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Enough with the repeat boss fights.


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I am getting so sick and tired of boss fights that take 2+ times to beat. The first example of this in my Sith war quests was when you

turn jeace You had to fight that dude 3 or 4 times.


Then Darth Baras aprentice after he knocks out your crew 3 more times. i dont mind fights that are hard but when i just did a quest that I had to fight a boss lvl mob that I needed to burn all my cool downs even the 20min one just to beat then I have to do it 3 more tiems till its dead come on. Just make the mobs hard to begain with dont cause us pointless deaths cause you sucker people into thinking they are done when infact they still have a long fight to go.




It took me 25,000$ in repairs stims and med packs to beat that Mob thats inteneded as a solo mission mob and he was a lvl below me come on guys.



This means class is broke or something isnt set right. There are tons of group content and I think they are awesome but when you make the game and make solo content it should be soloable not shear luck that you made it past the mob a lvl below you that stops your progress to gain more lvl uselss you beat him or spend the rest of the game pvPing till 50 then go back and finish your story line.


FYI LvL 47 Sith Marauder

Edited by Meluna
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On occasion I've found a boss that was really very difficult. While I was on Tatooine, I wound up choosing to fight the Sand Demon, and man if that didn't suck... Quinn's heals weren't keeping me alive, Vette went down like a sack of potatoes, and I didn't have Jaesa yet (though I imagine she would have likely gone down even faster than Vette, since she wouldn't have been at range). I finally managed to down it by kiting it and getting a couple lucky crits with Force Shout and Deadly Throw, but man... I was ready to uninstall over that fight.


I likewise had a really tough time with the Cathar leader on Taris, until I pulled Quinn out and kept his heals going while I finished the thing off. Still, with cooldowns burned, it was a very close fight.


The thing to realize is that while you can adventure with one primary companion, on occasion you're going to have to pull certain others out to do well, and you're also going to have to be willing to use your cooldowns. I'm typically very judicious in using my Force Choke and Slam against "trash" if I think I might be getting close to a boss, because jumping in, using Force Choke, then Slam and Ravage are key parts of my early damage jumps; then I just have to keep the pressure on til they die. If I don't have those things, I often find that I go down before bosses do.


At the same time, your abilities are there to be used, and sometimes using cooldowns is what's going to keep you alive, and this is intentional on BioWare's part. If you want rep with a particular companion, you don't have to have them out during the fight, just during the quest cleanup where you're either talking to the mob you just beat, or to whomever gave you the quest. Heal up, pull out the companion you're working on, and you can go your merry way.


Yes, sometimes we die. It's fine; I get frustrated with a 10-minute respawn timer if I die a third time, and think that's a pretty huge jump from 1.5 minutes from the second death. But I don't lose XP, gear, or have a rez sickness timer, so it's all good.


Sometimes we also have to realize that perhaps we might need one or two more levels before taking on something. If the quest is yellow in your log, by all reasonable measurements you ought to be able to finish it, though you may have to use every resource at your disposal.


I personally think the Marauder class could use a slight buff in general damage output, but someone in my guild was letting me know that they read one of the devs saying somewhere that before buffing the class, they want data showing whether people are using their cooldowns. In other words, we need to be aware of our abilities and when to use them, which is part of becoming good at our class. Once guilds start shifting their focus from leveling to endgame, those guilds are going to want people who are knowledgeable about each class so they can help new guild members. Knowing that you can sometimes really turn the tide of a tough fight by using Cloak of Pain, Obfuscate, and a med pack are vital things to know as a Marauder.


In short, we have very few useless abilities (if any). I know it's a lot to keep track of on a hotbar, but be aware of your abilities, group them appropriately for easy clicking, and you should do fine.


Also realize that this is a social game, as all MMOs are, and sometimes there's nothing wrong with asking either someone in the same zone, or even a fellow guild member, for help on something you just can't get past on your own.


But at least make the effort first, and make sure the person you're asking for help realizes you've tried all your abilities and all your companions, and then you're asking for help. Shows you've got initiative.

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I am getting so sick and tired of boss fights that take 2+ times to beat. The first example of this in my Sith war quests was when you

turn jeace You had to fight that dude 3 or 4 times.


Then Darth Baras aprentice after he knocks out your crew 3 more times. i dont mind fights that are hard but when i just did a quest that I had to fight a boss lvl mob that I needed to burn all my cool downs even the 20min one just to beat then I have to do it 3 more tiems till its dead come on. Just make the mobs hard to begain with dont cause us pointless deaths cause you sucker people into thinking they are done when infact they still have a long fight to go.




It took me 25,000$ in repairs stims and med packs to beat that Mob thats inteneded as a solo mission mob and he was a lvl below me come on guys.



This means class is broke or something isnt set right. There are tons of group content and I think they are awesome but when you make the game and make solo content it should be soloable not shear luck that you made it past the mob a lvl below you that stops your progress to gain more lvl uselss you beat him or spend the rest of the game pvPing till 50 then go back and finish your story line.


FYI LvL 47 Sith Marauder

if you are losing the fight it means you were not doing it right, plain and simple. Its your fault not the games.

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To everyone but OP:


He is NOT talking about getting killed a lot, although that DOES appear to be an issue, given that: There are bosses (elites) that require you to talk to them after you beat them, and they come back at you again. Go into a fight with an elite and do fine is one thing, but then you go and talk to him, thinking you're done with the quest and he's almost dead... JUST TO GET ATTACKED AGAIN. This is a problem when you don't STOP AND HEAL after this tough fight...


To OP: Sadly, this is what you must do. :( After every single fight, use your self-heal to get back to full strength. I've been on the receiving end of this particular quest myself, and I almost always pulled my hair out by doing so. Just remember to have your Channel Hatred handy... maybe even hotkey it :p

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if you are losing the fight it means you were not doing it right, plain and simple. Its your fault not the games.


And once again another Awe inspiring Post by Hizoka of your a baddie, learn to play



And to the OP, ya, it gets kinda annoying having to fight Noman Karr what 3 times in a row, First time i didnt realize that and forgot to heal up so i almost died then realized that this was probably going to be the case and remembered each time to heal up


On the lord whats his name( the other Apprentice Baras got and tries to have kill you) he killed Vette and i forgot to rez her So during the second fight i was alone(healed at least though).. still surprised i managed to kill him without a companion since he was actually alot harder then any other boss mob i fought on my class story up to that point,

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