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Lord Andraas Server - Cantina Night


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((Hello there, folks! Loryna here from Lord Andraas.


In General chat, we all agreed that there should be a designated Cantina Night (more creative name pending) for the server's RPers to come together and have a good old boozy time! This thread is for picking a final night of the week, as well as planning/volunteering to tend the bar and/or be in character bouncers!


The cantina in the Galactic Market Sector on Coruscant was picked as the most accessible location. It's the second planet, and our capital world. That's friendly to newer characters while still not being a starter planet.


Let the planning for this weekly server event begin! :w_big_grin:))


((Edit: seems polls aren't allowed in this forum? *blink* Well, vote here by replying! Which day of the week would you like to see?))

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I think this is a great start to community events on the server!


I also think Friday nights are a great choice...but maybe start em a lil early (6-7pm cocktail hour?) just so those who are visiting their RL cantina's or have 'date night'/wife aggro management evenings planned can get in on the fun?


Advanced thanks to those who are behind the scenes getting his event up and running! :)

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(( Friday nights are as good as any other, so that has my vote as well!


I play republic, so Coruscant works for me - and better for new characters as well - but maybe either pick another night or move this to a neutral location for Imperial and/or cross-faction? /shrug ))

Edited by Amiawatoa
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(( Friday nights are as good as any other, so that has my vote as well!


I play republic, so Coruscant works for me - and better for new characters as well - but maybe either pick another night or move this to a neutral location for Imperial and/or cross-faction? /shrug ))


That's a good idea.


On Nar Shadda, there is a Cantina accessible (and neutral) to both factions from the first speeder point.


It would be a great place to do RP, and is a sanctuary (no pvp).

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The point of these meet and greets is to have a place that the community can point people towards. By having it at the same time each week, new players and old players alike have a place that they can go to meet new people, or just to socialize. It being standardized in the same place means that even people who don't go or aren't RPers (our server has plenty of both) can point anyone looking for RP to this event.


It also makes for a great place to meet new friends, or look for an RP guild based upon how its members RP, and not just a post on a forum (though utilizing both would be best).


I would suggest a neutral location, like Club Vertica on Nar Shadda.


All you need is your ship, and the Club can be reached off of the first speeder point. The club itself is HUGE. There are many areas to break up the party if the chat scroll becomes too unwieldly, and the main body of the room is large enough for people to just step to one side and be out of /say range, but still visible to everyone else.


Another benefit is, by having it at this time and place each week, both Imperial and Republic players can attend, it's a neutral area/sanctuary, so PvP is not allowed other than duels. Since we can communicate via /say cross faction, this really makes it the most ideal place to do something like this, and it creates more opportunities than we would otherwise find.


I would like to suggest the time of 6PST/9EST until whenever people decide to start logging off (around midnight-1AM EST). I feel that this would capture the peak time on the server so as many people as possible can attend. (http://www.torstatus.net/lord-adraas/history/7d#!/lord-adraas/24h/30d). It is a bit hard to judge the busiest day, but I think it's safe to say that once everyone's life returns to a normal schedule, Friday or Saturday night would be the best time.


What do you guys think?

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I don't know if anyone realized this but you CAN converse across faction in /say in this game. that's different from every other game I've played. Also there was a huge meet and greet RP event at the Cantina on Nar Shaddaa (sp?) Tuesday, Dec 27 that was just wonderful.


I would agree with other players, events like this should be help in a neutral location so all players can come. it will help build a stronger server community in the long run. I'm all for reoccurring RP nights because it's a chance to meet new players.

Edited by drgnmstr_
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