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Decieving pvp gear


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So today i hit 50 and finished off the ilum weekly fairly fast due to people just trading the control points, out of my 4 bags (had 1 from commendations) i got 2 tokens for champions gear (gloves / boots), when i went to get the gear i liked the stats on the combat tech gear much more than the eliminator gear (crit and surge), unfortunately due to set bonuses not being visible on the vendor for some reason i bought the combat tech pieces only to realize that they are for powertechs and not mercs, put in a ticket so hopefully i can get my tokens back but just a warning to those out there about to start getting their pvp gear.



TL;DR - Eliminator, not Combat tech

Edited by Juicenewtonz
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Getting 2 set combat tech is better than getting 4set eliminator anyways, and as you say yourself the stats are better.


While 15 seconds off Tenacity isn't shabby, I'm not sure I'd agree that it's better to mix and match sets. You can strip mods out of the gear anyway if you prefer crit/surge and the 15% on railshot for the Eliminator 4 piece isn't bad; I use RS all the time in warzones and it's already critting for 2,400ish in my crappy level 44 blues. More burst is a good thing.

Edited by Rimbaldo
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