My feelings about Bioware are opinion and should be taken as such.


Story is great, but this is a MMO and certain fundamental aspects need to be respected and excelled in as apposed to a single player RPG. There are radical differences that determine success.


All of that said, SWTOR showed some promise with interesting features but for the most part didn't revolutionize MMO's at all.


If you can argue my point with evidence go right ahead.

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well here are some facts




you can clearly see that the userbase is declining.


There are several issues with the game including


http://www.shacknews.com/article/719...shed-at-launch this ridiculousness.


and this



Bioware has released what feels like a half finished game with imbalanced classes and horrid performance.


Bioware drones will cling to their game no matter what, but the numbers don't lie.


If you are so dependent on appearing better than WoW then your wrong there too.


Their current userbase is well beyond SWTOR and when it was released it didn't experience a dip in sales at all. In fact it's growth was gradual but didn't reach great numbers until the game was made a little more user friendly. You can see this here.




Your user-base is declining. Customer service is notoriously terrible and there has been nothing but false promises from Bioware.


Say what you will, there are always a lot of people playing an MMO at launch of new content. Visit WoW in early of a new expansion, but SWTOR is showing the same signs that RIFT, DCUO, and almost all recent MMO's showed before they took the plunge harder than the titantic.


My feelings about Bioware are opinion and should be taken as such.


Story is great, but this is a MMO and certain fundamental aspects need to be respected and excelled in as apposed to a single player RPG. There are radical differences that determine success.


All of that said, SWTOR showed some promise with interesting features but for the most part didn't revolutionize MMO's at all.


If you can argue my point with evidence go right ahead.


Since some of you seemed interested in how the data from http://www.swtorarena.com/statistics is compiled so we would like to point out raistlinthewiz's post here were he talks about how the data is compiled.




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Since some of you seemed interested in how the data from http://www.swtorarena.com/statistics is compiled so we would like to point out raistlinthewiz's post here were he talks about how the data is compiled.





I JUST explained how that is false.


Do I REALLY need to explain it again?

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well here are some facts




you can clearly see that the userbase is declining.


There are several issues with the game including


http://www.shacknews.com/article/719...shed-at-launch this ridiculousness.


and this



Bioware has released what feels like a half finished game with imbalanced classes and horrid performance.


Bioware drones will cling to their game no matter what, but the numbers don't lie.


If you are so dependent on appearing better than WoW then your wrong there too.


Their current userbase is well beyond SWTOR and when it was released it didn't experience a dip in sales at all. In fact it's growth was gradual but didn't reach great numbers until the game was made a little more user friendly. You can see this here.




Your user-base is declining. Customer service is notoriously terrible and there has been nothing but false promises from Bioware.


Say what you will, there are always a lot of people playing an MMO at launch of new content. Visit WoW in early of a new expansion, but SWTOR is showing the same signs that RIFT, DCUO, and almost all recent MMO's showed before they took the plunge harder than the titantic.


My feelings about Bioware are opinion and should be taken as such.


Story is great, but this is a MMO and certain fundamental aspects need to be respected and excelled in as apposed to a single player RPG. There are radical differences that determine success.


All of that said, SWTOR showed some promise with interesting features but for the most part didn't revolutionize MMO's at all.


If you can argue my point with evidence go right ahead.


Other than the fact that some of the links don't work, which is okay, because this post feels more finished than SWTOR. Bump

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Since some of you seemed interested in how the data from http://www.swtorarena.com/statistics is compiled so we would like to point out raistlinthewiz's post here were he talks about how the data is compiled.





"So yet again, the game did not lost active subscribers last two weeks but instead average population of servers dropped down - which is a good thing (meaning less queues if any). " -



Do peoples free month count as a subscription? What about gamecards? Can't cancel either. Average population = people actually playing. What if Bioware counts gametime as a subscription? Do you have details on how it works?


So you are only reinforcing my point that less people are playing the game as time goes on.



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I JUST explained how that is false.


Do I REALLY need to explain it again?


Yet again I want to post my clarification on graphics;


quick info on this; (as I'm the developer of that tool), the generated charts DOES NOT represent user subscriptions.


Instead the tool reads http://www.swtor.com/server-status and generate charts for server-loads based on given population field on the page.


So basically a total value of 800 (in y axis) for a total of 215 server means = 800 / 215 = 3.7 = ~ Heavy population in average.


Where as a value of 600 (in y axis) for a total of 215 server means = 800 / 215 = 2.7 = Standard population.

0 -> offline

1 - 2 -> light

2 - 3-> standard

3 - 4 -> heavy

4 - 5 -> very heavy

5+ -> full


So yet again, the game did not lost active subscribers last two weeks but instead average population of servers dropped down - which is a good thing (meaning less queues if any).


In MMO launches, heavy populations are always expected and over time they normalize - which is already the case for SWTOR -- and those charts actually represent that.


Can anybody with a post in first page of the thread can paste this explanation? So people can get an understanding of the charts before commenting on the OP's erroneous interpretation of them.


Here is an FAQ on the tool as well! http://www.swtorarena.com/topic/210-...tics-tool-faq/



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lol, fail attempt is fail.


Hey guys/gals, let's just sit back and have them post that link over and over.


It's fun to watch how misinformed they are.




Instead of being insulting and not proving a point show us some evidence that we are wrong.


Until then you are just saying we are wrong with no proof.


Please enlighten us.

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Instead of being insulting and not proving a point show us some evidence that we are wrong.


Until then you are just saying we are wrong with no proof.


Please enlighten us.


/waves hand


This is no the tool you seek.


Feel enlightened?

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