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Galactic History 1-3 and 15-22


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So I assume these codex entries are from the datacrons located on Hutta, Korriban and Nar Shadaa and as such are not available to Republic players.


As I'd like to read all of the Galactic History entries in order and without gaps, could some friendly Imperial please post screenshots of the text in these entries (I assume writing them down would be asking too much :D).

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Although the Republic has existed for millenia, there is evidence to suggest that long before its founding, a highly advanced race ruled the galaxy. Referred to as the "Architects" or "Celestials" by scholars, these beings possessed remarkable technology capable of constructing or realigning solar systems. The Corellia system, for example, appears to have been artificially constructed.


These claims would seem extraordinary, but many of the Architects' machines survived the ages. The Vultar system was home to an immense "Cosmic Turbine" that could only have been Architect technology, before misuse destroyed both turbine and the Vultar system itself. The fabled Centerpoint Station is thought to be an Architect installation, though many species have claimed it as the work of their own people.


In addition to their engineering marvels, it is believed that the Architects seeded the Core Worlds with life-particularly humans-though some attribute this to Rakata's infinite Empire. Despite the proof of their achievements, however, there is little evidence to suggest where the Architects came from or what eventually became of them.

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In the period after the mysterious Architects vanished from the galaxy millenia ago, several great civilizations rose in their place. The intellectual Clumi species created a vast but peaceful empire, focusing on academic pursuit while droids and elaborate machines labored for them. As a result, the Columi evolved enormous craniums and tiny bodies.


The strange, reptilian Kwa, who achieved interstellar travel through Infinity Gates that allowed them to effectively teleport between worlds, rose and mysteriously fell, eventually devolving into simple lizards. The cephalopod Gree also reached apex in this time, creating technological marvels that have rarely been equaled. Eventually, on the backs of these civilizations would come the Rakata and their Infinite Empire

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In the millenia before the founding of the republic, humans had not yet developed spaceflight. One human population-perhaps the only one-was confined to Coruscant, divided into thirteen tribes. This nearly proved disastrous when volcanic eruption caused a near-extinction event, wiping out a large percentage of human life.


This made humans easy prey for Taung, a grey-skinned species that reveled in battle. Awed by the majesty of the eruption's ash cloud, the Taung took the name "Warriors of the Shadow," decended on the surviving humans and sudjugated them. Gradually the fighting force of the thirteen human tribes-known as the Battallion of Zhell-mustered a resistance against the Taung.


After years of struggle, the Battalions managed to repel the Taung and claim their freedom. Coruscant has been the seat of humanity ever since.

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I really wish Bioware would change the way the codex work so that things that are completely unavailable to your class don't show up as unlockable options. Either that or the Codex needs to be account wide with each of your characters sharing the same one so that you could potentially roll enough alts to unlock them all.


I hate to use Warcraft as an example since I am pretty tired of that game, but every achievement in their system is unlockable by any class. This game should follow that same procedure because its frustrating to OCD types like myself who's primary goal in the game starting out was to unlock all codex entries on my main character.

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