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Looking for some advice


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Hey guys I'm looking for some advice on my Maradur, I'm at lvl 27 and for some reasons I'm getting slaughterd. I'm Annihilation spec atm. All points so far has been put into that. My gear is not the greatest but I feel my bust DPS is Low and I seam to miss A LOT! most of gear is based towards Str and Endo, and Crit. Should I be looking for other stats to go with it? Any help or advice you guy's can give I would appreciate it. thanks
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IMO the main reason you are dying is because you are Annihilation spec. It's intended for one target bleeds + self heals; however, if you are just questing to level up, mobs die too fast for the bleed heal to even help you. The way I see it is that you are more vulnerable using Annihilation since it focuses on TIME to kill the mob. When I'm not pvping or doing FP/operations, I pretty much have a hard time doing regular quests on Corellia and Ilum mainly because of the reason stated above. I rarely die, but I always come close to it. Annh spec is awesome for elites and strongs though.


On the other hand, Carnage also focuses on target; however, they are burst shots and you don't have to wait for the mob to bleed to death.


I used Rage up to level 50 for questing and has been the best for me by far. The high crit damage from Smash as well as the less CD of it makes questing freaking easy. Rage is more of AoE, but it really focuses on Smash (the other AoE is sweeping slash).

Edited by BarcodeX
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IMO the main reason you are dying is because you are Annihilation spec. It's intended for one target bleeds + self heals; however, if you are just questing to level up, mobs die too fast for the bleed heal to even help you. The way I see it is that you are more vulnerable using Annihilation since it focuses on TIME to kill the mob. When I'm not pvping or doing FP/operations, I pretty much have a hard time doing regular quests on Corellia and Ilum mainly because of the reason stated above. I rarely die, but I always come close to it. Annh spec is awesome for elites and strongs though.


You must be a bad player to fail with Annihilation in pve. Carnage is lacking for leveling up & rage isnt much better than Carnage. Annihilation isnt a burst tree for one, it's a self healing/ignores armor.


Get a rotation sorted, use savage kick after force charge. Deadly saber, smash, sweeping slash will kill any aoe packs easily.


God has spoken.

Edited by Kodokai
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