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Bioware, You Want to Resuscitate This Game? Then Implement The Following.


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Because the OP knows exactly what everyone in this game wants... right?


Seriously, shut your yap and play the game. Or don't. I don't care. They have the first content patch next month already. Why don't we just wait and see what happens before we start the hyperbole and melodrama?


I will never understand people like you. The OP did not bash the game or cry DOOOOM. He made a very well thought out list of issue and even attempted to present solutions. If Bioware is not made aware of the important issues then they will not implement them. Or the changes will be added a bit too late, who knows. But the "wait and see" mentality is foolish. Give your feedback now BEFORE people leave and the game goes downhill.


FYI, a content patch "next month" is not an "already" situation. Rift had new content patched less then a month after release. In fact, it is a very common practice these days.

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Which they already blew. Sorry the game will just get thrown with the other failures Rift, Aion etc..


I hope a few enjoy it atleast.


lmao I hate trolls omg. Aion is the most successful online game (ANY GENRE) in the country of it's devs, still. It also happens to be the country with the biggest online gaming market. You just fail, like every damn troll.

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I said it and I'll say it again.



The OP may have some very valid points, but the angle at which he approached this made some people upset.


This is why politics fails.


Sure it did and because of that, apparently we should all pack up and go home. It's over. Let's us all left SWTOR fail because we didn't want to do anything because of a little mishap in the title that he can't change.


lmao I hate trolls omg. Aion is the most successful online game (ANY GENRE) in the country of it's devs, still. It also happens to be the country with the biggest online gaming market. You just fail, like every damn troll.


I'm sorry but that is not saying much for NCSoft. That company is infamous for releasing a massive amount of bad MMOs and those that are coined successful still sit in the shadows.


To be competitive in this market, you actually need to show up within the graphs against WoW because as it stands, most graphs leave out WoW because you can't even see their line it's so high.

Edited by Treyzorz
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Make it WoW....if you dont like it, leave. The list contains only a list of features WoW offers. So go back there and farm your Tier12454893 for the 100th time. Thx.


Can this please be an example for everyone?


Please, sir.


Explain to me how doing anything that betters your game by core functions makes this into WoW.


These people are the reason why your game will fail because they are first to leave once the honeymoon phase ends.


We have damage numbers, does that make us into WoW?


We have companion pets like WoW has. Does that make us into WoW?


We have abilities that can be hotkeyed like WoW has. Does that make us into WoW?


We have healers/tanks/dps like WoW has, does that make us into WoW?


I can go on, but do you finally get the picture?

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I do not know if any of these accusations are true about Xugos nor do I care, but if BioWare were to also ignore me because of him, shame on them.


I have been in this thread for a long time now defending these points and trying to get the message out there to BioWare. They released a VERY subpar game and it needs to be fixed, URGENTLY.


There are free games with better releases than this, at least in certain areas and core functions. This is NOT a joke.


The game like many other MMOS are always a huge success...in the first 30-60 days. That is because people are tired of WoW. They want something else and this is another chance, but again, these companies are rushed to release their games and always end up failing.


Bioware is going down this path.


You're right, we cannot look into the minds of other gamers. Does that mean we cannot view past history in other MMOs and see what is was that made them flee and what it was that made them stay? So we look to the most successful, WoW. We want some of what they have: their functionality, their players, and other core features that still allow SWTOR to be unique, but with aspects to a game that have been proven to work.


We say this in the forums, then people do two things.


Say we want to be like WoW or they attempt to discredit this post or Xugos because of one thing he did in the past.


This is why politics are the way they are now. People.


Xugos offers valid points, yet because of some tone and something in his past apparently discredits anything so we are now expected to just let SWTOR fail? Sorry, I won't let that happen.


And one more thing, I'm here and have been here since the beginning of this post. I have yet to be discredited, so does that make this post valid, again?



You do realise he today and yesterday made at least 2 more spam posts next to this one in the same tone where many people even noted already knowing him for his tone. It is not an accusation, it is fact since you can find the posts on these forums i'm sure.


For Bioware to ignore these kinds of people is more then logical. His thoughts are irrational and threatening in nature. No company is going to listen to that, catch more flies with honey then vi*****.


If this release is a succes or not can be debated. I think according to most people the games launch has been a huge succes. The target number of people playing have been reached. The game breaking bugs noted have been gone unnoted by a large part of the community. The lag bug for instace, every thread regarding it needs explanation regarding it showing that most haven't seen it yet.

Some important features are missing but most of them have been noted by the developers either comming in the future or acknolidge but without any decision (if there is no decision, there is no decision. Can t expect news).

Servers have been tremendously stable, something almost no MMORPG has had.

So the release being a succes or not is a vague statement. It is not measurable and if taking account of all factors you can only call it a succes.


The game like many other MMOS are always a huge success...in the first 30-60 days. That is because people are tired of WoW. They want something else and this is another chance, but again, these companies are rushed to release their games and always end up failing. This is false, WoW felt rushed as well and went great. Rift actually had a very good launch and did not feel very rushed and failed (this has been noted by the so called haters!). Secondly, since WoW there have been only like 5-6 AAA MMO's launched? And 0 of this developer which is very little statistical evidence to go by. And of those 5 or 6 none have failed for the same reason more then likely.



We can look at the past history of games and the reason why they failed. However, they will always be estimates. I think besides the bugs a lot of the failures have to be credited to people just not enjoying the feel and general aesthetics of a game. They tried it and just didn't like it. Far more then any 1 feature missing. And the fact that rift added some of these features in a hurry only further proves this. Now the funny thing is that this is what I think, I do not claim that this is fact like the OP. And I certainly do not claim it for all of the games that came after WoW.



Regarding the actual list he made, I already noted that a lot of these were good remarks but the problem with the OP was that the guy using false statements as I have been trying to show in the previous posts along with rediculously rude behaviour in this and other posts demanding things and saying this game will die etc. Because of the title of the post alone nobody at Bioware will take the whole post serious. Say you were working at some place as customer service, who would you help? The polite customer or the overly rude one?

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Xugos offers valid points, yet because of some tone and something in his past apparently discredits anything so we are now expected to just let SWTOR fail? Sorry, I won't let that happen


Let me clarify this more.


Xugos, who was a weekend beta tester for the november weekend made a review. The review has lies in it, e.g. saying he was 50 and downed the first 2 bosses of E.V. The TOR community were able to see his deceit in his posts.


The reason why I bring it is because every part of his so called "review" was comparisons to WoW and why TOR should copy WoW.


See for yourself.


Therefore he wants this game to be "exactly like WoW".


Also, he just recently posted a link (which is hardly proof if any) saying thats the reason why TOR is failing on his main post. He uses words that Trolls use, "resuscitate" for one. He also has multiple accounts here and at mmo-champ to boost/bump his thread.


I think I provided enough proof that anything Xugos has said should be taken with a grain of salt.

Edited by darthdoll
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I'm not going to read 51 pages worth of posts before I comment so i'll stick to the OP's post and make my post 51 pages long instead. I agree with most of what you posted but there are a few things I disagree with either as a whole or your reasons for them.


- Add a combat log

Performance can be determined without one well enough but a combat log would make it nice just to see what you're doing. It isn't a "*MUST* by any means however.



Part of an encounter is watching whats going on, it takes more skill to be able to pick out what you need than have the UI baby you through the game.



- Guild bank and a better guild interface.

I agree with the interface changes for now. Making the guild more of a seperate chat channel would be nice. The bank I also agree with but I don't think this needs to be done in the near future.


- Implement a threat parse...

I disagree, it make the game more immersive and dynamic if you actually play the game and not a meter. If you keep pulling things you should use that as an indicator not just spam until your meter is close to the tanks and wait. That is terribly boring.


- Improve your servers

I agree here but I think their reasoning behind splitting them is to allow access to quests better. "Kill 10 exchange forces." gets a lot harder when 40 other people are on that same quest and there are only 15 exchange forces in the area. That being said I think they should remove the instances (makes PVP less enjoyable too) and increase the spawn rate and camp sizes.


- A customizable UI with third party add-on support.

Custom UI for layout or theming...yes, addons...ABSOLUTELY NO! Addons just take decision making and skill away from the player. If you're too bad where you cant play without a wall of text and boxes telling you what to do then you need go play hello kitty adventure island or something because this game may be too much. If you're talking about different targeting/casting options then sure add that as a game option but any and all addons should be left in a galaxy far away from this game.


- Re-instate the appearance unifier, even if temporarily. No reason why a battle-hardened Trooper should look literally like a clown with a rain-bow themed assortment of ballistic armor plates.

This could go either way, part of leveling up is looking like an idiot in randomly pieced together gear, maybe add dying or like color crystals affect ls/blaster colors, make armoring slots have a color affect on armor. Simply an option to make your character legit sucks a little realism out of the game.


- Dissolve the universal PvP bracket.

Again something I agree with but want to add to. Bracketing and removing the level/stat enhancing buff would make the instanced pvp game more fun and balanced. I'm actually for only having instanced pvp up to 49 and at 50 you're allowed into a more massive open world pvp zone. I know EA still has some old mythic people laying around, DAoC had (well STILL has) the best pvp system. It is harder to do with 2 factions but still possible and IMO should be implemented into this game.



- A space overhaul.

Another agreement but I want to add my comments. I like the space encounters but after a few trips it starts to feel more like a glorified space invaders game. There is no randomness and the only thing you do is shoot stuff there is no ship control. I'd rather have full vehicle control with fixed guns than able to shoot wherever.

Here is my fix:

-Easily toggle between mouse controlled ship with fixed guns(guns fire where ship is pointed) and a less drivable auto pilot (WASD driving) and mouse controlled gun mode.

-leaving the area causes you to abandon the mission if the main mission isn't complete else exits the mission (and you get your reward) if it is. Timer is only to complete the mission in but you can complete early.

-when you add control to ships you can even open up space battle warzones (wouldn't that be fun eh?)

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Let me clarify this more.


Xugos, who was a weekend beta tester for the november weekend made a review. The review has lies in it, e.g. saying he was 50 and downed the first 2 bosses of E.V. The TOR community were able to see his deceit in his posts.


The reason why I bring it is because every part of his so called "review" was comparisons to WoW and why TOR should copy WoW.


See for yourself.


Therefore he wants this game to be "exactly like WoW".


Also, he just recently posted a link (which is hardly proof if any) saying thats the reason why TOR is failing on his main post. He uses words that Trolls use, "resuscitate" for one. He also has multiple accounts here and at mmo-champ to boost/bump his thread.


I think I provided enough proof that anything Xugos has said should be taken with a grain of salt.


We don't want the game to be like WoW. Man, I'm like a *broken record on that. You guys are so blinded by your rage for WoW it consumes you.


Maybe he worded some stuff wrong, but from some of what I read it was comparing SWTOR to the greatest MMO in history.


He did some dumb stuff, but whatever, let it be in the past.


I'm not throwing out any statistics right now because that sort of information is not accurate at the moment.


Xugos is right on one point, though. These changes need to be implemented SOON.


But again, I'm not Xugos and my point stands. These and more changes are needed and now.


Edit: And to Bolson, I'll get to your point after I get back. You do not need to write an essay to convey your points. It's a hassle having to quote and answer all the points in that wall of text.

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We don't want the game to be like WoW. Man, I'm like a *broken record on that. You guys are so blinded by your rage for WoW it consumes you.


Maybe he worded some stuff wrong, but from some of what I read it was comparing SWTOR to the greatest MMO in history.


He did some dumb stuff, but whatever, let it be in the past.


I'm not throwing out any statistics right now because that sort of information is not accurate at the moment.


Xugos is right on one point, though. These changes need to be implemented SOON.


But again, I'm not Xugos and my point stands. These and more changes are needed and now.


Edit: And to Bolson, I'll get to your point after I get back. You do not need to write an essay to convey your points. It's a hassle having to quote and answer all the points in that wall of text.


You just don't get it. Some points of his are valid but it is about the tone.

And also, it is not a fact the game will die if ALL of these points aren't fixed soon. The only huge huge bug is the lag bug imo since that a basic game function not functioning properly. This is actually a game breaking bug. The other bugs are annoying as well but fair enough, as long as most get fixed in the first few months.


Agree, a lot of the things on his list are things I would like to see as well. But even if they are not all implemented or they find creative ways to implement them differently is no problem. You should give them time. Like for instance a LFG system. Blizzard implemented something at least 3 times before the looking for dungeon system came. And when that came they got a lot of slack for it destroying the community. You could say that after 7 years blizzard has not yet come up with a good solution and threw in the towel because now they also use it for LFraid.


Same for world PVP. Blizzard took the decision to add flying mounts without thinking it through. Even in the Beta people loved it. Now, in the long term there is no world PVP ever anymore and it ruined a lot.


I rather have them take some time in stead of rush things. Especially with new features. Besides that, new innovative things will also make it feel like something diffferent then WOW.


regarding some features like chat bubbles. Really, if that is the reason people will leave this game en masse I quit gaming all together.

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Which they already blew. Sorry the game will just get thrown with the other failures Rift, Aion etc..


I hope a few enjoy it atleast.

This is funny considering Aion currently have 3.4Mil subscribers. Rift is just under 500k. Not sure who you mean by the "etc.".


I think each developer's perception of successful is different.


With that said the OP makes a lot of very relevant points folks shouldn't just discard. Picking out a word or phrase (or two) and honing in on that point despite the other points made is doing this game, and the player base (not to mention the OP) a disservice.


Personally I'm enjoying, do I think there are areas the game could be improved absolutely! Do "I" think some things (like UI or target of target) should have been priorities prior to launch? Yes and as a beta tester since August I made that point known.


I'm not at a point in the game (and according to some dev. posts most folks aren't) that these issues are game breaking.

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You just don't get it. Some points of his are valid but it is about the tone.

And also, it is not a fact the game will die if ALL of these points aren't fixed soon. The only huge huge bug is the lag bug imo since that a basic game function not functioning properly. This is actually a game breaking bug. The other bugs are annoying as well but fair enough, as long as most get fixed in the first few months.


Agree, a lot of the things on his list are things I would like to see as well. But even if they are not all implemented or they find creative ways to implement them differently is no problem. You should give them time. Like for instance a LFG system. Blizzard implemented something at least 3 times before the looking for dungeon system came. And when that came they got a lot of slack for it destroying the community. You could say that after 7 years blizzard has not yet come up with a good solution and threw in the towel because now they also use it for LFraid.


Same for world PVP. Blizzard took the decision to add flying mounts without thinking it through. Even in the Beta people loved it. Now, in the long term there is no world PVP ever anymore and it ruined a lot.


I rather have them take some time in stead of rush things. Especially with new features. Besides that, new innovative things will also make it feel like something diffferent then WOW.


regarding some features like chat bubbles. Really, if that is the reason people will leave this game en masse I quit gaming all together.


You haven't read much of my previous posting since you seem to glide over a lot of my past points. I guess it is 100 pages of material now, though.


I do get it. What I'm saying is because of a mere tone, this whole thread is useless. I've been defending these issues since the beginning and without a tone.


Additionally, I've stated already that this thread does not cover all of the functions and some that are even more important. Other threads have accomplished this such as the ability delay with character animations.


I don't think you've attempted many other MMOs or even if you did, you didn't pay much attention to the forums or truly understood core issues that plagued the games.


I've already stated the LFG system is not necessary in the beginning, but many of the other issues ARE.


We can't give them time because people don't want to be patient. They had all that time during the production phase and beta. Why isn't it out now. People. Will. Not. Wait. That is why this is urgent.


A LFG system does not have to destroy the community, WoW just implemented it that way because it was near impossible to get groups. Then, because the game was so old at the time, nobody used the LFG system so they implemented the teleport to instance system cross-realm. It made it a lot more fun to do, but at the cost of other areas.


So why can't SWTOR work and improve on that? We are not saying COPY PASTE WoW to the EXACT. Those are just conclusions you came up with.

Edited by Treyzorz
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A lot of good things in this theme

and a little word from me to devs also:


First, i want to say thx to developers for a great work you've done. There's some bugs and a lot more work to make this mmo realy great but its ok for so big size MMO.


I like this game for now, some doubts about what my raidguild will do after a month but for now everything is ok.


As an experienced MMO player i have a lot of suggestions to make this game better. I hope i can do it by posting this thread.


Open-PVP for now is pointless. YesteRday i kill some republic guys on different planets (some of them a few times). Its fun first 100-500 times but whats after?

I just do not want to kill republic forces for nothing, and so think all my guildmates. Even on Ilum i i see no reason to kill them.


So i think you need to make a fame system like some other MMOs.

Make fame counter, KvD counter, global leader boards and common pvp stats(and ability to show and hide this statistics from others).

Make, lets say 10 pvp rank, and no ability to hide it.


So lets say i am rank 4 (Destroyer, slayer or whatever). To get rank 5 i need to kill 20 rank 4 players or 10 rank 5 or 5 rank 6(for example). No fame if i kill rank 1,2,3 and 7,8,9,10 (also +-2 ranks is ok too i think)


Some rules, like:

if enemy below 50% hp - no fame or greatly decreased fame but moch more fame if some one atacked me when my hp below 50% and i killed him.

Decreased fame if atacked on mobs

Decreased fame for group kill.

No or decreased fame for recently killed targets. (some mark on killed player)


Also /pvpstat :

Kills: 10000

deaths: 5000

KvD: 2

and maybe: infamous kills: 10 (lets say 10 dark side points for each)

Solo kills: 9850

Assists: 75

Killing blows: 75



A little valor.

Some money bodydrop: 100-1000 will be enough i think, just a little but enough to want to loot.

Open-PVP Commendations and unique items sets with unique visual (mb different for each rank(but then some like "firbidden for pvp-rank 5 or above"))



Some titles and bonuses for 1000, 5000 etc kills (a joke: darth vader item set for 1 000 000 kills and title: Pure evil)

Special pvp skills at rank 5 and rank 10 or so.


There are many ways to implement this system, and more nuances to make it good, but i know thousands of people who will play this game forever with this system implemented.


What every MMO's developers fear of:

Evil pvp players will kill innocent levelingup players:

Yes, we will. But Open-PVP self-regulating this. How?

Guild: Hey guys some lvl 50 group killed me on quest right now 2 times.

Guild: Where?

Guild: Planet and place description...

Guild: Wohoo, lets go there guys there's a few victims for our pvp party 8)


Some one will cry, be sure and even on forums like: "omg omg omg they killed me 100500 times, remove pvp from this game". But on 50 level he will do the same.


And btw: A war going across the galaxy and there is no innocents.

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- Add a combat log. I will say this again. ADD A COMBAT LOG. IT IS A *MUST!* A combat log is needed for damage/healing/tank mitigation parses. If you are serious about having guilds progress in non-mediocre PvE content, these are essential.

- Allow people to queue for SPECIFIC WARZONES.


- Implement a threat parse so that tanks can actually gage how much threat they have on targets. Right now, they are in the dark and they have a disproportionally stressful job. I can personally testify that I don't know a single person, nor do I think such a person exists or is common, that appreciates the current system of things pertaining to threat.

- A customizable UI with third party add-on support. All healers (experienced healers) that I know cringe at the lack of a customizable UI. Click-to-heal made healing fun. Bioware MUST implement this.

- >>>>>>>Ensure mouse-over heal support.<<<<<<<

Hopefully this will never come no parser because they will be abused like in WoW


- Guild bank and a better guild interface. Add options to mass invite all players of x, y, z criteria to a raid group, for example.

Is already in planning/worked on


I would like to see optional chatbubbles though for those who like/want them

Although the Communication of BioWare should be better they listen as evidenced by the short maintenance today

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This is all I have to say on the forum, sorry SWTOR fans this game is dead. It's done, SWTOR has failed and nobody is more angry about that than me. I have been waiting for 3 and a half years for this game and waisted $100. This game will go free to play in no time, they released it to early. Everyone, me included, paid a rediculous amount for a half finished game. Not to mention the minimum requirements are posted way to low, the proof of that is everyone complaining about glitching. You should go by the recommended I know, but when you are excited about the game and the hype of it you really don't look at that and it's their fault. That being said, company's should predict people will do that and post minimum requirements higher. They shouldn't be just to open the game, they should be to decently play the game. WoW did that and that's why their successful.


Another reason why they failed is because you need a computer built specifically for gaming to play with no lag, now one must ask themselves... Play a laggy SWTOR or a smooth WoW? I know which one I pick! I know that SWTOR requirements aren't much differen't than WoW's when they first came out, however WoW didn't have a massive MORPG to compete with when they came out. The industry was relitively untouched, and if SWTOR wants to overcome WoW then they have to make it as playable as WoW. That includes those who don't have gaming computers. You can disagree all you want, and I know you fanboys will but that won't change what is going to happen. SWTOR will fail if things don't get DRAMATICALLY overhauled.

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This is all I have to say on the forum, sorry SWTOR fans this game is dead. It's done, SWTOR has failed and nobody is more angry about that than me. I have been waiting for 3 and a half years for this game and waisted $100. This game will go free to play in no time, they released it to early. Everyone, me included, paid a rediculous amount for a half finished game. Not to mention the minimum requirements are posted way to low, the proof of that is everyone complaining about glitching. You should go by the recommended I know, but when you are excited about the game and the hype of it you really don't look at that and it's their fault. That being said, company's should predict people will do that and post minimum requirements higher. They shouldn't be just to open the game, they should be to decently play the game. WoW did that and that's why their successful.


Another reason why they failed is because you need a computer built specifically for gaming to play with no lag, now one must ask themselves... Play a laggy SWTOR or a smooth WoW? I know which one I pick! I know that SWTOR requirements aren't much differen't than WoW's when they first came out, however WoW didn't have a massive MORPG to compete with when they came out. The industry was relitively untouched, and if SWTOR wants to overcome WoW then they have to make it as playable as WoW. That includes those who don't have gaming computers. You can disagree all you want, and I know you fanboys will but that won't change what is going to happen. SWTOR will fail if things don't get DRAMATICALLY overhauled.


It isn't dead, but if they get the core foundation set to the right path, I think it would be a safe bet to say see you in a couple months.


It is heading to its deathbed, quickly, but if BioWare can react, they can save it.


Two things will keep this game alive longer than the previous failed MMOs.


1. It's Star Wars


2. The game engine itself shows tons of promise.


I have had some awesome PvP experience outside of the scenarios. Scenarios are just too laggy to enjoy which is another issue because no matter your computer, it lags.


Yes, SWTOR appears to have been released too quickly, but it is still recoverable. This game can go places.


Another issue we didn't touch up on in this thread is optimization, but others have done so.


Have faith in the game and BioWare but do not stray from offering your constructive input.



Dont speak for me please.





oh and the ships not sinking.


A sinking ship is one that has already failed.


SWTOR is on a bad path that will eventually lead to it sinking.


Once the ship starts barely sinking everyone yells "abandon ship!"


Yet another reason why BioWare must get these functions among others added quickly. It doesn't take long!

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You haven't read much of my previous posting since you seem to glide over a lot of my past points. I guess it is 100 pages of material now, though.


I do get it. What I'm saying is because of a mere tone, this whole thread is useless. I've been defending these issues since the beginning and without a tone.


Additionally, I've stated already that this thread does not cover all of the functions and some that are even more important. Other threads have accomplished this such as the ability delay with character animations.


I don't think you've attempted many other MMOs or even if you did, you didn't pay much attention to the forums or truly understood core issues that plagued the games.


I've already stated the LFG system is not necessary in the beginning, but many of the other issues ARE.


We can't give them time because people don't want to be patient. They had all that time during the production phase and beta. Why isn't it out now. People. Will. Not. Wait. That is why this is urgent.


A LFG system does not have to destroy the community, WoW just implemented it that way because it was near impossible to get groups. Then, because the game was so old at the time, nobody used the LFG system so they implemented the teleport to instance system cross-realm. It made it a lot more fun to do, but at the cost of other areas.


So why can't SWTOR work and improve on that? We are not saying COPY PASTE WoW to the EXACT. Those are just conclusions you came up with.


Sorry but I didnt read all the posts nor will bioware. Therefore the first (few) post was relevant and was what I was making a point about. And yes, because of the mere tone the whole post is useless. The mere tone along with the other flame threads that make it so other well written posts with the same things noted get ignored or drop down to page 10 within no time.


I played pretty much all AAA MMORPG's during launch since WoW except for WAR. I played some MMORPG's before wow but not since launch. I think I am well aware why most of those MMORPG's failed post launch. The problem is that most of these reasons are not fact and also contradicting in some cases. Most specifically the AoC case where people say that end game was bad even though most people left the game around 34-40 because content ran out. Which was also noted as a reason many times. So please note how these contradict.


Please give me examples of things that ARE absolutely needed in the list besides the lag bug or else the game will fail. But not only that, give me reasons or examples of the past why this specific thing will ruin this game.


Regarding people will not wait. WoW was most popular during WOTLK. Had it's largest rise in TBC. This was after a lot of the bugs were fixed. In the meantime (vanilla) people were playing and having fun even though there were bugs and functions missing (that were available in other games at that time). And not only that, people kept playing even though some things that were "fixed" were actually not fixed like the vanish bug. Or functions that were added which didn't work like the LFG systems. People were willing to wait and play besides the bugs.

Now I see you did not play WoW since vanilla else you would have known that blizzard tried to implement a LFG system from the start of the game, not when it was old again. the LFD system was just their final attempt at it.


As a conclusion, if you had read my post on which you are replying and quoting, I am saying that we should let Bioware take their time to come up with creative ways to handle problems like LFG/grouping in stead of failing 4 times to finally give up and destroying the whole community. This is the direct opposite of what you are saying regarding me wanting to copy and paste WOW.



1. You have not given me clear examples of why this game will die if those points are not fixed.

2. Saying that I do not know about MMORPGS is false. Furthermore, you didn't play WoW for long because you claim you did. This makes the whole point turn 180 on you.

3. You say I didn't read all your posts in this huge thread, yet you didn't bother to read my whole post which you quoted. I mean, come on!


So please just stop already.

Edited by Bolson
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