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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Day/Night Cycle


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I'm loving the game, but it's kind of annoying to not have a day/night cycle on the planets. It seems like something that should come standard with the game. I think seeing early morning coruscant would be awesome. As would watching the sun go down on Alderaan
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I'm loving the game, but it's kind of annoying to not have a day/night cycle on the planets. It seems like something that should come standard with the game. I think seeing early morning coruscant would be awesome. As would watching the sun go down on Alderaan



No. Enjoy the voice acting. :D

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This isn't Burger King, you can't have it your way. Ya, I think I got your point.


If you want daylight, go to Taris.

If you want nighttime, go to Nar Shadaa.

If you want sunset, go outside.

If you want to run up a moutain, go outside.


Other than that, strap on your lightsaber and do something productive for the gaming community instead of crying about sunsets on a video game.



Edited by YooYooMa
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This isn't Burger King, you can't have it your way. Ya, I think I got your point.


If you want daylight, go to Taris.

If you want nighttime, go to Nar Shadaa.

If you want sunset, go outside.

If you want to run up a moutain, go outside.


Other than that, strap on your lightsaber and do something productive for the gaming community instead of crying about sunsets on a video game.




No crying whatsoever...You may have noticed I said I'm loving the game. Just remarking on something that would be enjoyable to see.

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well I believe it will come in the future.


It will be very very hard though with the programming the huge worlds. It can be done. Will it? I believe in time it will :) patience


Actually the tech to allow for day/night cycles is built into the HeroEngine.



It'd take too much work with the way they did the art & all that.


I know that Bioware mumbled some excuses, but I don't believe that it would be "too much work" for one second. From the 45 levels I've seen, not one single scene relies on a particular time of day or night.


Other games seem to have cut-scenes and yet can allow for day/night cycles just fine.


Plus, the ability to allow for Day cycles are apparently built into the tech already.

Edited by Tarka
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I'm loving the game, but it's kind of annoying to not have a day/night cycle on the planets. It seems like something that should come standard with the game. I think seeing early morning coruscant would be awesome. As would watching the sun go down on Alderaan


Direct light sources look horrible and are recourse intensive. In order to have even a day and night, let alone dawn and dusk, you would have to at least double the size of the texture file to accomodate all the "night" textures, since all the rendering is done beforehand in what they call "baking" so that less rendering has to be done real time.

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Direct light sources look horrible and are recourse intensive. In order to have even a day and night, let alone dawn and dusk, you would have to at least double the size of the texture file to accomodate all the "night" textures, since all the rendering is done beforehand in what they call "baking" so that less rendering has to be done real time.


You sound like you know a little about this stuff. Is that what is happening in this video?



Is the HeroEngine using different day and night textures in that video?

Edited by Tarka
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Ya a small dev house like EA/bioware wouldn't have those kinds of resources to implement stuff like that. That kind of stuff is reserved for massive dollar development project mmo's like Darkfall and Mortal online. Edited by Kleinone
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Ya a small dev house like EA wouldn't have those kinds of resources to implement stuff like that. That kind of stuff is reserved for massive dollar development project mmo's like Darkfall and Mortal online.


Not to mention:

  • Vanguard
  • AOC
  • Anarchy Online
  • SWG
  • WoW
  • FFIX (I believe)

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People say it saps the immersion but really how does having a static earth-based day/light cycle make any sense at all when you're traveling between planets with drastically different solar cycles, moons, planets with multiple suns, deep space, etc.


It's fine as it is I say; if anything a day/light cycle makes LESS sense.

Edited by DecimaPoiuytr
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People say it saps the immersion but really how does having a static earth-based day/light cycle make any sense at all when you're traveling between planets with drastically different solar cycles, moons, planets with multiple suns, etc.


It's fine as it is I say.


I'm not saying they should all have the same cycle...at all. I'm saying they should each have one. There's no reason for them to be the same

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People say it saps the immersion but really how does having a static earth-based day/light cycle make any sense at all when you're traveling between planets with drastically different solar cycles, moons, planets with multiple suns, etc.


It's fine as it is I say.


Well, apparently the HeroEngine can have different environment settings for each "zone". And Day/night cycles are part of those environment settings. You can apparently set up different day/night cycle durations for each "zone" as well. Meaning that a day/night cycle in one zone could be 24 hours long, whereas another could be only 2 hours long.


So, if we think of each planet in the game being a collection of zones, this infers that each planet could conceivably have a day/night cycle with a duration that is different to the others.


As for multiple suns, I've checked this before now, there are only 2 planets in the game with 2 suns. Tatooine and Balsavis. And you'll note that currently even though you see 2 suns on Tatooine, you only get one shadow. So that really isn't a big issue.

Edited by Tarka
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No crying whatsoever...You may have noticed I said I'm loving the game. Just remarking on something that would be enjoyable to see.


Dont worry about such comments man. Whenever someone tries to bring up anything remotely close to "I wish they had" or "It would be cool if" or "I want this in the game" type of threads someone/several people come in and call you a crybaby, whiner, WoW fanboy etc.


It seems anything constructive or things that us paying customers would like or would of liked to seen is met with negativety even if your preface that you like the game.

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